Chapter 331

The onlookers haven't recovered yet, and the firefighters on the ground have already rushed over.

"Team Jiang!"

"Are you okay?"

Jiang also shook his head:

"It's okay, the person fainted, let the emergency doctor come over."


In fact, there is no need for the team members to shout, and there are quite a few doctors present.

"Come on, put people flat, and I'll see."

Even the team members didn't notice that the captain of their family had not moved from the beginning to the end of his life. After taking the child away, everyone's attention was obviously on rescuing the child.

Only Lu Jing kept staring at Jiang Ye.

Naturally, Jiang Ye's strangeness was also seen in his eyes.

The legs were a little weak involuntarily, but they still stepped forward at the fastest speed:
"Where is the injury?"

The tone was urgent.

Jiang also smiled when he saw Lu Jing for the first time:


Very ruffian.

Lu Jing's face was very cold, and he interrupted:
"Don't be poor!"

Do you know the priority of things?

Are you embarrassed to laugh?
If there weren't too many people around, Lu Jingjing wanted to beat them directly.

In just a few days, I have experienced two fears, who can stand it?
Each time the impact is stronger than each time, I am really worried. If I come again, will my heart jump out directly?

Of course Jiang also saw the woman's worry and nervousness. No, she just wanted to comfort her.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm really fine."

"Stop, is it okay? Then you jump up and show me now."

Although Jiang Ye has been smiling all the time, at this moment, there is a sense of sight that laughter is uglier than crying.

"Come on in the future, now you're helpless."

Can be regarded as admitted.

Lu Jing pursed his lips tightly:
"Where is the injury?" he asked again.

"Waist, dodge."

He jumped down from a twenty-story building, and even held on to a seventeen- or eight-year-old girl, she bowed her waist, which was considered very lucky.

Lu Jing glanced around and found a wheelchair not far away.

"Don't move, I'll be right back."

When Lu Jing came over with a wheelchair, the team members finally reacted:

"Team Jiang, are you injured?" asked.

Jiang also waved to the two team members:

"Small injury, come and help me."

"Oh, here we come."

The whole person was almost held up by the two team members, which did not require the slightest effort at all.

Lu Jing also arrived and thanked the two team members:

"Thank you."

"No, no, sister-in-law, don't be polite."

Lu Jing nodded, then looked at the person in the wheelchair:

"Anything else you need to do here?" asked.

Jiang also shook his head:

"Need not!"

Everyone has been saved, so what else needs to be done?
Everyone packs up and goes back to the team.

Lu Jing hummed:
"I'll push you in to take a film first, to see if the injury is serious." He said.

The man immediately refuses:

"Daughter-in-law, isn't it necessary? Just keep it for two days."

Like this flashing waist, flashing feet, it is almost commonplace in the fire brigade.

However, Lu Jing himself is a doctor of orthopedic surgery, and he knows very well that once there are sequelae, it will be a lifetime thing!
When it is windy and rainy, or during the solar term, it will hurt to death.

Lu Jingjing didn't speak, but Captain Jiang obediently shut up.

OK, check it out.

Otherwise, what is this woman worried about?
A few minutes later, Jiang had also been pushed into the examination room, and of course Lu Jing did not go out.

(End of this chapter)

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