Chapter 62: Don't Fail

Su Meng opened her eyes in a daze amidst the chirping of birds, she didn't even need to get up, just listening to the cheerful chirping of birds outside, she knew that today was another good day.

Suitable for handmade.

Dressing quickly and emerging from the palm-leaf hut, she found herself the last to get up again today.

After she finished washing slowly, breakfast was ready.

Today's breakfast is as simple as ever, it is kelp fish soup.

Su Meng chewed the kelp while arranging today's tasks: "Everyone worked hard the past two days, and today I'm doing manual work in the camp, and I should take a rest."

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing looked suspicious, not believing that Su Meng would suddenly find out with conscience.

"Handmade work? Is it still braiding and rope?" Du Jiayue held a bamboo bowl and sipped the fish soup with curiosity on her face: "We can do those at night."

The trio of Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing's coolies suddenly changed their complexions, and wanted to say why it is difficult to beat the workers, and the wilderness prohibits introversion.

"Don't worry, I didn't ask you to make up those things. Today we are going to try to make pottery. If we succeed, we can use pottery bowls, plates and even pots." Su Meng ate a mouthful of fish and drank a mouthful of soup, feeling comfortable His eyes narrowed into crescents.

"Firing pottery?!" Zhang Lin and Bo Jing exclaimed in unison. Making pottery in the wilderness is unrealistic, right?

Su Meng nodded her head, and threw the fish bones into the fire: "Well, have you two forgotten the small bowl I made before?"

Zhang Lin just wanted to refute that it was different, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to refute, so he could only shut up obediently.

"Don't worry, I've tested it. The clay around the pool and the campsite can be used, and the pottery we're going to make isn't strictly a serious pottery. It's clay pottery at most. It's very simple. .”

Su Meng still looked careless, she glanced at the shed, suddenly seemed to remember something, and said: "While waiting to leave the kiln, let's paste the wall on the other side of the shed, otherwise The wind blows from both sides, so it’s very cold at night.”

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing: What about resting today?Don't tell me that pasting walls is considered manual work.

"Clay, let's start digging around the camp. It just goes around the camp. It can also be used as a drainage channel. It kills two birds with one stone." Su Meng quickly assigned the task, and after breakfast, he took the lead in carrying the engineers. The shovel began to dig the soil.

As for the quality of the clay around the camp, she doesn't really care about that, as long as it can be used, it's not for high-end ceramics anyway, so there is no need to have high requirements for the amount of clay.

Su Meng poured shovel after shovelful of clay that had removed the mud on the surface into the back sash covered with a layer of thatch leaves, and quickly filled the back sash with clay.

It only took her ten minutes to finish all of this.

She poured this basket of clay directly on the sink, poured several pots of water into the reservoir with a steel pot, until the clay was soaked and kneaded into balls, then she moved the clay back to the shed and put it on the table On the very flat stone in the middle.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue sat upright, and there was also a flat stone on the table in front of them, staring at the mud ball without blinking, but their faces were full of curiosity and anticipation.

I always feel that this is a very artistic and elegant thing, which does not match the style of wilderness survival.

"First of all, we need to remove the stones, branches, gravel and other debris in the mud, and then knead them evenly to ensure that there are no dry lumps inside." Su Meng demonstrated with her hands and kept teaching in her mouth Steps and details that need attention.

Her white and slender fingers kneaded and crushed the mud ball little by little, the movements were familiar and natural.

The dirty-looking lump of clay made a "puff puff puff" sound between her fingers, as if she was playing with decompression mud.

And as the impurities were removed, the clay in her hands became finer.

"Then put the processed clay mass by the fire to dry for a while, it is a little hard to make it easy to shape, by the way, you can put a layer of plant ash on your own stone slabs, so as to prevent the clay and the slate from sticking together. "

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue imitated the example, for fear that they might make a wrong step.

"Let's knead the simplest small bowl to test the water first." Su dreamed that the clay ball was almost dry, so he tore off a fist-sized ball of clay, put it on the working stone in front of him, and started a pair. Four teachings: "It's very simple, just treat it as making dumpling wrappers."

"Cracks just need to be smoothed with water. If you want to be more refined and beautiful, you can use snail shells to polish the surface of the clay bowl. If you polish it enough, you can finally polish the clay bowl to a bright shine." Su Meng glanced at the busy four The man, with a slight hook in the corner of his mouth, added: "It can also make the pottery stronger and better waterproof."

The eyes of Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue lit up. They were not handicapped. In addition, the making of clay bowls was really simple, and they didn't encounter any major problems, so they all chose to keep improving.

"The finished clay bowls are baked by the fire until they are completely dry. By the way, you can make more clay bowls, big and small. I will dig some clay and come back. After finishing speaking, Su Meng put the clay bowl she had polished beside the fire surrounded by stones, and walked out of the shed with a shoulder strap in her hand.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue worked harder and harder, and they didn't even care about the mud on their faces, just like four children who didn't grow up.

in the live room.

"I play mud in the wilderness"

"If this pottery can be made successfully, I'll do it upside down"

"I have written down the knowledge points in a small notebook, and I want to make pottery when I go to the wilderness!"

"Did you win the lottery upstairs? It's so sour."

"Wrapped in egg liquid and deep fried, the old wolf king next door is crying"

"Just ask Su Meng when to make iron, so I can take notes."

"It's decided, I will learn from Su Meng's survival and development plan, and I will live happily ever after."

"Laughing to death, isn't this a series that you can't learn after reading it?"

"The Su Meng group is still as gaudy as ever, the other groups are hunting, and this group is playing mud."

"Speaking of which, the other groups won't have another big harvest today, right?"

"Damn, the beasts on this island are either stupid or deliberately fed by the show crew, they are so easy to catch."

"It's all gone. It is impossible for Su Meng to successfully make pottery. The temperature required for firing pottery is very high. Generally, it is difficult to reach that temperature by firing firewood, but it cannot reach the temperature required for pottery. That would mean pottery failure, this group is nothing but a whimsical waste of time, a vase is a vase"

"Ah, come on, Su Meng! Don't fail!"


(End of this chapter)

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