After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 370 The memory that goes deep into the bone marrow forever

Chapter 370 The memory that goes deep into the bone marrow forever

There seems to be no difference.

Jiang also curled the corners of his lips:
"Then I cut it."

Lu Jingning took a second before nodding:

"it is good!"

Ather is a very cunning person, and he always takes the opposite direction in everything he does.

Therefore, these lines cannot be cut as usual.

Well, the opposite has to be done!

In fact, it can be seen that Lu Jing believed Jiang Ye from the bottom of his heart.

Even in the face of life and death, he never questioned.

To ask Lu Jing to say, she herself can't say why, anyway, that's what her intuition is.

Drops of sweat dripped down Jiang Ye's forehead.

The dagger has reached the green line, and it can be cut immediately with a little force.

Rarely, Jiang also hesitated.

You know, once the judgment is wrong, there are no consequences.

This device is enough to blow up the two of them without leaving ashes.

So, how can there really be no turbulence in my heart?

Maybe, Lu Jing's mentality is better than Jiang Ye's at the moment.

Seeing that the man didn't move for a while, Lu Jing couldn't see the reason:

"Jiang Ye, cut it."

No time left, 30 seconds left.

If you delay any longer, you will really have no chance.

Lu Jing took a deep breath and closed his eyes:
"Jiang Ye, even if I die, I have no regrets."

"You are with me, aren't you?"

Hearing this, Jiang also smiled:
"That's right, but why are we dying now? We're not married yet, and you haven't even talked to Lao Tzu about the certificate. Legally, we're not justified!"

Is now the time to say this?

Lu Jing couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Jiang also continued:
"Daughter-in-law, you said, if we were lucky enough to survive, should you agree to marry Lao Tzu?"

cough cough.

I have seen all kinds of marriage proposals, but I have never seen this style.

No.1 in all times and in all over the world, right?

Lu Jing wanted to complain, but held back, and finally, nodded:


If you can still survive, you can just rip the evidence.

Anyway, the current situation of the two of them, regardless of whether they are arguing, seems to be the same, and there is no difference.

However, since the man wanted to, of course Lu Jing was happy to satisfy it.

Sure enough, after hearing the woman's promise, the man immediately felt like a chicken blood:
"Wife, don't go back!"


As for?
"will not!"

As soon as the words fell, the man raised the knife and cut the green line directly.

The countdown stopped instantly, and the piercing ticking sound finally disappeared.

Jiang also threw himself at the woman immediately after cutting the line.

At this moment, Lu Jing was pressed to the ground, his eyes tightly closed.

One second, two seconds, three seconds. Neither of them dared to move, and there was no response.

Until the old white came up:

"Fuck, Lao Jiang, can't you go home and make out with your younger brother and sister?"

cough cough.

Hearing Lao Bai's voice, Jiang also took the lead to regain his senses and got up.

Lu Jing also opened his eyes, his brain was buzzing, obviously he had not recovered.

Old Bai was far away and couldn't see the situation here clearly, so he came over:
"What are you two doing?" asked.

However, no one answered.

After the huge surprise, Jiang also hugged the woman tightly:
"Daughter-in-law, it's alright."

Lu Jing wanted to cry:

"Well, it's alright."

The things I experienced today, I am afraid, will never be forgotten for the rest of my life.

It will be remembered forever.

(End of this chapter)

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