Chapter 411 Check

Just, suddenly a sense of pride arises spontaneously.

"very good!"

Hearing the praise from his wife, Captain Jiang's heart was even more beautiful.

Then, just like the male peacock, he kept winking at his daughter-in-law.

cough cough.

Early in the morning, this is too much!
Lu Jing didn't even see it, he turned around to get his bag and mobile phone.

When they got their things, the two stopped delaying and went out and went downstairs.

Along the way, Lu Jing's heart was not as calm as the expression on his face, but he was still nervous.

After all, I am a doctor myself, and I can actually guess some things.

For now, there is definitely something wrong with my own body.

Otherwise, according to the general situation, it would have been long overdue.

Moreover, when I was abroad, the doctor who performed emergency surgery on me told me that it would be a bit difficult to conceive in the future.

Although not impossible, the chances of success are not high either.

Lu Jing's silence and worry, how could the man beside him not know?
Taking advantage of the gap between waiting for the traffic lights, he stretched out his big hand and grasped the woman's hand, which was very powerful.

"Good, don't worry, nothing will happen." He comforted.

Lu Jing hummed:
"I know, you drive your car."

As for driving, start paying full attention, don't get distracted.

Men are helpless:

"Okay, it should be there soon."

The two did not choose the nearby Nanxi University, but chose a private noble hospital a little further away.

Public hospitals are good, but doctors are too busy. If you want to consult, it will be really inconvenient to ask a little more.

There was a long queue behind, even if I was embarrassed.

So, choose a private hospital.

Doctors are one-on-one and can definitely explain clearly to you.

Moreover, the hospital for which the appointment was made was not a Putian-based hospital selling dog meat, but a serious foreign-funded hospital.

Of course, it's also terribly expensive.

However, whether it is Lu Jing or Jiang Ye, there seems to be no shortage of this.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in the hospital parking lot, and the two got out of the car.

At first glance, the cars parked in the parking lot are basically all luxury cars. Obviously, the people who come here are either rich or expensive.

On the contrary, the big jeep that the two of them drove in seemed a little out of place.

However, the two didn't care about that.

There has always been a staff member responsible for reception on this side of the hall. When they saw the figures of the two people from a distance, they trotted all the way to meet them:
"Sir, ma'am, this way."

"Thank you."

The staff led the way and asked:

"Which doctor did you make an appointment with?"

"Professor Guo."

"Okay, Professor Guo is on the second floor, take the elevator here."

After entering the elevator, Jiang also quietly grabbed his daughter-in-law's hand from behind. It would be impossible to say that there was no turbulence in his heart.

There is still a bit of worry, and at the same time, I am silently looking forward to it: Don't really have a problem!

In fact, if there is really any problem, the person Jiang Ye cares most about is Lu Jing himself, and the rest are trivial matters that can be ignored.

Both of them followed the lead staff out of the elevator with their own careful thoughts, and then went outside Professor Guo's office.


"Professor Guo, a patient is here."

"come in!"

Then the staff gently opened the door:
"Sir, ma'am, you can go in now."

"Okay, thank you, sorry for the trouble."

"No, no, it should be."

(End of this chapter)

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