Chapter 441 It's Too Hard

He went upstairs with great excitement and opened the door.

"young married woman?"


"Where? Your man is back!"

Called several times, but no response.

And Jiang also searched the house almost all over, thinking: went out?

have to.

The people you want to see are not there, so keep busy.

No one said a sip, then closed the door and left.

At this moment, the hospital bus has already entered the expressway.

The place to go this time is not too far away, it is within the territory of Nanxi City, but it is almost at the junction. After crossing that mountain, it is the boundary of XX Province.

And the mission of Lu Jing and the others this time is a certain village on that mountain.

It took nearly three hours for the bus to finally arrive at the location. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, the big guys in the center of Nanxi City would never have imagined that there is such a thing in the jurisdiction of the No. [-] financial center city in Southwest China. Poor, backward places?
Suddenly back to 80s?

These buildings are built with mud walls. If the walls are damaged, they are blocked with reeds or fences, and the roofs are covered with mountain grass.

Also, it is about to enter December now, and the weather is very cold.

But the children here are all thin and thin, and some even wear sandals on their feet?

Looking at this scene, everyone on the bus was surprised.

It's unimaginable, it's already 2022, how can anyone live like this?
Even everyone here, going back 20 years, I'm afraid their lives will be much better than this, right?


I really don't know how to speak, especially when faced with those curious, ignorant, and timid eyes, everyone's heart clenched.

Fortunately, the people from the village committee arrived at this time:

"I'm really grateful to the comrades for coming to our village to do charity work. The mountain road is rough and difficult to walk, so you're suffering?"

The leader was the director of the digestive department, a middle-aged man who was nearly 50 years old, and responded with a smile:
"No, no, what are you talking about?"

The leaders of the village committee also smiled with an old face:

"Don't stand here, go see where you live first, wash your face, and rest."

In this regard, the director did not refuse:

It's really hard to take a break from the boat ride.

There were also several people who were hit by motion sickness, and their faces were almost pale.

"Let's go."

For a time, everyone was walking behind the leaders of the village committee.

Not long after, they arrived at a two-story old building.

"This used to be the home of a big landlord in our village, but later his family disappeared. The house has been preserved, and it is also a rare place in the village for everyone to rest. I hope you don't mind too much."

I will definitely not mind, at least, this old building is not made of muddy walls, it will not be woken up by the rain in the middle of the night, and there will be no wind blowing in from the hole.

It can be seen that the configuration in the room is very simple, and it is all new. At first glance, it is made of a big tree that was just cut down from the mountain.

It's just a simple wooden bed, and then get a wooden table in each room, forget about the wardrobe, and there are no chairs.

However, there were stools in the living room on the first floor, which should have been borrowed from various households. I couldn't find one that was intact, and almost all of them had short legs and missing corners.

Lu Jing and the nearest colleague who walked beside him looked at each other and twitched the corners of their mouths.

Now, everyone's thinking is the same: it's really hard!

(End of this chapter)

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