After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 446 Go to the hot search by yourself

Chapter 446 Go to the hot search by yourself

However, the village director laughed:
"Doctor Lu, I have your phone number in the office."


Those present were not surprised.

Who makes everyone have no cell phone signal?
The main thing is envy.

Lu Jing was stunned at first, but he quickly realized that he could guess who was calling with his toes. For a while, his face changed dramatically.

In the end, it was Dr. Wei who took a few actions:
"Doctor Lu? Xiao Lu?"

Lu Jingcai stopped the scolding in his heart and turned to Dr. Wei:

"Doctor Wei, come with me."

After all, this is the first time for everyone in this village, and they are all unfamiliar, and it is a big night again.

"Okay, I'll accompany you there."

The two put down the water cups and followed the village director.

Along the way, Dr. Wei, of course, made a lot of jokes and ridicules:
"Yoyo, who is it? You've been chasing the phone in less than a day?"

Lu Jing coughed his throat:
"No one."

I'm still angry, isn't a certain smelly man attracting bees and butterflies outside?
Dr. Wei is not stupid, how can he not hear it?

"Pissed you off?"

"Yeah." There's no need to deny it.

"Since people can go so hard to find the phone number in the village, they can still show their sincerity. If there is any misunderstanding, let's talk about it. Everyone is an adult. Don't be naive, don't be impulsive."

Persuading and not persuading, it seems that everyone is like this.

Lu Jing pursed the corners of his lips a few times:
"I know, I didn't doubt him, I just couldn't get over it."

It's all on the front page of the hot search on the whole Internet with other women. It's strange that Lu Jing can still sit and live.

As an outsider, Dr. Wei will definitely not interfere too much. He has already persuaded what he should have persuaded just now, and there is no problem at first glance.

"Alright, alright, let's go first, here we are."

It's too cold outside the station, and the wind in the mountains is really strong at night. It's so cold that I can't stand it.

The village committee office is actually a large tile-roofed house with three rooms in a row.

When Lu Jing and Dr. Wei went in, they saw a very old-fashioned landline phone on the dilapidated desk at a glance. It's really hard to see this style in the city.

The microphone was set aside, apparently the phone was always on.

Dr. Wei gestured several times with his eyes: take it!

Lu Jing stepped forward, took a deep breath at the same time, and then picked up the microphone:


On the other side of the phone, people have been waiting.

No, after hearing the woman's familiar voice, he smiled:


Lu Jing is not in the mood to talk nonsense here:

"Say something!"

cough cough.

The man on the other side of the phone seemed to finally realize something was wrong:

"Lu'er, what's wrong?"

Didn't you feel better before your business trip?
As for how good it was, someone still has a fresh memory, and he secretly wants to do it again.

Of course Lu Jing didn't know someone's mental thoughts at the moment. If he knew, he would have hung up the phone.

"What's the matter? What do you say?"


Jiang also scratched the back of his head:

"I really don't know, daughter-in-law, what's wrong? Can you tell me?"

Lu Jing frowned:

"You do not know?"

Why can't you believe it?
Jiang also replied repeatedly:

"I really don't know, I just got back in the morning and I've been in meetings all day."

Where do you have time to focus on other things?
In addition to paying attention to his own daughter-in-law.

Speaking of which, what else can Lu Jing say?
"Then go and look through the hot searches of the past few days, and you will know why.

It's getting late, I have to go back to rest, let's talk. "

(End of this chapter)

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