Chapter 461 You are a good man

The director came out of the house:
"Comrades, this public welfare mission has been successfully completed, thank you all!"

'piapia~' a burst of applause sounded.

"Don't talk nonsense, just go back to the house and pack up. The bus to pick us up has arrived and is waiting for us."

Thinking of going back soon, the people who were sighing before now seem to have all vanished.

"Quick, quick, pack up and go."

"I can finally go back. I want to eat my mother's stewed pig's foot soup and drink a few big bowls of him."

"Pfft, watch out for soaring purines!"

"Bah, pah, don't curse me."

Speaking of pork feet soup, it's really delicious.

But you can't drink too much, let alone eat too often.

Otherwise, gout may come to you.

As a doctor, everyone still understands these common sense issues to a certain extent, so that they won't mess around.

When it comes to cleaning up, there is nothing to clean up. What you brought here before will be taken away now.

As for the thick quilts and heaters that I just got a few days ago, they must have been left directly.

Therefore, everyone was very fast, and after a while, they all arrived at the dam where the bus was parked.

"Go up, everyone, and leave when you're done."

After the director finished speaking, he turned around and handed over to the leaders of the village.

Lu Jing and Dr. Wei were still sitting in the last row, and they were in this position when they came.

As soon as the two got into the car, they often breathed a sigh of relief.

The director was still chatting with people, and the bus naturally continued to wait.

Everyone waited and waited, and saw several communication operation vehicles and operation vehicles of natural gas companies coming one after another.

what's going on?
"Is the village going to be connected to natural gas?"

"Everyone from the natural gas company is here. It must be. I didn't know it before I came. It's already 2022, and there is still a place to burn firewood and coal every day."

"Don't forget, this is where Nanxi City belongs."

Yeah, really unexpected.

"Why is the communication car here? Is it going to be connected to the Internet?
However, how did the two of them come together so coincidentally? "

Is there such a coincidence in the world?

This question did not puzzle everyone for too long, and the answer was soon found.

"I heard that someone suddenly applied for it."


"Then I don't know. This efficiency is definitely not mentioned by the common people."

Indeed, the application is submitted layer by layer, and it can be approved within this year.

But this time, it took just a few days.

It is bound to be reported directly to the highest department without going through the layers of review below.

Then the top department directly issued an order, and these companies will come so quickly!
The twists and turns here can be guessed by anyone.

Lu Jing was facing the window and the wind was blowing, and was bumped by Doctor Wei:

"Little Lu, you said, is this applicant from your family?"

Dr. Wei's suspicions are well-founded and not fabricated out of thin air.

Lu Jing was stunned for a moment:
"Oh no?"

But Dr. Wei has a strong sixth sense:

"I think so! If you don't believe me, go back and ask."

Lu Jing twitched the corners of his mouth:
"Okay, I'll go back and ask."

That stinky man, thinking about it carefully, seems to be someone who can do these things.

Although he is usually fierce and cold, he is actually quite soft inside.

Thinking of this, Lu Jing wanted to laugh.

At this time, Dr. Wei bumped over again:
"You're a good man!"

cough cough.

Lu Jing couldn't deny this either.

(End of this chapter)

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