After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 383 I am the husband on your marriage certificate

Chapter 383 I am the husband on your marriage certificate

As soon as this question came out, Lu Jingjing didn't come back to his senses.


Isn't that a question that girls like to ask?
'My mother and I fell into the river, who did you save? '

Now he was changed by this stinky man into himself?

Do you want to face?
"Say, is it that hard to answer?"

Lu Jing finally reacted as the man was getting closer and closer, and quickly stepped back:

"My brother can swim, and your swimming skills are not bad. You don't need me to save you."

This is true!

So, sometimes men are naive, and they are really more than women. Lu Jingjing is almost speechless.

"is it?"

"Yes! Get out of the way, I'm getting up!"

However, the man not only did not let go, but also suppressed the whole brain.

"Wife, I'm not very satisfied with your answer."

Not satisfied?
Lu Jing curled the corners of his mouth:
"So what?" he asked.

"I'm your man, the husband on your marriage certificate!"

This is just getting the certificate, so it should be so?

"Brother Yan has a wife, and his wife will naturally protect him!

Are you supposed to protect me? "

cough cough.

Still jealous?

Besides, they still eat Lu Yan's vinegar?
As for?
Lu Jingjing almost didn't know what to say:

"Jiang Ye, are you naive?"

Just like a child.

That is, a man is a teenager until he dies!


The man smiled, very meaningfully.

At the same time, his eyes became darker.

"Do you want to try it, is your man naive or not?" he said.

As soon as I heard this, I knew it was full of banana color.

"Don't fool around, my parents and my aunt are all here."

It's already noon, so I don't feel embarrassed to sleep so late, but I can't make a fool of myself.

The man was very unfulfilled, but he still didn't do anything excessive:

"I'll let you go for the time being, but, keep the accounts, you have to pay it back!"

Lu Jingjing ignored him, pushed him a few times before he pushed the man who was on him, then got up and got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang also straightened the buttons of his shirt, re-fastened it, and then went to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Lu's parents and Lu's mother were standing at the door.

Just shouted:

"Dad, Mom!"

This made the old couple stunned:
"Xiaoye, you"

Jiang also took out the marriage certificate in a hurry:

"Dad, Mom, Lu Er and I have already obtained the certificate."

Father Lu's blood pressure rose a lot, but it was still under control.

It was the hands that took the marriage certificate, trembling slightly.

The old couple looked at it and looked at it carefully. They looked at the marriage certificate inside and out, and finally determined: their daughter really got the certificate from this kid from the Jiang family!
I got all the certificates, but I have no regrets.

No wonder this kid immediately changed his name and called his parents as soon as he opened the door.

Father Lu was so angry that he glared at him:
"It's too early to call Mom and Dad. When you have the wedding, you can change your mind."

It is legally recognized, but the family has not recognized it yet!

The marriage customs since ancient times have not gone away, how can they be recognized so easily?

Jiang was not angry, but rather cheerfully:
"Yes, yes, listen to Uncle."

Anyway, sooner or later.

Mother Lu also eased her breath:
"Where's Jingjing?"

Jiang also pointed to the bathroom.

The two elders did not stay any longer:

"Let's go out first. Jingjing comes out and asks her to come and find us."

"Good uncle and aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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