Chapter 422 Six hundred push-ups
Fire Brigade.

Because his daughter-in-law ran away with his best friend, Captain Jiang had to go to the cafeteria to eat again at noon, which scared the big guy.

However, Jiang also ignored these cubs, and after finishing the meal, he took it to the corner by himself.

Originally, the food was good, but who knows, Lao Qin also came over at some time:
"Yo, Lao Jiang?"

Jiang also raised his head, roughly seeing that the old Qin family was probably the same as himself.

Otherwise, how could Lao Qin be here?
Glancing at:
"Sit if you want to eat!"

The implication: if you don't eat, find another place.

Lao Qin pursed his lips and sat down.

"What about my brother and sister?"

"Go out, where's my sister-in-law?" he asked.

Sure enough, Lao Qin twitched the corners of his mouth and said:
"The hospital is busy, so I rushed over to work overtime." He sighed very much.

This is really pitiful.

It seems that Dr. Lu also left the Captain Crossing Jiang for this reason, more than once or twice.

The two brothers and sisters sighed silently while eating, but no one showed it on their faces.

How can this kind of thing really be said?

How embarrassing is that?
After that, the meal was very quiet.

After all, in front of the two big bosses, the surrounding cubs didn't dare to make a fuss as usual!

The cafeteria at noon today is surprisingly quiet.

Jiang also finished the meal first and took the plate to wash, followed by Lao Qin.

In no more than 2 minutes, a hurried whistle sounded.

In the cafeteria, the sound of 'fuck' and 'fuck' sounded one after another.

Those who haven't finished eating are all full of energy, take a few mouthfuls, swallow directly, and then start to run outside in a swarm.

"I only ate two bites!"

"It's almost the same, I don't know why you have to urgently gather all of a sudden?"

"Is the big devil Jiang going to start again?"

"It's over, God will kill us!"

How could these players know that Captain Jiang wanted to train people since his wife went out, and it took a while.

Otherwise, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to eat lunch.

Jiang also stood at the very center of the training ground, holding a stopwatch in his hand to keep track of the time.

Seeing that people are almost here, he said coldly to the few behind:

"Last place, five kilometers at night."

As soon as these words came out, the guys who ran at the end looked like they were beaten with blood in an instant. Where is the procrastination from before?
It runs so fast that a dog can't catch it.

Hula La ran for a while, and after running over, I couldn't catch my breath, so I immediately lined up and stood up.

The stopwatch in Jiang Ye's hand has stopped:
"Liu Xu, five kilometers at night."

The one named Liu Xu was the last team member, and his whole face was wrinkled like a bitter gourd.

But even so, I don't dare to have the slightest complaint, it's time to run or run!


shouted loudly in response.

What he felt in his heart, only he knew.

No one cares about this at the moment, and Jiang also directly ordered:

"Prepare for push-ups!"


Soon, a large group of younger brothers who had just finished eating started doing push-ups on the training ground.

"One hundred one hundred and two. One hundred and three."

"220 five 220 six."

The brigade commander did not call to stop, and no one dared to stop in private.

Grit your teeth and keep doing it.

It wasn't until the fastest player had reached nearly [-], and the slowest player had reached [-], Jiang also whistled:

(End of this chapter)

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