After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 406 They are not as good-looking as you are

Chapter 406 They are not as good-looking as you are

That's not right for people either.

I don't even think about it, but if you change someone, can Captain Jiang have such thoughts?

After all, he wasn't at home, and Jiang didn't dare to do anything casually.

Not to mention that there are people everywhere, there are still many cameras, and there are people behind them!

"Would you like to sit over there?"

I'm still worried about my wife's body, after all, it's still a special period.

Just now Lao Qin asked him to rest, and Lu Jing was not too embarrassed to respond.

Now Jiang also proposes that Lu Jing is not so embarrassed:


My back is sore and my legs are soft. Standing for a long time is really uncomfortable.

"Can you go?"

"Of course!"

Not so exaggerated!
Jiang also smiled, and hurriedly walked to the front to spread the cushions, and folded several:
"Come on, sit down."

Lu Jing was too lazy to be polite, let him sit down.

However, I have to admit that sitting down is much more comfortable than standing.

Jiang certainly cannot stay here forever:
"Daughter-in-law, I'm over."

Those little brats, Lao Qin alone couldn't hold them down, and they were all turning upside down.

"go Go."

At this time, naturally, there will be no unreasonable troubles, and besides, Lu Jing is not this kind of character.

Jiang also ran over, and in the blink of an eye, everyone ran a long way.

Lu Jing sat on the mat and watched the people running in the circle, which was actually quite interesting.

After all, with a height of 180 per capita, everyone has long legs, abs, and mermaid lines. It's so eye-catching, and outsiders can't see it!
The more Lu Jing looked, the more hooked the corners of his mouth became, and he didn't even notice when someone approached.

"What are you looking at?"

He replied bluntly:

"Of course I look at the handsome guy!"

cough cough.

Why does this voice sound familiar?

Lift your head slowly.

When he saw a magnified handsome face appearing under his eyelids, he was shocked.

Jiang also stared at the woman with a smile but not a smile:

"He's handsome?"


I dare not take this.

If you pick it up casually, something will happen.

"No, no." For a moment, he shook his head like a rattle.

The man continued to speak:

"Then did I just hear it wrong?"

Lu Jing wanted to say: yes!

But when the words came to his mouth, he held back.

If you don't make a draft of this lie, you don't believe it, and this person is probably even less likely to believe it.

His lips moved, and he said in a low voice:
"They're not as good-looking as you are!"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the black-faced bluffing man instantly cleared up, that's a feeling of comfort!

Let's just say, can those cubs have their own handsomeness?
This woman has some eyesight!

How could Lu Jing not understand what the man was thinking?
It's all on the face, okay?

Just a self-confident megalomaniac, narcissist!
However, in order to avoid trouble, I was too lazy to expose it.

The team members who ran the lap had already finished running one after another. After a few activities, they lay down on the ground to rest, and some even lay down directly.

As a doctor, Lu Jing naturally couldn't bear it.

"Jiang Ye, let them get up and move again. It's not good for the health to rest directly."

The man hummed, and without walking over, he blew his whistle:

"Everyone, stretch in place for 3 minutes!"

This is an order, and no one dares to disobey it.

It was the person who just lay down and rested, who couldn't help but let out a series of wailing.

"Come on, what are you dawdling for?"

Lu Jing looked at Jiang Ye and yelled at the team members, and couldn't help thinking: If he yelled at himself like this, he would definitely not be able to bear it!
(End of this chapter)

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