Chapter 343
"what's the situation?"

Xiao Tang shook his head and asked:

"Doctor Lu, do you want to go and see?"

Lu Jing really has no interest in watching the fight:
"No, let's eat now."

A group of young and vigorous lads are fighting, what can two women who are helpless?
The police should be here soon, and the patrolmen were not far away.

It's not cold-blooded. If you really need help, the two are bound to be obliged.

Xiao Tang groaned:
"It's over, I really can't eat anymore."

Feeling like my stomach is about to burst.

In fact, Lu Jing is not very good, but there are about a dozen strings left on the plate.


"Pack it up."

"Okay!" Xiao Tang really almost raised his hands in agreement at this time.

Then the boss is called:

"Boss, check out and unpack by the way."


I got up from the skewer stall and was about to leave.

Suddenly, someone was heard shouting:

"Is there a doctor here? Someone is injured and needs a doctor!"

Lu Jing drank Xiao Tang and was not deaf, of course he heard it.

Immediately, he ran towards the shouting.

Xiao Tang has long been unable to care about sadness and the like, and the responsibilities and missions of medical workers are vividly reflected at this moment:
"The doctor is here, let the trouble go."

When they heard that there was a doctor, everyone quickly stepped aside.

At this time, at a glance, I saw two figures lying on the ground inside.

A thigh was cut with a long cut, the kind that could be seen deep in the bone, and blood was continuously flowing out.

Another one was stabbed in the stomach and half of his intestines fell out.

Not to mention ordinary people, even two people who are used to seeing all kinds of injured scenes, can't help but close their eyes at this time.

However, there was no delay in action.

Lu Jing squatted down instantly, made an emergency inspection, and then said to the people around him:
"Is there a pharmacy nearby? If so, please go get some gauze cotton and disinfectant alcohol."

The onlookers are still very enthusiastic:
"I'm going I'm going."

After saying that, he ran out.

At this time, the police also arrived.

Seeing that Lu Jing and Xiao Tang were beside the injured, they quickly asked:
"You are?"

"I am a doctor at the Affiliated Hospital of Nanxi University, and she is a nurse in our department."

When Lu Jing finished speaking, Xiao Tang followed and nodded again and again:

When I heard that it was a medical staff, I of course understood that it must be an emergency.

It just so happened that the enthusiastic brother had already run back with the things Lu Jing wanted:

"Sister, this, this, everything you want is here.

Is it enough?

If it's not enough, I'll go get it! "

You know, the money has not been paid in time, so take the things and run away.

No, the pharmacy clerk followed closely.

However, after seeing the situation at the scene, the reprimands that came to the mouth, all of a sudden swallowed back.

Lu Jing and Xiao Tang are both calm and professional, how could they panic in such a scene?

After getting the things, the two of them began to deal with it urgently, one in charge of the other.

Lu Jing was in charge of the intestines that fell out in half, and this should be handled with care.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, dozens of pairs of eyes watched.

For a while, someone started to say:

"Hey, this doctor is more professional than a nurse. I can tell the difference by looking at the speed and bandaging techniques."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Doctors need five years to get a bachelor's degree. Didn't you hear that they came from the Affiliated Hospital of Nanxi University? It is said that those who can become the attending doctor in that hospital all started with a doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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