After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 380 Excited Heart Trembling Hands

Chapter 380 Excited Heart Trembling Hands

At 06:30, Jiang also woke up the woman on time.

"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, wake up."

Lu Jing slowly opened his eyes, still very sleepy.

"What's wrong?" he asked casually.

Then, I saw that the man had already been dressed, his hair had been groomed, and his beard was cleanly shaved.


"what time is it now?"

I almost thought I slept until noon.


Lu Jing frowned:

"It's only 06:30, what are you doing?

No, I'll sleep a little longer. "

Said to go to sleep again.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly started:
"Daughter-in-law, shall we go to bed after we finish our work? Can we get up now? I contacted the Civil Affairs Bureau in advance. There is no need to queue up, and it can be done in a few minutes."

It's a simple thing to say.

Actually, it's really not that complicated.

Not to mention, Jiang also said hello in advance, it would be easier.

"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law~"

Lu Jing was so noisy that he couldn't sleep at all.

Sitting up straightly:

"Are you sure you can finish it soon?" asked.

The man immediately nodded his head:

"Yes, I'm sure!"

Lu Jing sighed:
"Okay, then go first."

Otherwise what else can be done?
Believe it or not, this person can keep spending time with you?
Sure enough, after hearing this, the man smiled brightly.

Pidianpidian went to get the clothes:
"Wife, wear this!"

Lu Jing glanced:
"Where did you get the clothes?" asked.

"It was sent from home."

Certainly not the family home of the fire brigade.

Lu Jing didn't say much, got out of bed with his clothes, and went to the bathroom to wash.

Everything was packed, and it was less than seven o'clock.

The two have already gone out.

The hotel has a special car to pick up and drop off, which is also convenient.

Sitting in the car, Lu Jing was very sleepy, but now he is awake.

After all, what to do later, but hand over yourself for the rest of your life!
Nervous indeed a little nervous, but also a little nervous.

But, at the same time, there is also longing and hope.

Anyway, the mood is quite complicated.

On the other hand, Jiang Ye was the one who kept laughing all the way.

This silly look is rarely seen!

Lu Jingjing was amused:
"Okay, don't be so exaggerated, okay?"

"Exaggeration? Where is it?"

It's obviously normal, right?
Who is not happy and excited to get married?

Seeing this, Lu Jing stopped persuading him, forget it.

The car drove very smoothly all the way, and the speed was not fast. The Civil Affairs Bureau was not very far from the hotel, and it only took ten minutes to drive there.

"Mr. Jiang, Miss Lu, here we are."

Jiang also got out of the car first, and then put a hand in from the outside:

"Daughter-in-law, come down."

The door is close, but nothing can go wrong.

Lu Jing pursed his lips and put his hand up.

When I got out of the car, I saw that there were already seven or eight pairs lining up.

"Aren't we lining up?" he asked in a low voice.

Jiang also nodded:

"Well, there's no need to line up, we'll go in through the side door."

Jiang had already figured out where the side door was, okay?

Pulled Lu Jing and left without any hesitation.

By the side door, a staff member was already waiting in advance:
"Young Master Jiang, Miss Lu, this way please."

Jiang also nodded to the staff:

"It's troublesome."

It's really in a good mood.

The two followed the staff all the way through the door and went upstairs.

Finally, to the leadership office.

"Jiang Shao, Miss Lu, take a seat first, our director will be here soon."

(End of this chapter)

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