After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 458 The Facts Can't Be Denied

Chapter 458 The Facts Can't Be Denied

After a while of joking, everyone started to get busy.

Sitting in the newly built tent, not to mention being very happy, I am not tired from work and full of energy.

In the evening, when everyone was still busy, the village director came running out of breath:

"Comrades doctors, don't be too busy, go over there to get something!"

get something?
Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

"What do you get?"

"I do not know."

"Then go have a look."

At the entrance of the village, because the car could not get in, everything was unloaded on the ground nearby.

After everyone came over, they naturally saw what it was at a glance.


"And a heater!"

But, who sent the quilt and heater?

Several large trucks have sent over, and the number is quite large.

At this time, I saw the village director coming with a list in his hand:

"These things are all delivered by Captain Jiang's arrangements. The doctors and comrades include all the villagers in the village, and every household has a share!"

For a while, the audience was full of breathless voices.

After all, these big trucks, plus those tents and the things in the tents, not to mention millions, at least hundreds of thousands, right?
Throwing out hundreds of thousands without blinking is not something ordinary people can do.

Lu Jing instantly felt his eyes were looking at him, the kind that were particularly enthusiastic.

cough cough.

I couldn't help but want to step back.

However, Dr. Wei held him tightly:
"What are you running for? Tell me honestly!"

"Explain what?" The tone was very cautious.

But, still useless.

"Tell me, does Captain Jiang have a mine at home? Is there still a lack of servants at home?"

I am afraid that the salary of the servants in the family is more than that of the doctor?
Don't say it, that's the truth!

Lu Jing smiled awkwardly:
"No, where is it?"

This sentence has zero persuasive power.

Don't talk about Dr. Wei, no one around will believe it.

"Comrade Xiao Lu, be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist."

"Hahaha, that's it, hurry up and confess."

Lu Jing was blocked by his colleagues and had nowhere to go, so he had no way to retreat, so he was full of life without love:
"What do you want me to confess?" asked.

Immediately, everyone was gossiping.

"What kind of family is your Captain Jiang?"

"That's right, a fire brigade captain alone can't throw hundreds of thousands of dollars in the blink of an eye, right?"

"I see the person in your family, the aura around his body is not something that ordinary people can raise."

I have to admit that in the end the colleague was right.

Can the Jiang family make ordinary people?

But it's not ordinary.

Lu Jing pursed his lips:

"That, it's actually just average, really, it's not as exaggerated as you think."

"Fuck, do you think we believe it?"

Lu Jing frowned again:

"Then why do you believe it?"

Well, as soon as this question came out, everyone really didn't answer it.

"That, that, is there really a mine?"

cough cough.

Lu Jing has never lied since he was a child, so although he hesitated for a few seconds, he finally nodded:


The fact cannot be denied.

When everyone heard that there was actually a mine, they exclaimed in general.


"Niu Niu Niu!"

"It's the first time I've seen someone with a mine at home in real life!"

It's been a long time since I said it.

Fortunately, these people did not continue to ask afterward, and Lu Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

What I didn't say is that there are many mines in the Jiang family, and there are more than one!

(End of this chapter)

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