After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 313 I'm Not Picky Eater

Chapter 313 I'm Not Picky Eater
This is her own woman!

Although Lu Jing was standing on the balcony, he knew that someone at home had poured the vinegar jar again.

"Brother, let's do this first, and then contact me if something happens."

After finishing the call, Lu Jing didn't move, just stood there, looking at him amusingly with his head sideways.

Jiang also moved over, of course knowing that his daughter-in-law and brother-in-law had ended the call:
"Cough cough."

"Why? I called my brother and I didn't talk to anyone else."

If you're jealous, let's look at the object first, okay?

The handsome face of the man is very arrogant:

"That doesn't work either, you're mine."

Lu Jing couldn't hold back, and rolled his eyes.

Then, he was hugged by a man:

"What would you like to eat tonight?"

Yes, it's almost time.

"There is no food at home."

Haven't come to stock up yet.

Jiang also knew what to do when he heard it:

"Okay, then go buy it first."

I must buy it, otherwise, what will I eat later?
You can't eat in the cafeteria every day, right?

Even if you eat in the cafeteria, a man has to bring it back, which is too troublesome.

"Wait for me five minutes."

As he said that, he had already run back to the bedroom.

Jiang also shrugged in place, and shook his head amusingly.

5 minutes, no more, no less.

"I'm fine, let's go."

She had already changed into her clothes, washed her face again, and tied her hair again.

Jiang Ye was still wearing a body suit, and he didn't plan to change it.

Going downstairs, the two discussed where to buy food.

"The vegetable market is picking the rest at the moment. Let's go to the supermarket."

Jiang also has no objection to this:


For Jiang Ye, it’s the same wherever you buy it, and it doesn’t make much difference whether it’s good or picking the rest.

The single most important thing is: Who is the person by your side?

As long as it is this person, everything is fine, and the poison can be drunk willingly.

Of course, Lu Jing couldn't have poisoned Jiang Ye or something.

The supermarket is not far away, and it only takes a few minutes to walk there.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women attracts attention. As soon as the two enter the supermarket, they are always looking at them.

"Look, look, it's from the fire brigade, so handsome!"

"The men are handsome, and the women are also beautiful, okay?"

"Tsk tsk, little brother and sister are really good match!"

That is!

Lu Jing was very uncomfortable, so he pulled Jiang and quickly hid.

Fortunately, there are not so many young people here, basically middle-aged or elderly people are here.

"What do you want to eat?"

Jiang also smiled very happily:

"It's okay, you know, I'm not picky eaters."

Not picky eaters?
Are you sure you're talking about yourself?

This guy has been known for being a picky eater since he was a kid, okay?

Of course, as the prince of the Jiang family, people have this capital to pick!
However, in the team, it seems that they do not choose very much. They can eat whatever they want, as long as they can fill their stomachs.

Lu Jing curled the corners of his mouth a few times, and stopped asking more questions, and picked some live shrimp himself.

After picking it up, I troubled the staff to help me deal with it.

After that, the two began to choose dishes.

With the previous experience, Lu Jing didn't bother to ask the man next to him, he could take whatever he liked.

Jiang also happily followed without any comments.

In the end, he pushed a large cart over to the cashier to check out, and when he passed a shelf, Jiang also stopped.

After Lu Jing found out, he stopped and looked over.

However, when he saw the small boxes on the shelf, he blushed directly to the back of his neck.

Hiss, it's all small umbrellas!

(End of this chapter)

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