Chapter 366 is a rival in love

It stands to reason that at that time, almost all the people in that group were arrested. Except for Ather who escaped, the others were not enough to have any influence.

I thought that the murderous demon chief was gone.

After all, there has never been any news about him in the world over the years.

That's right, that's how it is, so many people have relaxed.

Otherwise, how can you not even know the news of ather's entry?
Jiang Ye's narrowed eyes are very dangerous:


Since you showed up, don't leave.

It was the only fluke that let you escape six years ago.

Of course, Jiang was not stupid either. Since he knew that the other party was coming for him, and also knew the strength of the other party, he would definitely not touch hard rocks with eggs.

Open the contactor:
"Old Bai, Lao Bai, are you there?"

"Yes, are you here?"

"Arrived early, but I just found out that it was Ather who planned this kidnapping case."

The old white on the liaison device was also shocked:
"Ather? How is that possible? Isn't he dead?"

Jiang also smiled:
"It's just that we thought he was dead, but in fact people are still alive and well.

Old White, give me some guys.

you know what i need. "

There is no need to say too much detail, everyone understands a sentence.

On the phone, Lao Bai did not hesitate:

"Be careful, I'll have someone deliver it to you right away."

"Okay, I'll wait for you for 20 minutes. If I can't deliver it in 20 minutes, I'll go in."

These words frightened Lao Bai on the other side of the phone:
"Lao Jiang, I know you're in a hurry, but you can't act in a hurry!

We know the strength of ather best, don't mess around! "


"Old Bai, my daughter-in-law is in his hands!"

That is a demon without any humanity, who knows what he will do after a long time?
Even if Jiang lost his life, he didn't want Lu Jing to bear the slightest danger.

"I'll have someone deliver it to you immediately, don't mess around, just wait there, do you understand? Lao Jiang!"

"hurry up!"

Neither agreed, nor refused.

But this kind of answer really makes people unable to go up and down.

Jiang also came over in a hurry. He only had a military dagger on his body. At this moment, he also took it out from his leg, rubbed it carefully with his fingers, and then gently blew two breaths on the blade.

Kuang Yu didn't leave, but looked at Jiang Ye very intently.

Jiang Ye also noticed the sight at this moment, and looked slightly sideways:

"Why are you still here?" asked.

Kuang Yu also narrowed his eyes:

"That kidnapper is looking for revenge for you, right?"

These words, this tone, don't sound very right!

Jiang also raised his eyebrows and looked over:
"What do you want to say?"

Actually, it's a bit of guesswork.

Kuang Yu didn't hide anything:
"Why should you ask Junior Sister to pay for the trouble you caused yourself?"

Jiang is also really unable to bear it:

"Does it have anything to do with you? In what capacity are you telling me this?"

Yes, as a senior brother, I am afraid that I do not have this qualification.

Kuang Yu was stunned, and for a while, he couldn't find a reason.

"Hurry up, bullets don't have long eyes."

Jiang is also not very kind, this TM is still a rival in love!

That's why the current environment is not good, otherwise, it's just a matter of having a good chat.

Kuang Yu knew that it was not good for anyone to stay here, so he was very indignant, but he had no choice but to continue crawling forward.

Of course, after listening to Jiang Ye's words, he walked around from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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