Chapter 444 The throat is hoarse
After arriving at the hospital next door, I went straight to the orthopedic surgery.

At this point, the doctors are all off work, only the doctor on duty is there, and no one is in the office.

His feet turned in an instant, and this time he went directly to the nurse's station.

Xiao Tang was busy recording the list with his head down, when a shout suddenly sounded above his head:

"Little Tang?"

After seeing the person, Xiao Tang's face was full of surprise:
"Team Jiang?"

Jiang also hummed, his face was not as serious as usual, but rather kind.

After all, Xiao Tang is still the person his team members like!

Also, she has a very good relationship with her daughter-in-law.

There is no way, even Captain Jiang has to take it easy and not dare to offend at will.

"What's the matter with you, Team Jiang?" Xiao Tang asked quickly.

Jiang also nodded his head:
"Where did you Doctor Lu go to the countryside?" asked directly.

Oh ~
Xiao Tang understood it now, and couldn't help but smile:

"It's in XX Village below XX Township in Nanxi City."

After getting the information he wants, Jiang will definitely not stay any longer:

"How long are they going?"

"A week."

"Okay, thank you, you can do your job."

"Hey, okay, goodbye, Team Jiang."

"it is good."

When he came out of the hospital, Jiang certainly couldn't look for it directly according to his temperament.

There are still many things in the team. As a captain, how can you be so casual?

After all, there are so many eyes looking down below.

Forget it, let's go back and finish the business first.

This busy, directly busy until dark.

Jiang also opened the drawer, took out his mobile phone and made a call:
"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later."

Very good, just like in the morning.

In the end, where can there be no basic communication signal?
Even Jiang Ye couldn't help but be curious.

He simply finished his busy work, and pulled out a map of Nanxi City, which marked every place densely, including the small mountain village where Lu Jing and the others were now.

Judging from the map, the small village could not be more insignificant, and the distance was not too close.

If you drive at the high speed, it will take several hours to reach the foot of the mountain, and then the road up the mountain.

In this short period of time, Jiang also had several plans in his mind, and finally decided to work overtime tonight to do everything, and then set off for the small mountain village early tomorrow morning.

Originally, it took a few days to see no one on a business trip. If I waited another week to see you, I would definitely not be able to bear it.

Don't say anything else, just go and take a look from a distance.

On the other side, Dr. Lu, who was busy examining the legs and feet of the villagers, didn't think about it so much, and didn't have time to think about it.

"Uncle, I gave you some medicine, and then asked your family to buy it for you at the pharmacy outside. Do you have to use it?"

The uncle is about six or seventy years old, his ears are still not sharp, and he has to work hard to speak.

"Ah? Okay, thank you little girl."

Lu Jing's throat was hoarse, but he had to continue, there was still a line in the back.

This one after another, I don't know when it will end. Anyway, everyone has a sore back.

After finally getting some free time, Lu Jing was about to sit down, but before his butt was on the bench, he was stopped by Dr. Wei next to him:
"Doctor Lu, come here and do me a favor."


He stood up straight, then strode over:
"What's wrong?" asked.

(End of this chapter)

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