Chapter 78 Su Meng Are You a Devil?


Many viewers who watched the live broadcast almost screamed at home, and even more timid viewers threw their phones out.

I saw a big fluffy spider with burrs lying on Jiang Ying's face!

"Ah, ah, ah, I can't look at it"

"I don't think this is a spider spirit, it's so big"

"I feel sorry for Yingying, the wilderness is so dangerous, Gu Yue, you must protect Yingying!"

"There's nothing wrong with upstairs, right? Why should my big Hu want to protect this woman, Jiang Ying?"

"What kind of spider is this? It looks disgusting and scary, and I have goosebumps all over my body."

"I was so scared that I broke my phone and lost money"


Although Gu Yue didn't recognize what kind of spider it was, he knew that most spiders were poisonous, and it was said that some spiders were so poisonous that they could kill an adult.

He didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only wake up Cao Xuyang to see what he could do to solve this problem.

Cao Xuyang was also taken aback when he saw the spider on Jiang Ying's face. He frowned irritably and introduced to Gu Yue and Jiang Ying: "This is a tarantula. Although it is poisonous, they are not actually aggressive. .”

Hearing that the thing resting on her face was a tarantula, Jiang Ying almost collapsed.

"Don't be afraid, I'll help you get it down." Cao Xuyang let out a long breath, and let Gu Yue hold a torch to light up, while he himself took a hatchet, and after finding the right position and timing, he pulled the tarantula to the ground. on the ground.

Then he directly dealt with the uninvited guest with a hatchet.

It was finally a false alarm, but it scared the audience and Gu Yue and the three of them enough.

After getting out of the crisis, Jiang Ying finally burst into tears, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, her palm-sized face was pale, her shoulders twitched, and her strength explained what makes me feel pity.

"Why are there tarantulas in the shelter?" Gu Yue patted Jiang Ying on the shoulder, comforted her softly, then looked up at Cao Xuyang and asked.

"It should have come in to hide from the rain." Cao Xuyang's voice was serious, and he walked to a corner with a torch, where there was a dry rock, and a bigger tarantula was climbing on the rock.

Seeing that Cao Xuyang also rescued the tarantula, Gu Yue's complexion suddenly changed, and she was about to rush out of the shelter subconsciously.

"Our fish!"


Su Meng was woken up by the roar of the helicopter propeller today.

When she opened her eyes, she felt sore all over, especially the shoulders, neck, waist and buttocks. The feeling was indescribable.

"Did some players get eliminated?" Su Meng didn't care too much. It's normal for someone to be eliminated due to such a big storm last night.

But listen to the sound, those are four helicopters, are there so many contestants around their camp?

And at least four people were eliminated in one night, isn't the chance of elimination too high?

Su Meng shook her little head, and quickly put this matter behind her.

She doesn't have time to worry about others.

She fell asleep on the table with Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue last night. Now that she woke up, the four were still sleeping.

"It's really four cute little piggies." Su Meng chuckled, and just about to open the curtain of the wooden shed to fetch water to wash, when she was surprised to find that it was still raining lightly outside.

No wonder I didn't hear the birdsong that disturbed my sleep this morning.

"Cough cough cough..."

Painful and suppressed coughing sounded in the wooden shed.

Su Meng looked around and found that it was Su Xiang who was coughing.

It stands to reason that Su wanted to take the primary body strengthening potion, and took so many food supplements. His physical fitness was not to mention top-notch, but at least better than that of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Su Meng looked at Zhang Lin, Bai Jing and Du Jiayue again.

Then she frowned tightly.

The faces of Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue were frighteningly pale, especially Du Jiayue, whose exposed half of his lips had a layer of chapped skin.

Su Meng walked over quickly, carefully reached out to touch the foreheads of the four people, and then put it on her own forehead to compare the temperature.

After repeated measurements three times, she twitched the corners of her mouth and said in a very dry voice, "I have a fever."

In such a comparison, Su Xiang, who just had a cold, was indeed better than ordinary people in terms of physical fitness.

But Su Meng didn't feel comforted.

"Cough cough cough..."

Du Jiayue suddenly coughed unconsciously, her crooked eyebrows were furrowed together, her breathing was very heavy, the exhaled air was scorching hot and dry, as if she was bearing some great pain.

She was the sickest of the four, and Su Meng estimated that she must have a high fever.

When it comes to major matters such as physical health, Su Meng has never been a person who will directly make decisions for others.

She woke up the four of them directly, told them about their illness, and let them make their own choices.

"I don't want to quit." Maybe it was the illness that disintegrated Du Jiayue's pretended strength, and she burst into tears with red eyes.

"I don't want to quit." Du Jiayue repeated in a voice with a strong nasal and crying voice, her tone was extremely firm, but softened in an instant. She raised her head and looked at Su Meng with a pair of wet eyes. Full of prayers: "Mengmeng, don't drive me away."

Su Meng:? ? ?I didn't drive you away!

Although Bo Jing didn't cry, he looked at Su Meng with an abandoned look, his eyes were full of injuries: "I won't leave either, I won't retire."

Su Meng:? ? ?No, I'll just wake you up and let you make your own choices, don't add drama to yourself, okay?
Zhang Lin coughed a few times, waved his hands sickly, lay down on the table, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

So give me a quasi-letter whether to withdraw or not. Hey!
As if hearing Su Meng's complaints, Zhang Lin suddenly said in a hoarse voice, "I will not retire."

Su Meng: It's quite fascinating.

She thought about it, and thought that Du Jiayue and the others refused to retire because they didn't know the danger of getting sick in the wilderness, so she cleared her throat and gave the three of them a science education: "Don't underestimate the cold and fever. A little carelessness can take a person's life, especially in the wilderness where there is no medical medicine."

"Don't talk about the experience of fighting the past in the city. It's not the same at all. Even if you don't take medicine when you get sick in the city, you can still eat and recuperate. At least there is no problem with keeping warm. Although a small cold can usually rely on the body The immune system can expel the virus, but in the wilderness, where there is not enough food, clothing, warmth, or rest, it will only aggravate the disease..."

Nature is like this, it can make the creatures that rely on it fluctuate, surprise people one second, and frighten people the next second.

However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Du Jiayue, Zhang Lin, and Bai Jing in turn.

Du Jiayue: "Will you starve us?"

Su Meng: emmm... There are a lot of food reserves now, so it won't make you hungry.

Zhang Lin: "Will you let the fire go out and never burn again? If there is fire, it will not be cold."

Su Meng: emmm... We have a lot of firewood in stock. These firewood are all placed in the wooden shed, and they are not wet at all, and we also have three large baskets of charcoal.

Bo Jing: "Will you let us drag our sick bodies to work?"

Su Meng pondered for a moment, and her tone was extremely firm: "I will."

Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, Du Jiayue:? ? ?
Su Meng, are you a devil? !Can you play the cards according to the routine? !

 The third one is delivered~
(End of this chapter)

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