Chapter 87: Where's the Fish?
While Su Meng was having a great time eating, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue also discovered this good place.

"I just wanted to call you here. It's because you pick peppers too seriously, so I don't have the nerve to bother you." Su Meng, who was caught stealing the bag, didn't blush, and said that it was unreasonable. Straightforward and strong.

"We can pick more and go home. If we can't finish eating, we can make jam." Seeing that the four of them were silent and stared at her together, Su Meng looked away guiltily and began to change the subject.

Sure enough, Su Xiang and the others were attracted by this proposal, and they picked up baskets one after another.

"It's said that if you want to make jam, you need sugar, right?" Du Jiayue suddenly asked her own question.

Su Meng moved nimbly and quickly, put the gorgeous sour vines into the bamboo basket, and replied indifferently: "It's okay, this sour vine is sweet, and it will be sour at most if it is boiled without sugar. "

"We can add some salt to make a salty jam." Zhang Lin took the opportunity to interject and gave his opinion.

Su Meng:? ? ?
She opened her mouth, wanting to ask Zhang Lin, are you serious?
But when she thought about it again, even bean curd has a dispute between salty and sweet, so it shouldn't be a big problem for jam to be salty or sweet, right?
In order to avoid getting into the salty-sweet contest of jam, she silently decided to cook two flavors of sour vine fruit jam.

Nip arguments in the bud.

While thinking about it, she stuffed a few more sour vines into her mouth, and narrowed her eyes in satisfaction again.

Half an hour later, the five of them looked at the bamboo baskets that were already filled to the brim, with satisfied expressions on their faces.

"Come pick the rest next time. Our task in the morning is to pick more wild vegetables and mushrooms." Su Meng drank two sips of water holding the bamboo tube, moistened her throat, and started leading the way again.

Generally speaking, a year is divided into four seasons, and each season has three months.

Su Meng doesn't know what the four seasons of Taiji Island are like. Logically speaking, the temperature of an island with coconut trees is generally not too low.

Because coconut is a tropical crop, it is suitable for growing in low-altitude and hot and humid areas with high temperature and rain, small temperature difference, no frost throughout the year, and plenty of sunshine.

But Taiji Island obviously does not meet this condition.

The temperature difference between day and night here is too great. During the day, it is so hot that people can get heatstroke in place, but at night, it is so cold that people are shivering, wishing to get into the fire and roast themselves.

In this situation where the temperature of the four seasons cannot be determined, she must be fully prepared, including but not limited to preparing sufficient and diverse food, clothing that can keep warm and keep out the cold, and a warm shelter.

And these have to be prepared before winter comes, otherwise this winter will be very difficult, or even impossible to survive this winter.

Although winter is still early, but still the same sentence, be prepared, don't grind your guns in battle.

And the current temperature is also very cold, almost like autumn.

The five of them explored the surrounding area for a while, until the backpacks of the five of them were filled with wild vegetables and mushrooms, and then they embarked on the path back.

Because it rained for three consecutive days, everything in the jungle was wet, and the ground was extremely muddy. It took a lot of time and energy to walk.

Especially now that the sun is rising, the hot temperature evaporates the remaining water vapor in the jungle. Su Meng and five people walk in it, as if they are in a sauna, sweating unstoppably.

And perhaps because of the failure of the insect repellant powder, many mosquitoes have been hovering around them, waiting for an opportunity.

Returning to the small grassland, Su Meng's amber eyes glanced around roughly, and after finding that there were still no traces of animals, she pursed her lips: "I'll go and see if I caught a rabbit or a pheasant. Go cut some thatch."

After finishing speaking, she put down her back strap, with a hatchet on her waist, and a bow and arrow in her hand, she walked towards the place where the traps and nooses were set.

She came to the first trap, which was not triggered and remained the same as before.

Then she came to the second trap. Although this trap was triggered, it did not catch the prey, and it probably escaped.

However, when she came to the last trap, her eyes suddenly showed horror.

Not only was the trap triggered, but it was also stained with blood.

The most important thing is that there is a plum-like footprint on the muddy soil next to the trap.

Isn't this grassland the hunting ground of the old wolf king? !
Why do big cat footprints still appear?

Could it be that they ran over from the prairie outside?
Questions and conjectures came to her mind one after another, which made her a little confused and even felt a little uneasy.

She thought of the big cat footprints around the camp. Could it be the same big cat?
Is it a coincidence, or is the big cat eyeing them?
Soon, Su Meng thought of another detail.

When she passed by this small grassland yesterday, she smelled a bloody smell. When cleaning up the wolf carcass, there were also bits of meat in the gaps between the wolf's teeth.

At that time, she didn't think much about it, she just thought that she had disturbed the old wolf king who was eating.

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that there are other secrets?

Could it be that the old wolf king had a battle with the big cat, lost to the big cat and fled back to the grass, and happened to meet her who was about to return to the camp?
No wonder she killed the old wolf king so easily yesterday. Was it because of his exhaustion?
Su Meng shook her little head and put these messy guesses behind her.

Now is not the time to pursue the truth, and it seems useless to investigate the truth.

"Forget it, let's go see how the noose is."

Su Meng no longer has any expectations for the noose, sometimes the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

However, when she came to the rabbit hole where the noose was set, she was pleasantly surprised to find that one end of the noose had entered the rabbit hole.

There is a play!

Su Meng quickly squatted down, reached out and grabbed the rope and pulled it out of the outer hole.

After feeling the movement of struggling, the smile on the corner of Su Meng's mouth became brighter.

She set up a total of five nooses this time, and unexpectedly hit four of them. Three of the rabbits were still alive, and one had suffocated to death.

What made her most happy was that the three living rabbits were all females!
It seems that today is destined to be another harvest-full day.

Su Meng's side was filled with the joy of a good harvest, while the other groups were gloomy.

Gu Yue looked at the crystal-clear creek with dull eyes in disbelief.

Fish...where are the fish?
Three days ago there were countless trout swimming in this creek, why can't I find a single fish now?
This unscientific!

Cao Xuyang sighed: "It seems that the breeding season of trout is over, let's find some wild vegetables or mushrooms first, it rained yesterday, there should be a lot of mushrooms in the jungle today, at least it won't make us hungry abdomen."

"Well, I know some wild vegetables and mushrooms, and I probably know which ones can be eaten and which ones can't be eaten." Chen Yongjiao, who had a very weak sense of existence, took the initiative to speak for the first time.

Seeing Gu Yue, Cao Xuyang, and Cao Zhixiang staring at her, a blush involuntarily appeared on her face, but she still mustered up the courage to look back at the three of them, and stammered, "I...I also I want to do something for the team.”

(End of this chapter)

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