Chapter 92 Where Are We Going?
In the afternoon, the scorching sun scorched the jungle, and the camp where Su Meng was staying was in full swing.

Zhang Lin and Bo Jing were still digging ditches half a person's height around the camp, and by the way, put the dug clay into baskets so that it would be convenient for Su Xiang to carry and mix the mud.

While Su Meng is filling the foundation with reconciled clay, Du Jiayue is still washing dishes, brushing pans, rubbing ropes, and weaving handmade items such as back slings, bamboo baskets, and dustpans.

After working for more than an hour, Su Meng finally filled the foundation.

"Mengmeng, drink some mint lemonade." Du Jiayue came over with a pottery cup. The water in it had already cooled down, and with a little raspberry jam, it tasted sweet and sour. With a cool.

It was as if the heat from the whole body had been dispelled.

After drinking the mint lemonade, Su Meng continued to get busy again, and she was about to start building the frame of the house.

Su Meng has collected the light pillars for a long time. The collected wood is peeled first, then cut into squares according to the size, and the upper end is opened, so that the pillars can be packed.

After the pillars are processed, the following is the construction work. First, holes are dug. After each hole is dug according to the size, the pillars are placed, and then the bamboo and the beams are set together using the mortise and tenon structure, and then fixed with wooden nails.

After fixing it, we started to build the roof. We chose to cover the roof with grass, so that the prototype of the frame of the house was built.

The next step is to build a wall, one layer of clay and one layer of stone. The earth wall is built round by round. After a few rounds, the earth wall can be built.

The tools used to break the earth wall are mainly mast boards and tamping pestles.

The mast board is equivalent to a mold, one end is fixed, and the other end is a wooden clip. When hitting the wall, the wooden clip is stuck.

Below the wall-beating pestle is a semi-conical iron pestle head, with a "D"-shaped wooden handle, holding the crossbar with both hands, lifting it up and using the inertia of the fall to ram it down forcefully.

In fact, this kind of earthen house has a long history in Huaguo. Even in the 90s and [-]s, many villages still had this kind of building.

Compared with modern cities, this kind of earth house looks rustic and backward, but it also has many advantages, such as heat insulation and moisture insulation, warm in winter and cool in summer, etc.

However, Su Meng still used clay to fix the stones, and did not complete the step of building a wall.

Besides, hitting earth walls is physical work. She is a delicate and weak woman, so she is really not suitable for this job, so she decided to hand over this glorious and arduous task to Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing, the three coolie teams. (strike out) Manly.

In the busyness, time passed unconsciously, and dusk came quietly again.

A wisp of cooking smoke rises from the wooden shed, and the smell of food spreads in all directions.

At this moment, the walls of the earthen house have been built to a height of nearly one meter, and the inside is filled with stones and some moist clay.

"Mengmeng, you are amazing!" Du Jiayue's rainbow fart arrived even though she was late: "You built such a high wall in only one afternoon, it must have been hard work, right? Let me rub your arms~"

Su Meng nodded very sincerely this time, enjoying Du Jiayue's massage service with peace of mind.

The entire wall is 12 meters wide, and she stooped to move the stones and paste clay on them, and the stones are not as smooth and easy to build as bricks.

"I'll deal with this bit of wall after dinner, and these earthen walls need to rest for a few days, and the earthen wall underneath becomes dry and hard before continuing to build up." Su Meng explained softly, looking at herself With the fruits of today's labor, I couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

"Is it so troublesome?" Du Jiayue was stunned, and stared blankly at Su Meng: "Are we going to build such a big house?"

"Well, I plan to directly build a two-bedroom and one-living room. Calculated according to the area of ​​a modern house, that is, the usable area is more than 60 square meters. At that time, we will live in one room, and Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bai Jing will live in one room. The kitchen and toilets will be built slowly later, there is no rush." ​​Su Meng smiled, her eyes full of expectations for the future.

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned when they heard this.

"My god, Su Meng really wants to masturbate on a deserted island?"

"It's numb, the workers can't even afford a toilet in the city, so they resign and go back to their hometown to build a self-built house and let it go bad."

"Wake up upstairs, do you have a homestead?"

"I'm heartbroken old man"

"Has Su Meng really never worked on a construction site? Why is she so proficient?"

"I feel sorry for Daxian, he has been digging for a day!"

"Brother Su Xiang is miserable, his shoulders are worn out."

"This group of cliffs is here for vacation, and the other groups are at best building a bamboo house"

"Please guide me, which group built the bamboo house?"

"It's the Jiang Chuan group that Gayaozi doesn't use anesthesia"


At night, the mountain wind blows through the jungle, and the wood is burning with flames to emit a little spark.

Inside the shelter, Gu Yue, Cao Xuyang, Cao Zhixiang, and Chen Yongjiao sat around the fire, discussing arrangements for tomorrow.

"There really seems to be no trout in that creek." Gu Yue frowned, with a serious expression: "Tomorrow, let's explore further afield, hoping to find food."

Cao Xuyang sighed: "Yes, and there are large wild animals in this area, it is too dangerous, if there is no food, then we can only..."

"We have almost explored the surrounding areas. If we want to explore farther places, we will not be able to return to the shelter before dark." Cao Zhixiang poured cold water.

The atmosphere fell silent again.

The jungle at night is very dangerous. Exploration can only be carried out during the day, and the road in the jungle is not easy to walk. You need to beware of poisonous snakes and insects hiding in the dark. You can't go too far in a day.

Unless spending the night outside, wait until dawn the next day before returning to the shelter.

Chen Yongjiao quickly said: "We can eat wild vegetables and mushrooms."

"Winter is coming soon, and the wild vegetables and mushrooms here can only last for another week." Cao Xuyang looked a little indifferent under the light of the fire.

Gu Yue was silent for a while, then raised her head, her expression serious and serious: "Then move, find a better place to build a new shelter."

This is like those migrating animals, only by constantly migrating can they find that chance of survival.

Cao Zhixiang stared at Gu Yue suddenly, and asked word by word: "What if the resources in the new place are not rich? Can't you find any meat?"

Gu Yue sneered, but her expression was extremely resolute: "Then keep moving until you find a place with abundant resources where you can eat meat."

"Then where are we going?" Seeing that Gu Yue had already made a decision, Chen Yongjiao didn't say anything more, and asked the core question directly.

Gu Yue didn't speak, but turned to look at Cao Xuyang who was on the side.

(End of this chapter)

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