After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 320 Her brother may not be his own

Chapter 320 Her brother is not necessarily biological


"What's wrong with that?"

Mother Lu quickly shook her head:

"No, no problem, just"

For ordinary people, this is really no problem.

But is Jiang also an ordinary person?
Is the Jiang family an ordinary family?

Even the Lu family is not ordinary.

At least, over the years, Father Lu has never washed the dishes, and he only does the work of a chef anyway.

"Mom, isn't it time for your thinking to improve?"

As a daughter, how can you not guess what your mother thinks?
What age is this?

Isn't it normal for men to wash pots, wash dishes and bring babies?
Besides, isn't he the one who does every meal every day?

"Okay, okay, I can't take care of you and Xiaoye, what do you like."

The mother and daughter chatted for a while, and when they were about to end the call, Lu Jing suddenly asked:
"Mom, Jiang Qiu and Gu's family, is there something wrong?"

As a junior, you definitely don't know much about the elders.

But Mother Lu and them are the same generation, and everyone is in the same circle. If there is something, you must know more or less.

Sure enough, when Lu Jing finished asking, Mother Lu said:
"It's something, but that was many years ago."

Lu Jing suddenly started gossiping:

"Mom, tell me quickly, what happened to Jiang Qiu and the Gu family?"

Mother Lu didn't really want to say:
"Why are you asking this? Don't keep inquiring about other people's private affairs, the girl's family has nothing to do with you!"

It's ok?
"Mom, did you forget? I sent Jiang Qiu to the police station two days ago."

Is this okay?

In layman's terms, hatred has grown.

Mother Lu immediately reacted to this, and immediately looked like a thunderbolt:
"Yeah, I really forgot."

Look at this memory, it is really old!

"Jiang Qiu and the Gu family have been together before, right?"

"Have they been together?"

"Well, the rumor is that, but in reality, no one saw it."

But as the saying goes: there is no wind and no waves, isn't it?
For Lu Jing, to know this news, he can already figure out some things.

"Mom, between Gu Xiyue and Jiang Qiu."

Mother Lu hurriedly said:
"Don't think too much, she is not related by blood, and the daughter of the Gu family is indeed Mrs. Gu's biological daughter."

"I know they're not a mother-daughter relationship, but Jiang Qiu is too kind to Gu Xiyue, which makes people suspicious."

On the phone, Mother Lu hesitated for a while, then suddenly approached quietly:

"Daughter, I actually had doubts about your mother before, but I have no evidence."

"Mom, what do you suspect?"

"Well, Gu Xiyue is Mrs. Gu's own daughter, but whether the young master of the Gu family is Mrs. Gu's own, this has yet to be determined!"

The young master of the Gu family?
That is, the heir of the Gu family, the younger brother of Gu Xiyue?
No, no, it's still a question of whether it's a real brother.

"Mom, is this possible?"

Mother Lu coughed:
"It's impossible that I don't know. It was mentioned many years ago when I heard people gossip."

Whether it is true or not, then we have to find an opportunity to confirm.

Lu Jing was shocked. If things were really as Lu's mother guessed, then it would be good to see.


"Okay, Mom, I understand, let's hang up first."

A typical bridge crossing the river~
(End of this chapter)

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