Chapter 409
However, some things are definitely not just casually said.

"No plans yet."

Lao Qin is naturally not good to say anything more:
"Okay, you all know your own affairs. I'm watching here. You go back first, my younger brother and sister will definitely be waiting for you."

Jiang also looked at the time and did not agree:

"It's okay, it should be over soon, it won't take long."

There is no doubt that they can help each other when something really happens.

But now everyone has nothing important and urgent, and it will not be very good if it is like that, and it will appear to be a bit bullying.

Although Lao Qin will definitely not care about this.

The last lap of the two people running the lap is called a slow one, but in the end, it was finished within the specified time.

Lie down on the ground tired, gasping for breath.

Jiang Ye and Lao Qin saw that there was nothing wrong with the two of them, so they turned around and left.

The family is still waiting to go back to eat, and the two don't want to dawdle.

In the morning, I was already hungry.

When they got to the downstairs of the family, Lao Qin had to go to the front unit, but Jiang also went upstairs directly.

When I opened the door, I could smell the smell of food coming from the kitchen.

For a while, his face was full of smiles.

Probably hearing the movement, Lu Jing came out of the kitchen:
"came back?"

"Well, what to eat?"

"Nothing, just what you did last night."

Lu Jing's appetite is so big, but he can't eat much, and more has to be solved by Jiang, otherwise he has to throw it away, what a waste!

"Hurry up and wash your hands."

"Okay, listen to my daughter-in-law."

Jiang also went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and by the way, he washed his dusty face before coming out while shaking the water.

And Lu Jing had already brought out the hot meals and put them on the table.

During the meal, the man was quite tired and crooked, but Lu Jing glared at him several times:
"Eat your meal honestly!"


Only then did he finally restrain himself and eat obediently.

Lu Jing's appetite was not very good, so he stopped after not eating much.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he suddenly said solemnly:

"Jiang Ye, I want to check my body."

Ok? ? ?
Hearing this suddenly, Jiang was also stunned.

"Check what? What's wrong?" asked.

Lu Jing moved the corners of his lips:
"Well that's the one"

Jiang was even more confused:
"Which one? Daughter-in-law, please clarify."

Jiang was also a little nervous.

Lu Jing took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes again, and then said in a rush:

"I want a baby!"

One of the chopsticks in Jiang Ye's hand fell off.

It's really shocking:
"Want a child?"


This question did not come to mind suddenly.

It has been considered for a while, and it can be said that it has been completely considered:

I really want a baby!
After all, both of them are not too young.

Another, the two of them have not used contraception for so long, but there is no movement at all. Lu Jing is very worried.

If I say that I really can't have children in my life, I don't dare to think about it.

Anyway, Lu Jing himself is not so easy to accept.

Jiang also slowed down for a while before calming down:

"Daughter-in-law, have you really made up your mind?"

It was also quite formal.

Lu Jing nodded:

"Of course it is!"

Want to have a child, can you have a vacation?

It was also because he was too young and energetic back then, and he was not thoughtful enough.

Otherwise, if that child was still there, it would be time for elementary school now.

Chapter 410

Jiang also thought about it for two or three seconds:

"Okay, anyway, you won't go to work tomorrow, I'll take some time to accompany you."

Lu Jing smiled:

"I'm afraid not tomorrow."

During the period of Zhengda Aunt, there are many inspections that cannot be done.

But how do men know about this?


Lu Jing was too lazy to explain so much:

"Only next week, I can't do it now, don't ask, hurry up and eat, it's cold."

The weather is cold, and the air conditioner is not turned on, and the food is cold when the wind blows.

In such a comparison, Beijing is still better, should the heating be turned on now?
Jiang was also surging in his heart, and he didn't realize how cold the food was, so he quickly grabbed the food in the bowl.

After eating, I took the initiative to clean up the dishes, and then went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Don't talk about washing the dishes, just go to the training ground for a ten-kilometer run, I'm afraid someone will be fine.

After all, this is his wife taking the initiative to mention wanting a child!

Although there have been euphemistic discussions about this before, the attitude is not as formal as this time.

When Jiang Ye was at the training ground before, especially when Lao Qin asked him why he didn't want children, he felt very uncomfortable.

md, I really want to have a baby soon!

The little life that belongs to me and my daughter-in-law, just thinking about it makes my heart melt.

So much so that, after brushing the dishes, he excitedly ran to the living room and hugged the woman who was brushing her phone.

"What are you doing?" I was startled by this sudden appearance.

Jiang was also unwilling to hold the person, holding his face and kissing it fiercely several times:
"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, you are so kind!"

What kind of wind are you blowing?
Lu Jing immediately rolled his eyes:
"Enough is enough, can you stop being so childish?"

Also, is this treating yourself as a pet?

"Daughter-in-law, can't I be happy?"


Lu Jing was dumbfounded for a while:

"It's a pleasure, just in case"

In case the following words didn't have time to say, they would be blocked directly by the man.


"Are you still talking nonsense?"

Forehead. . .

"I mean"

Okay, it's better not to say it, didn't you see the man staring at him?
If you want to say another word, I am afraid, you will suffer again.

When the man saw this, he smiled:
"Daughter-in-law, you must tell me in advance when you make an appointment, and I will accompany you!"

How can you not be with me?
Don't worry about it at all, okay?
Must go, all the process must be personally involved in it!

It's just that the hospital won't agree to that.

"It's alright, alright, I know, I'll let you know when the time comes, okay?"

"You are not allowed to go back on what you said, go back on words"


Even threatening?

Is it possible to get started?
The man will definitely not do it, the man leaned closer, lowered his head, and whispered in the woman's ear:
"C you!"

Stinking rogue!
Lu Jing pushed the person in front of him away:

"Go away!"

Simply shameless!

Sometimes Lu Jing really wants to cut open someone's brain to see if there is yellow dye in it?

Jiang also stood up and flicked his trouser legs:

"Daughter-in-law, remember what I said, don't forget!"

"you shut up!"

"Okay, I'm going to the office, call me if you have anything."

The past few days have been delayed too much, these two days have been really busy, and there is no time for lunch break.

If it wasn't for my little daughter-in-law, I'm afraid, I wouldn't go home to the subordinate building. How convenient and quick to solve it directly in the cafeteria, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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