After a breakup, my ex always tried to block me

Chapter 473 Do You Remember What I Said?

Chapter 473 Do You Remember What I Said?
Before Lu Jing could speak, Jiang Ye was the first to speak out:
"Old Qin, I've seen you outside."

Old Qin still nodded:

"It's not to see outsiders, but to really thank my siblings."

Lu Jing quickly waved his hand:

"Instructor Qin, there is really no need, Xiao Kai is also the child I have been watching."

Besides, Lu Jing himself is a doctor, okay?
Not to mention Xiaokai, even strangers who don't know each other will do the same.

There has been a saying since ancient times: Doctors are parents.

Seeing the father and son hugging each other, the couple also retreated silently.

Standing outside the emergency department, Lu Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang also knew how soft the heart of the woman in front of him was, so he reached out and embraced her:

"Okay, it's okay, everything will be fine." She said softly.

Sure enough, this tenderness will only be given to him to kiss his wife.

Lu Jing didn't push away, and was quietly hugged:

"Jiang Ye, do you know? I was so worried and scared!"

"It's okay, it's okay, you see that the children have been transfused, and they didn't say anything serious, did they?"

It is a mild poisoning, not too serious.

Otherwise, it is more than just infusion therapy.

I'm afraid I'll need gastric lavage or surgery.

It's not that Lu Jing doesn't know this truth, but he's scared and still has lingering fears. There are so many children, how does the kindergarten manage?
Moreover, the annual tuition fee charged by this kindergarten is not low, and the monthly living expenses are also quite a lot.

Can anything go wrong?
Jiang also hugged a little tighter:
"By the way, I remember that Yaoyao is also in this kindergarten?"

Obviously, Captain Jiang still remembered that cheap girl in his heart.

Lu Jing said happily:

"She just asked for leave these days and didn't come to school."

So escaped the disaster.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Jiang felt a little relieved.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, how long is it until you get off work?"

Lu Jing suddenly realized that he was still on duty.

Hastily withdrew from the man's arms:

"I have to go back to the outpatient clinic, you watch over here."

Jiang Ye took the woman's hand:
"There's Lao Qin here. His wife will be here soon. I'll accompany you there."

With such a big incident, everyone feels like they are not in the mood to go to work.

Anyway, it was past four o'clock, and it was less than an hour before leaving get off work, so Jiang planned to accompany the woman to go home from get off work.

In this regard, Lu Jing did not refuse.

The two returned to the outpatient hall from the emergency department one after the other, and finally entered the office.

Jiang also sat in the intern's seat, and soon, a patient came in, who was still an acquaintance.

"Wu Huai, have the test results come out?"

The doctor has a really good memory. After seeing so many people, he can remember the name immediately.

The boy nodded and went in.

However, after coming in, he saw Jiang Ye's figure, and was shocked for the first time.

cough cough.

Fuck, who is it?
Suddenly I couldn't breathe.

Or Lu Jing said again:

"Show me the report."

Wu Huaicai came back to his senses, and quickly handed over the form:

"Here, Doctor Lu."

After Lu Jing took it, he looked carefully, and Wu Huai also sat down bravely. After sitting down, he straightened his back, like a primary school student, and didn't dare to look around with his eyes. He was very upright.

Lu Jing glanced at it, pretending he didn't see it.

Soon, after reading a few inspection reports, I had a 100% understanding of Wu Huai's situation.

"See, it's knee effusion, which is quite serious. Do you remember what I said before?"


The boy nodded:
"Remember, remember, you can't exercise vigorously, let alone play ball!"

(End of this chapter)

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