After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 336: A Straight Man Who Is Stronger Than Steel

Chapter 336: A Straight Man Who Is Stronger Than Steel
"Team Jiang, Maozi's girlfriend sent some special products from his hometown, and we are dividing them."

A girlfriend supporting a class is not a joke.

It's the same if someone with a SLR has a girlfriend or food from home, and everyone who sees it has a share.

Some of them were robbed by their comrades without even catching the root hair.

cough cough.

Jiang also did this kind of thing when he was young, and he would still be in the army aviation regiment, robbing others again and again.

So, not surprised.

In the entire dormitory, Lai Xingchen was the only one who was relatively silent. He didn't come up to grab it, and sat quietly in the corner.

Of course, he had already stood up at this time.

Jiang also waved at him:
"Lai Xingchen, come with me."

"Yes, Team Jiang."

Everyone else in the dormitory was a little worried. After all, no one in the entire fire brigade did not know about Lai Xingchen, and the dogs in the backyard probably knew it.

But in the face of the lewd power of the big devil, everyone dared not come forward and ask.

He could only stay in the dormitory, waiting for Lai Xingchen to come back.

In the corridor, there was the big devil Jiang, and the team members who were no longer playing and playing, all returned to the dormitory obediently.

Lai Xingchen drooped his head, looking very shocked.

This made Jiang unable to find a reason to take action:
"How did the police handle it?" asked.

"The police asked me to sue and get back the 8 yuan my mother gave me."

Who is Jiang Ye?

As soon as I heard this, I knew what Lai Xingchen was really thinking:

"You do not want?"

Lai Xingchen froze for a moment, then nodded:
"In the end, I grew up as a child, I don't want to do too much."

Oh, there is a lot of sympathy.

"Where's Xiao Tang?"

Speaking of Xiao Tang, Lai Xingchen's face suddenly became embarrassed:

"She, told me to break up."

This result is not surprising.

After all, just now Lai Xingchen said it himself, for the sake of growing up together, he didn't want to do too much.

However, this is absolutely intolerable in the eyes of girls.

Jiang Ye almost suffered such a big loss six years ago, how could he not understand?

"Oh, the score is good!" Suddenly a sentence came out.

This shocked Lai Xingchen, very unbelievable:
"Team Jiang, is this, where is it?"

You're about to die of grief, okay?

Ha ha.

"If you don't clean the shit on your butt, do you still want someone else to wipe it for you?
How can I have such an incompetent team member as you? "

Is it that serious?

of course!

Jiang also took a few deep breaths and was really angry.

"Lai Xingchen, if you still want to be with Xiao Tang, don't tm sympathy and love overflowing, how to deal with it, what to say, just say it again!"

If it wasn't for his daughter-in-law, Jiang wouldn't be ready to do such a thankless thing!

I've never been this big before!

Lai Xingchen is also a special case.

Don't you know that women are very careful in this regard?
There is absolutely no room for a grain of sand in his eyes.

But Lai Xingchen was fine, so he was very willing to say it.

Ren Xiaotang doesn't mention breaking up, it's all in a confused mind.

Jiang didn't want to talk more, let alone stay longer. What if he couldn't hold back his temper?
So, after saying that, he just left.

Lai Xingchen was left alone in the wind for a long time, and he couldn't understand no matter how he thought about it.

"Well, what did Jiang Team mean?"

The standard big straight man is more steel than steel!
(End of this chapter)

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