Chapter 463 Ladies First
Suddenly, someone saw a figure not far away with sharp eyes:
"Hey, isn't that Captain Jiang?"

"Team Jiang!"

"Captain Jiang!"

After Jiang also heard the sound, he followed the sound and looked over, and he recognized it at a glance.

The one who shouted loudly was chatting with Jiang Ye for a long time.

Seeing this, Jiang also came over and walked to the bus:
"Your mission is over?" asked.

"Yeah, I just came back, I saw you here, do you need help?"

Jiang also shook his head, but quickly said:
"All the critical ones were sent away, and only a few were left with minor injuries. Where's my wife? Just let her come down and help."

Are you sure it's not fake public welfare?

The male doctor also understood in an instant, was happy, and at the same time turned his head and shouted into the car:
"Doctor Xiao Lu, stop sitting and get out of the car."

cough cough.

Lu Jingjing didn't want to look up, and there were all joking eyes on the top of his head.

But he had to get up again, after all, the bus stopped and opened the door.

I have to praise: the uncle driver is also very good!
The summary is in place: they are all people who watch the fun and don't think it's a big deal.

The director also spoke at this time:

"Comrade Xiao Lu, go ahead, get a medical kit from the front."

The only ones left were patients with minor injuries. To put it bluntly, it was skin trauma, and dressing and disinfection was enough.

Lu Jing got off the bus and got off the bus with his teasing eyes. When he got off the bus, he was facing someone's smiling face.

All right, let out a sigh of relief.

Carrying the medical box, he stepped forward and glared at someone several times from an angle that no one could see.

After all, isn't this guy the one who did it?
Jiang also coughed, then stretched out his hand to take the medical kit that his daughter-in-law was carrying:

"I come."

Lu Jing was not polite, and gave it directly to someone:

"Where are the wounded?"

Now is not the time to say otherwise.

If you are injured, deal with it promptly.

Small injuries can also develop into serious injuries, okay?

So, it's better to deal with it first.

"Here, I'll take you there."

Jiang also walked forward, slowing down a lot, making sure that the woman behind him could keep up with the speed.

Lu Jing followed the man all the way, and of course he saw some traces of the scene.

Hiss, that's really worrying!

Not long ago, I saw a high-speed car accident with my own eyes and delivered a baby.

Lu Jing didn't even ask about the specific situation, whether he could not listen or try not to listen to those appalling scenes.

Soon, they arrived at the cordon. Two men and one woman were sitting on the ground next to each other, with skin injuries of varying degrees on their faces, arms, and legs.

Just looking at the scary person, the injury is not very serious.

Otherwise, the emergency personnel would have pulled the people away.

After Jiang Ye passed by, he put down the medical box and waved to Lu Jing:

"Daughter-in-law, come."

Lu Jing glanced at it before stepping forward.

I didn't care about anyone, I probably looked at it, and squatted in front of the girl.

As the saying goes: Ladies first.

Boys are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so they can resist, so continue to resist.

"What's wrong? Are you dizzy?" He asked softly.

The girl should have been frightened and not fully recovered, so her reaction was a bit slow:
"Ah, no, no dizziness."

Lu Jing nodded:

"Then let me check it? I'll take it lightly."

Although it is a skin injury, I still don't feel relieved if I don't check it myself.


Lu Jing first checked his pupils, then felt the pulse on his neck, and finally listened to his heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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