After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 400 Spend More Time with Siblings

Chapter 400 Spend More Time with Siblings

The two started to light cigarettes from one end, and three sticks were lit in front of each tombstone and stuck on the ground.

After nearly ten tombstones in a row were all lit, the two sat back to back.

Yes, just sit on the ground, nothing to be particular about.

"Old Jiang, you said, if the brothers are still here, shouldn't we have another living environment?"

Jiang also did not deny this statement:


At least, the two will not retire so early.

A large group of people can still eat and sleep together, do tasks together, etc. as before.

This kind of life has really been engraved in the bones for a long time.

"We have our revenge!"

Hearing Lao Bai's words, Jiang was also shocked:

"Yeah, revenge, the last enemy of the year also died!"

Both of them looked back at the same time, and both had the same thought:
Revenge, brothers can rest in peace!

For six years, let that guy stay cool for another six years!

Fortunately, there is finally no next six years.

The boulders that they had kept in their hearts for many years were finally scattered.

"It's time to buy a bottle of wine, how good it is to have a hearty game."

Jiang Ye's sanity has always survived:
"Your unit prohibits alcohol all year round, forgot?"

Old Bai sighed heavily:

"never mind."

Jiang also frowned, looked at Lao Bai deeply, and then slowly said:

"Old Bai, you haven't come out yet?"

As soon as these words came out, Lao Bai's eyes instantly turned red:

"If you can't get out, you can't forget it in this life.

Old Xiao, he died to save me!
That bullet was clearly aimed at me, but it was Lao Xiao who blocked me."

Watching a comrade-in-arms who got along with each other day and night die for him to block bullets is a feeling that outsiders can never understand.

The word ptsd is often used here.

And that scene will never be forgotten in this lifetime.

Even, every day will be very clearly projected in my mind.

Jiang also patted Lao Bai on the shoulder:

"I know, I understand."

After all, there is also a person who once sacrificed himself to save himself during the fire rescue.

Unfortunately, his tombstone is not here.

It's late at night, and no one comes here.

Otherwise, you have to see two tall and strong men, one is more fierce than the other crying.


Time has passed without knowing it, and it is completely unknown what time it is.

It was only when the phone rang that the two big men came back to their senses.

"Lao Jiang, it seems to be yours."

Jiang Ye then took out his mobile phone, and when he saw it, it really belonged to him, and connected:
"young married woman?"

"Jiang Ye, when are you coming back?"

Jiang also got up from the ground:

"Then hurry up, I want to sleep, but I don't dare to sleep."

The more he spoke to the end, the quieter he became.

However, Jiang also heard it.

"half an hour."

A specific time is given directly.

The phone just hung up.

And Lao Bai also got up and joked:

"Where's my younger brother Cha Gang?"

Jiang also rolled his eyes:
"My daughter-in-law doesn't check posts. She's not very stable these two days."

Lao Bai went to the unfinished building with Jiang Ye, and of course he knew the situation at the time:

"During this time, spend more time with your siblings."

"I know, okay, let's go, it's time to go back."

Both of their faces were long gone, and before leaving, they took a deep look at the row of tombstones:

"Brothers, I'll see you next time, and I'll definitely bring you a bottle of good wine next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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