Chapter 477

Jiang also came out of the kitchen, probably hearing the conversation between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and said with a smile:

"You're getting along well with my mom, aren't you?"

Anyway, among the comrades around me, I haven't seen other people with such a good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

So, I couldn't help but joke about it.

Lu Jing rolled his eyes. Fortunately, he had already hung up the phone before:
"What? What's your problem?"


"How dare you?"

The two of you are fine, and you can live comfortably by yourself.

Otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable to be sandwiched in the middle as a sandwich biscuit or something.

It’s not too much to have seen this kind of thing. A group of big men are obviously not afraid of hardship, fatigue, and bloodshed on the training ground. Only when facing the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at home, they are all about to collapse.

Thinking of this, Jiang had no choice but to thank his daughter-in-law and his own mother. Both of them are reasonable ladies who won't make a fuss.

"Cough, it's time to eat!"

Lu Jing hummed:
"I'll recharge and come right away."

The phone is going to be turned off.

"Okay, I'll go serve the dishes."

Days like this are really comforting.

It was plain, ordinary, without the slightest splendor, only the long flow of two people.

When it was almost time to eat, Lu Jing's cell phone that was charging in the study rang.

The man immediately put down the dishes:

"You eat, I'll get it."

Of course Lu Jing didn't move, and continued to eat the dishes in the bowl.

Jiang Ye's long legs didn't take ten seconds to come and go.

The bell was still ringing, and Lu Jing took a look and quickly connected:
"Ah night?"

This guy hasn't heard from him for months.

Suddenly received a phone call, it was really shocking.

Miss Dai does not have this self-knowledge:

"What are you doing, Doctor Lu?"

Lu Jing pouted the corners of his mouth:
"Why don't you ask me? Should you report your whereabouts for the past few months?"

Fortunately, even if there is no contact for a few months, the relationship between the two girlfriends will not affect anything.

"Oh, didn't I hide from people?"

"Who to hide? Don't say it's Xiang Zheng?"

"No, it's the people in my family, and I don't know who disclosed the news. They've been looking for me like crazy for the past few months, and my mother almost went to Siberia."

Well, when I go to Siberia, I can only accompany bears almost every day. It depends on who eats who in the end?

Lu Jing is not stupid:
"Did you do something? I've never seen those people in your family looking for you so persistently before?"

As soon as these words came out, Miss Dai on the phone laughed a few times, obviously being stabbed.

"That, that, I'll tell you more about it when I get back. Now I have to go through the security check."

What can Lu Jing say?

"Okay, by the way, why Yaoyao didn't go to school these days? It's a leave of absence?"

In this regard, Miss Dai, as a mother, must know:

"It's okay, follow her father."

"Xiang Zheng returned home?"


Lu Jing really didn't know this news.

So now, on the side of country M, the matter of Xiang Jia has been dealt with?

Otherwise, Xiang Zheng would not be able to return to China.

It's also very good, Xiao Yaoyao follows her father to cultivate and cultivate feelings, otherwise, the father and daughter will be too separate.

After all, isn't the culprit responsible for this situation really Miss Dai herself?

This girl is simply lawless. No one can control what she wants to do.

Another one, Xiang Zheng still pampered her and followed her.

No, all the dog gallbladders were made into bear gallbladders.

(End of this chapter)

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