Chapter 426

Liu Yuan sent Lu Jing outside the fire brigade and left, rushing to deal with the work.

On the training ground, the big guy was training like fire.

It's already autumn and winter, but everyone is shirtless and sweaty. It can be seen how strong the training is!

Lu Jing glanced at it for a while, and after watching more every day, naturally he was not so excited.

Besides, in the eyes of doctors, these white bodies are bones, and flesh is flesh. Which one should be cut open the most?Or which one is better to smash?

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Sister-in-law is back?"

Lu Jing nodded to the two team members who greeted him:

"Hello, that, where is Team Jiang?"

The players pointed to the location of the training ground:

Lu Jing nodded with a smile on his face:
"Okay, I see, thank you."

After the players left, Lu Jing didn't go to the training ground, but went upstairs to go home.

When I opened the door, I looked left and right several times, and when I saw no one, I was quietly relieved.

After opening the door and entering, he ran to the bedroom in a hurry, and then shoved the bag in his hand into the bottom corner of the closet.

After watching for a while, he shook his head again and again, and said to himself:
"No, no, I have to get something to cover it up."

The one from his own family has very sharp eyes and can be found anywhere, and there is almost nothing that can hide from his eyelids.

Lu Jing is sometimes a little afraid of him, the main thing is that he has no secrets and nothing to hide.

It's like she's not wearing clothes, she's panicking.

Of course, Jiang has always given a sense of security, the kind that is super doubled, so Lu Jing doesn't really care about this.

However, today, I really dare not let people see it, I have to hide it!

At this moment, the man who was still on the training ground didn't know the situation at home, but he sneezed several times in succession, and Lao Qin couldn't help but look over.

"What's the matter? You don't seem to have a cold, do you?"

For these individuals in the fire brigade, the number of colds can be counted on one hand all year round.

Moreover, many people have never had a cold for several years, and they are in great shape!
Jiang also waved his hand:

"It's okay, how long will it take?"

Lao Qin looked at his watch:
"Come on, about 10 minutes."

Jiang also threw the stopwatch and whistle to Lao Qin:

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Whether it's true or not, only I know in my heart.

Jiang Yeren had already left the training ground, and sure enough, he turned to the family building.

It's only the third floor, and it doesn't take half a minute to go upstairs.

Inside the house, Lu Jing was still struggling in the bedroom.

"Where are you going to hide?"

"It's definitely not possible there, and Jiang will definitely see it!"

"The wardrobe is open at any time, even if it is hidden in the corner, it is not safe!"

"Why don't you hide it in the top cabinet for the time being?"

There are some out-of-season clothes and quilts in there, which are usually not opened.

The more I think about it, the more I think this method is better.

Just when Lu Jing stood up and was about to stuff the bag into the top cabinet, he wasn't tall enough and didn't put it in several times. He already wanted to go outside and bring a chair in.

Suddenly, the weight on his hands was much lighter.

"What? I'll help you!"

When he heard the familiar voice behind him that could no longer be familiar, Lu Jing shook his body in dissatisfaction, and then swishly hid to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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