After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 293 Hug my daughter-in-law, don't be afraid to see

Chapter 293 Hug my daughter-in-law, don't be afraid to see
Do you know where this is?
The treatment room!

Lu Jing frowned and almost caught a fly:

"Jiang Ye, I'll count to three, get me dressed right away!

One or two."

The man could only stop when he took off half of his movements, and then looked at the woman helplessly:

"Daughter-in-law, how do you see the wound if I don't take it off? How can I give me medicine?" asked.

Soon, the man exposed his thigh, and an oval wound with a diameter of about seven or eight centimeters appeared.

There were obvious traces of pus around the wound, which was already infected.

If you don't deal with it, you may end up with amputation to save your life.

Lu Jing took a deep breath and stared at the wound:
"How did it hurt?" asked cautiously.

Jiang Ye didn't care, he didn't feel any pain at all:
"It was scraped during the rescue."

To put it simply.

"A few days?"

"Five days."

five days?

Haven't dealt with it for so long?

But if it's been dealt with, it won't be like this now, it's all festering and oozing pus.

Forget it, it doesn’t make sense to say it doesn’t make sense.

After holding his breath for a few seconds, he spoke again:
"sit down."


The man sat down obediently this time and didn't make any trouble.

After that, Lu Jing debride him, apply medicine, and bandage him.

The whole process was very fast, and the man didn't even snort.

When the last step of bandaging was over, Jiang also directly pulled the person onto his uninjured leg and sat down.

Lu Jing was startled:
"What are you doing, I gave you good medicine, stop fooling around!"

I was afraid that someone would suddenly push the door and come in at this moment, and they would be able to ascend to heaven on the spot.

"Just hold for a while."

"No, loose!"

Seeing the woman's resolute attitude, Jiang could only let go.

Lu Jing stood up at once and took a few steps back:

"Are there any injuries there?"


That's good.

Bend down and clean up the piece you just made.

After packing up, he shouted:

"Let's go, get off work, are you still here for the New Year?"

That's not going to happen.

After all, who would like to spend Chinese New Year here?
The man followed suit again.

When I got downstairs, I found out that this fellow actually drove here?

Just two opposite sides, no more than 5 minutes' walk away.

He couldn't help but click his lips several times, but thinking about the injury on the man's leg, he didn't say anything.

Open the door and get in the car.

However, after the man started the car, he did not go back to the fire brigade opposite, but turned in a different direction.

"Where are you going?"

"Eat breakfast."

The situation has been inquired long ago. This woman has been busy with surgery all night, but she has no time to go to the cafeteria for breakfast or something.

Lu Jing's eyelids are fighting:

"I don't want to eat, okay? I just want to sleep now."

"No! The habit of skipping breakfast is not good, and it will cause many diseases."


Fortunately, the place to go is not far, and the car quickly stopped in front of a breakfast shop.

"Daughter-in-law, get out of the car, go back to rest after eating."

Lu Jingqiang cheered up, the man had already opened the car door, and then hugged him directly.

There are many people in the breakfast shop.

For a time, wow sound, whistling sound one after another.

Lu Jing was drowsy and scared away:

"What are you doing? Let me down."

Did this man forget that he was still wearing the standard uniform?
Jiang also smiled happily, lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice:
"I didn't hold other women, I was holding my daughter-in-law, so don't be afraid to watch!"

(End of this chapter)

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