Chapter 89 Design Drawings
Su Meng and Du Jiayue were cleaning the ingredients under the bamboo tube. Su wanted to sort out the wild vegetables and herbs that he had picked and prepared to make insect repellent powder. As for Zhang Lin and Bo Jing, they continued to walk around with resentful expressions on their faces. Dig ditches around the camp.

Today's lunch is roasted rabbit meat and wolf meat hot pot. The wolf bone mushroom soup that will be used as the soup base of the hot pot has been boiled again.

The rabbit's skin has been peeled off by Su Meng, and now she is using a hatchet to separate the rabbit's flesh and bones under the bamboo tube.

Seeing that she turned the blade, she picked out most of the rabbit's bones, leaving only some unmanageable pieces of meat still connected to the bones.

Then she cut the rabbit meat into pieces of similar size, put them in clay pots, and marinated them with a little salt, some wild ginger slices, scallions, peppercorns, and lemon juice.

While waiting for the pickling process, she picked out a few wild vegetables that taste good and cleaned them. These wild vegetables will become ingredients for roasted rabbit meat.

Du Jiayue, on the other hand, carefully cleaned the sour vines, picked out some crushed sour vines, stuffed them into her mouth, and destroyed the corpse on the spot.

These sour vines must be washed as soon as possible, and then dried in time while the sun is shining, so that they can be made into jam at night.

She spread the cleaned sour vines on the round dustpan, which she specially wove for drying fungus, oyster meat, and wild vegetables. It took her a lot of time and effort.

After Su Meng processed the wild vegetables, it was estimated that the rabbit meat was almost marinated, so he found a few wooden sticks, sharpened one end, peeled and washed them, and then began to skewer them.

She first wrapped the rabbit meat with young leaves of wild vegetables, and then used a sharpened wooden stick to pass through it.

She moved very quickly, and she skewered all the rabbit meat in a short while.

After thinking about it, she washed a few more mushrooms, cut the mushrooms into pieces, and skewered them with wooden sticks.

Anyway, they eat barbecue, how can there be no vegetarian dishes in barbecue~
Then, Su Meng took out the charcoal and the pottery charcoal pot, put them on the round wooden table, lit the charcoal, and grilled the meat skewers on the charcoal fire.

I have to say that grilling is also an art work. Don’t look at it as simple, but some people roast it, or the meat is completely burnt inside and outside, or the meat is burnt inside and outside.

There are still many skills and methods in it, such as the need to keep flipping, one side is almost baked, you need to immediately flip to the other side, and add some seasonings from time to time.

Of course, in this wilderness, there is no other seasoning that Su Meng can add.

The audience in the live broadcast room was dazzled, and the bullet screen was full of 666.

"It's a pity that Su Meng doesn't sell mutton skewers."

"The boss has a bunch of roasted rabbit meat, put more cumin peppers, no rabbit meat"

"Ah, ah, is it really okay to have barbecue at noon?"

"I just came out of the Waiguoren live broadcast room, and I couldn't help but wonder if they were really in the same place."

"The other group eats roasted lizard, butter flavored, while the Su Meng group eats roasted rabbit meat marinated with scallion, ginger, pepper and lemon (bye)"

"Damn it, I'm actually hungry again after I just finished eating"

"Su Meng is fully responsible for every catty of flesh I grow!"


The aroma of roasted rabbit meat wafted away, and just as Zhang Lin and Bo Jing were staring at the wooden shed and swallowing hard, Su Meng's voice sounded like heaven: "It's time to wash your hands and eat!"

After eating lunch and clearing away the bowls and chopsticks, Su Meng began to urge Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing to go to work after sitting and resting for a while.

Baskets of clay were dug out by Zhang Lin and Bo Jing, and then Su Xiang added water, chopped thatch and plant ash to make simple cement.

And Su Meng began to clean the ground she had chosen as the foundation.

She kept squatting and getting up, clearing away one by one stones, and repeated this process. After more than four hours, she finally cleared out an open space about 12 meters long and wide.

That's right, she plans to directly build a rural earthen house in the 70s that can accommodate five people, has a fireplace and floor heating, a living room and a bedroom, and the floor and walls are all paved with stone and clay.

She found a larger piece of bark, and used charcoal to outline and record the floor plan of the earthen house in her mind, in case she would forget.

"The gate is here, the main room is in the middle, the bedrooms are on both sides of the main room, and then a separate earthen house is built here, which is used as a kitchen and bathroom, and an earthen stove is built in the kitchen, just enough to connect the water pipes. The kitchen and The bathroom is separated by a curtain, and it is not in a hurry to build this slowly when there is time."

"The toilet smells too bad, so we have to build a separate one. It's better to dig a biogas tank a little farther away, lay a sewage pipe with bamboo, and direct the excrement into the biogas tank. Maybe we can use the biogas for cooking in the future." .”

Su Meng thought more and more, and the picture became more and more biased. He wished to directly create a modern civilization on Taiji Island.

Looking at the blueprints she had drawn, she sighed heavily: "This is really a big project. Just the two bedrooms and the main room are estimated to be completed in ten and a half months."

The construction of the earthen house is actually very simple. The difficulty is that the soil on the lower floor is completely dry before the upper floor can be built. Otherwise, the earthen house will collapse by itself after a long time.

She remembered that an old man once told her about this matter, that is, when the kitchen was first built, the construction continued without waiting for the clay at the bottom to dry out, and then the kitchen collapsed within a few hours after the construction was completed.

In this way, she originally wanted to use tiles for the roof, but now it seems that she can only use leaves as a temporary replacement, and then gradually replace them all with tiles.

After all, if you want to burn enough tiles, don’t think about it within three to five months. After all, the tiles need to be dried in the shade after molding, plus the loss during firing...

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle.

But she didn't panic, anyway, this earthen house was prepared for autumn and winter, and she planned to live in the bamboo house on stilts in summer.

The construction of the bamboo house is very simple and fast, so she plans to put it in the back and take her time.

After all, it's only February now, and judging by the weather on the island, she can live in the bamboo house at least in April or May, otherwise she will catch a cold at night.

"Wash your hands and prepare to eat." Du Jiayue's voice suddenly sounded behind her, startling Su Meng.

"Ah?" Su Meng still didn't realize it, didn't she just finish her lunch?Why are you going to eat again?
Thinking of this, Su Meng realized belatedly that the sky had already darkened at this moment, and night began to gradually cover the island.

So she has been moving stones all afternoon?

No wonder my body is so sore.

Su Meng couldn't help laughing, and obediently followed Du Jiayue to wash her hands and eat.

Do the rest of the work tomorrow, it's too late today.

Today's dinner is an unremarkable grilled fish and stewed venison with wild vegetables.

After eating, Du Jiayue did not take a rest, but took the initiative to wash the pots and dishes, and she was going to start making sour vine fruit jam.

If the sour vines that have been soaked in water are not disposed of as soon as possible, even if the water is dried, they will rot and mold if they still cannot be placed.

Because Su Meng said that she wanted to make two flavors of salty and sweet jam, she divided all the sour vines equally and cooked them in two steel pots.

Jam is actually not difficult to make, the only difficulty is that you need enough patience.

Du Jiayue added a little lemon juice to two steel pots, then added an appropriate amount of salt to one steel pot, and then slowly stirred with a bamboo spoon.

The sour vines in the steel pot gradually began to flow bright red juice, and as time went by, the flesh was slowly melting, and a sweet and greasy smell wafted out, making people feel salivary just by smelling it.

At this time, Su Meng was scraping the minced meat on the rabbit skin with a hatchet. With the piece of rabbit skin they got today, they now have two pieces of rabbit skin, just enough to make a pair of rabbit leather shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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