Chapter 85: The Wolf Meat Rolls Three Rolls

Su Meng looked at the four sharp wolf teeth in his hand, and the two wolf bones with darker color and bruised deposits, and couldn't put it down.

In Tibet and Mongolia, there is a custom that men wear wolf teeth and women wear wolf bones. It is said that it can ward off evil spirits and protect the body to attract wealth.

In primitive times, tribal warriors would also wear the teeth or bones of their prey to show their strength and gain the respect of others.

But she left the wolf teeth and wolf bones purely because it was her first time hunting a beast like a wolf, which has a special meaning to her.

She wanted to make these wolf teeth and wolf bones into simple necklaces, one for her, and one for Su.

As for Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue, a wolf has 42 teeth. Excluding the sharpest two upper teeth and two lower teeth, there are still 38 teeth for the three of them.

Although it is not easy to wear, it is no problem to use it as a souvenir.

After she finished disposing of the wolf corpse, the sky completely darkened.

Then she will start cooking wolf meat.

First wash a piece of wolf meat, add wild ginger and blanch it. This step is to remove the fishy smell from the wolf meat. Let dry and cut into chunks of similar size.

Then she set up a stone stove, put it in a clay pot, and used the fat of the wolf meat to fry the oil, then put in slices of wild ginger, wild onion, and green peppercorns to saute until fragrant, and finally added pieces of wolf meat to stir fry.

After the aroma is released, add matsutake slices and black fungus and stir-fry. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt and simmer until the wolf meat is soft, glutinous and crispy. Then it can be out of the pan.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue swallowed their saliva together as they looked at the two attractively colored and exquisitely presented plates of braised wolf meat in soy sauce.

At this moment, they were all in a trance, and began to wonder if they were really on a desert island, not a Michelin restaurant?
Then, Su Meng brought up the Wolf Bone Mushroom and Wild Vegetable Soup that had been boiled for a long time.

The strong fragrance made Su Xiang and the others swallow their saliva again.

After a while, two plates of braised wolf meat in braised sauce, two plates of stir-fried wolf meat with wild vegetables, a plate of braised wolf ribs, and a large pot of Wolf Bone Mushroom and Wild Vegetable Soup were placed on the round wooden table.

"Well, it would be great if there was a staple food. It's not good for people not to eat the staple food." Su Meng picked up a chopstick of braised wolf meat, and expressed his feelings while chewing the wolf meat.

Su Xiang, Bai Jing, Zhang Lin, and Du Jiayue were speechless and didn't want to answer at all.

"It's a pity that we didn't find chili, otherwise we can eat wolf meat hot pot. Isn't there an old saying that the wolf meat rolls three times, and the gods can't stand still?" Exuding a rare delicacy.

Du Jiayue thought for a while and said, "Actually, you can eat it now. Didn't we make a mandarin duck pot, but there are clear soup pots on both sides."

Zhang Lin also nodded in agreement: "It just so happens that this wolf bone mushroom wild vegetable soup can be used as a soup base."

Su Meng's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly searched for the mandarin duck pot again.

This wolf may have been hungry for too long, and there is not much meat.

Moreover, both she and Su Xiang had a large appetite, and the two of them probably could eat half a head of wolf meat.

The food here is lively and lively, but the life of the contestants in other groups is not so happy.

It has been raining for three consecutive days, and most of the firewood in the group has been burned out. This meeting can only rely on wet firewood to barely support.

But this fire can't burn vigorously at all, and it may go out at any time. Most importantly, the smoke is really big!

Choked them to tears and snot.

If we want to talk about the advantages, there are also some, that is, these thick smoke smoked away the annoying mosquitoes.

And the firewood is not the most annoying thing.

What makes most players miserable is that they have worked so hard to pick and search for the food they have finally saved up, long!hair!up!

But they can also understand that, after all, in such an environment where even the air is extremely humid, it is very difficult to preserve food, especially before they have time to take some antiseptic measures.

As for why Su Meng’s food doesn’t grow hair, it’s because she sprinkled a layer of plant ash on the wooden shed and hut~
The presence of plant ash perfectly keeps the room dry. In addition, their food has been well-preserved in a timely manner, and even if it rains for three consecutive days, the food has not been contaminated by rainwater. Under the triple insurance, Food is difficult to grow hair.

Gu Yue drank fish soup and ate grilled fish, but there was nothing to love about her face.

Can he say that he would vomit after eating fish?

In the past three days, the four of them ate fish in the morning, fish at noon, and fish at night, and it was either grilled fish or fish soup, which was fishy and tasteless.

He now has a love-hate relationship with this fish.

But now they are finally relieved. In this mode of eating recklessly, they finally ate all the rescued fish before they grew mold and bacteria, and transformed them into the energy needed by the body.

Gu Yue believes that as long as they can guarantee sufficient physical strength, they will be able to catch other prey after the rain is over. If they really can't catch other animals, it's a big deal to catch a few more trout and come back. Let's go.

By the sea, in a cave with sea views from three sides.

"It's so cold. When will this damn rain stop? Brother Xiangxun and Brother Zhengxian have been talking about building a shelter, but they haven't built it until now."

Jiang Na huddled in her sleeping bag, her words were obviously complaining, but her tone was very soft, as if she was coquettish with her lover.

Cui Danni bent her eyes, revealing two deep dimples, and agreed with a coquettish smile: "That's right, it's really cold, thanks to the fact that we still trust Brother Xiangxun and Brother Zhengxian so much."

"Ahahaha, isn't it raining? We should at least wait until the rain stops to build a shelter." Park Sang-hoon shrank into his sleeping bag, his voice trembling.

"This sleeping bag is really cold. Didn't you say it's a thermal sleeping bag? Axi, the quality is really bad enough." Chen Zhengxian panted heavily, his face full of irritability.

"I said, why don't we hug each other and sleep together, so that we can keep each other warm, and it will be much warmer." Liu Enhui, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, the other four fell silent immediately.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited.

"Did I hear you right? Sleeping together? Men and women, women and women, men and men, doubles, or groups?"

"Fuck, you can drive this broken road?"

"No way, this Liu Enhui looks so delicate and soft, why is she so open?"

"I bet a dime they sleep together"

"Lou Shuo's words are too ugly, what do you mean by sleeping together, what do you mean by keeping warm with each other (funny)"

"Really? I don't believe it unless we watch the whole thing"

"Suddenly I'm so worried that this live broadcast room will be blocked, hahahaha"

"Wai Guoren is open, our domestic players have not appeared so far, who has warmed up together?"

"Have you considered that it may have appeared, but it was blocked (funny)"

 Make up for yesterday's owed updates~ Today we guarantee three updates, and strive for four updates~
(End of this chapter)

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