After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 430 Take care of your daughter-in-law

Chapter 430 Take care of your daughter-in-law

After dinner, Lu Jing didn't want to stay at home.

Jiang Ye was washing dishes in the kitchen at this time when he heard a knock on the door:

"Daughter-in-law, open the door."

Lu Jingjing didn't need a man's reminder, he had already walked towards the door, and when the door opened, he saw Lao Qin's wife standing there smiling:

"Come on, Doctor Lu, take a walk."

"Okay, I'll take down the phone, and my sister-in-law will wait for me."

"go Go."

In the kitchen, Jiang also heard the conversation between the two in the living room outside, and the action of washing the dishes stopped.

So, have you been left behind?
Don't say it, it seems to be true!

Even without saying hello, he just closed the door and left.


The man in the kitchen suddenly had several black lines on his forehead.

Especially looking at the bowls and dishes in the pool in front of him, it looks like a class enemy.

However, after a few seconds, a sullen smile appeared on his face.

Old Qin's daughter-in-law, right?

She kidnapped her daughter-in-law, what kind of thing, it must be Lao Qin in the end!
Who let him not control his wife?
At this moment, Lao Qin, who was struttingly lying on the sofa at home watching TV, sneezed a few times, and shocked his son who was doing his homework next to him.

"Dad, are you sick?"

"No, some brat must be scolding your father from behind!"


As soon as the voice fell, the mobile phone in Lao Qin's pocket rang.

For a time, the father and son looked at each other in dismay.

"Dad, take it."

Lao Qin reluctantly took out his mobile phone:

"Hello? Lao Jiang?"

At this point in time, should something happen again?
It has to be said that the demon of Jiang Da is really possible at any time.

Thinking that he would be busy until midnight, or maybe even tomorrow morning, Lao Qin sighed for a while.

Who knows, the person on the phone said quietly:
"Take care of your daughter-in-law!"

Old Qin almost thought he heard it wrong, or hallucinated.

"What's wrong with my daughter-in-law?" she asked in a low voice.

Your daughter-in-law shouldn't provoke the big devil of Jiang, right?

This has never happened before!
Lao Qin couldn't figure it out for a while, and scratched the back of his head with five fingers. Just as he was about to speak, the person on the phone had already made a sound again.

"Your daughter-in-law kidnapped my daughter-in-law!"

That's it?

Lao Qin was stunned for a while, and finally calmed down:
"Cough, they should just go around the training ground and take a walk."

As for abduction or something, really not!
However, it can be seen that the big devil Jiang is reluctant to let his daughter-in-law leave his eyes!

Is it so clingy?

Lao Qin wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare, so he could only hold back, but it was uncomfortable.

"It's just this time, the next time is not an example. From now on, take care of your daughter-in-law."

What else can Lao Qin say?
"Yes, yes, I care, believe it?"

Really dictatorial enough!
However, I was really aggrieved by Dr. Lu. He didn't even have any personal space, and he was restricted from going out for a walk.

However, some things may seem unreasonable to some people.

But for Lu Jing and Jiang Ye, this way of getting along is normal, they have always come here, and neither of them thinks there is anything wrong.

Lu Jing felt that it was good for someone to take care of him, otherwise, sometimes he would really lack self-discipline.

As for Jiang Ye, I never felt that there was any problem.

Taking care of your daughter-in-law, isn't that just right?

Can anyone have an opinion?
Who dares to have an opinion?
(End of this chapter)

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