After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 290 Just Want to Give Her a Warning

Chapter 290 I just want to give her a warning

Lu Jing completely ignored it, turned around and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Jiang Qiu:
"You can't go!"


The security room is not far away, and the corner of Lu Jing's mouth is cold:
"Ms. Jiang, please let go!"

The tone was very cold.

You know, Lu Jing rarely uses this attitude.

It can be seen that at this moment, he is really angry.

Who is Jiang Qiu?

She can be powerful in the Jiang family, and because of the background of the Jiang family outside these years, everyone has to respect her.

Therefore, Jiang Qiu didn't pay attention to Lu Jing's response at all.

However, Jiang Qiu didn't seem to have thought about it, how could the Lu family be afraid of her?
In the past, everyone had nothing to do with each other, so forget it.

But now, you have started directly, so what else can you do?


"Uncle Security, please call the police, there is a lunatic woman restricting my freedom of life!"

Of course, the uncles in the security room knew Lu Jing. On weekdays, Lu Jing would take the initiative to say hello to them every time he commuted to get off work. Over time, he became acquainted.

At this moment, two people rushed out of the security room, and they came up and held Jiang Qiu down:
"Don't be afraid, Doctor Lu, the police have already been reported!"

Lu Jing nodded:

"Thank you uncles."

"It should be."

When Jiang Qiu came here this time, he brought a driver with him. Seeing that something was wrong, the driver wanted to come down and explain.

Who knows, it was held down as soon as it came down.

"Okay, in broad daylight and bright sky, do you want to kidnap someone? Have you eaten the gall of a bear's heart and a leopard?"

Several security uncles may have watched too many police and gangster movies.

Lu Jing couldn't help laughing a few times.

It was Jiang Qiu, who seemed to have finally calmed down at this moment:
"Let go! Release me! Do you know who I am?"

Lu Jing's face froze, his eyes swish to Jiang Qiu, he wanted to say something, but the police had already arrived.

There are police patrols outside the hospital 24 hours a day, and the police office is not far away, just 2 minutes away.

Now that the police had arrived, he didn't bother to say any more, and went forward to explain the situation.

There are surveillance cameras everywhere, and you can tell if it is true or false if you call it out, not to mention, there are several security uncles who testify.

The final result is: Jiang Qiu was taken away by the police uncle.

As for the driver, I really want to come forward and plead for mercy:
"Miss Lu"

Lu Jing suddenly asked, "Are you the driver of the Jiang family?"

The driver shook his head:

"No, I was temporarily sent by the company."

Lu Jing waved his hand:

"Let's go, it's none of your business."

Even if the company asks, truth be told, there will be no delay.

Jiang Qiu was taken away, and Lu Jing had to follow him to the police station.

No way, that's how the program works.

But, it's really tiring.

Lu Jing called Lu Yan directly:
"Brother, something just happened to me.


okay, I get it. "

With Lu Yan to deal with it, Lu Jing is no longer needed.

Even, there is no need to go to the police station, a lawyer will rush there immediately.

Of course, Jiang Qiu won't be affected. After all, no matter what she wants to do, it's still a failure.

After all, I just wanted to give her a warning.

From now on, don't bother to come to the front if you have nothing to do, otherwise, you will not be polite.

I believe that after Jiang Qiu had this experience, the president's memory was probably forgotten.

Lu Jing returned to the family building of the fire brigade, hurriedly cooked a bowl of noodles to eat, and quickly took a shower. He didn't want to wash the pots and bowls, and threw them in the kitchen sink.

The man has returned to the room, lying on the bed.

After a few seconds, he fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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