After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 372 Looking for a Daughter-in-law

Chapter 372 Looking for a Daughter-in-law

Do you look like someone who beats his wife?
Of course Lu Jing sensed the omen that the man was angry, and took the initiative to explain:

"That doctor, my husband didn't hit me, you misunderstood."

With the sound of a husband, the anger that someone had just raised was immediately dissipated.

Even, it's not good to secretly have fun.

After Lu Jing's simple explanation, the doctor understood, nodded, and then pointed to an empty bed:

"You go over there first, and I'll have someone come over to draw blood right away."

"Trouble." Lu Jing thanked him.

Jiang also rarely had a good face, but he didn't make a sound.

Emergency doctors have no spare time, no matter which hospital.

During the time when the nurse came to draw blood, the doctor who had just treated the patient was already busy with other patients.

It's not that Jiang has no objections, but Lu Jing is often suppressed by Lu Jing.

Some tests took two hours to get the results, so Jiang also went out to buy some clothes.

This suit is still stained with the blood of the corpse.

It's really uncomfortable to wear.

While Jiang Ye was out, Lu Jing took Jiang Ye's mobile phone and started to report safety to the family.

However, I only got through to my cousin's phone, and the phones of the rest of the family were turned off.

"Hello, brother?"

"Jingjing? Where are you?"

On the phone, Lu Yan was in a hurry, and at the same time was extremely worried.

"Brother, I'm fine, I'm in the hospital."

"What? Are you in the hospital? Injured? Serious or not? I'll be right over here!"

With a series of questions, Lu Jingjing didn't know which one to answer first.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm really fine, just a little skin trauma, Jiang also forced me to come to the hospital, otherwise I should go home."

Who knows, as soon as these words came out, Lu Yan did not turn towards his sister as usual, but turned towards Jiang Ye.

"Where are you going home? Check it out in the hospital first, the fourth child is quite reliable!"


Knowing that his sister had been rescued safely, Lu Yan of course heaved a sigh of relief.

After hanging up the phone, he came out of the police station and rushed directly to the hospital here.

On the way, the driver and bodyguard were also arranged to pick them up at the airport.

It shouldn't take a while, the family should be here.

Private jets are faster than business jets, and it takes up to two and a half hours to fly from Beijing to Nanxi.

Now, it's almost there.

Lu Yan was rushing to the hospital, and Jiang Ye also bought a change of clothes from outside and returned to the emergency department.

But he didn't see anyone, so his heart was pounding, and he quickly grabbed a little nurse:

"Where's my wife?" he asked coldly.

This imposing manner can frighten the little nurse to the point of being speechless.

Coincidentally, the doctor who received the previous visit went through:
"Ehhhh, what are you doing? Let go, let go, I'll call the security!"

Such a handsome man, is it hard to get medical trouble?
It's not a blind suspicion, the main reason is that the doctor-patient relationship is really tense now, and a little bit of trouble can pull everyone's nerves.

Jiang also recognized the person, but let go of the innocent little nurse.

Actually, what are you going to do?
After all, he is also a public official of the state, how can he know the law and break the law?

Of course, it may be that the enemy was shot with a single shot before, so the hostile aura has not completely dissipated.

So, it looks a bit scary.

"Where's my wife?" I repeated.

The emergency doctor frowned:

"Where are you looking for your daughter-in-law? Say it earlier, why are you so nervous?
Your daughter-in-law has already been placed in the ward, now, the first room in front. "

Jiang also restrained a bit of his anger, nodded at the emergency doctor, and turned away.

(End of this chapter)

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