Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the curtains on the second floor were pulled open.

The old couple didn't sleep at the moment, and when they heard some movement, they suspected that their daughter had returned, so they got up and opened the curtains to have a look.

Unexpectedly, it really is.

"Girl, Xiaoye!" Mother Lu shouted.

Jiang Ye originally planned to return to the hospital immediately after delivering the person, but now, the mother-in-law has already said hello, so it is not good to just leave.

'boom! 'Close the car door.

Lu Jing was still puzzled:

"Aren't you leaving?" asked.

The man smiled:
"I'll leave later, my father-in-law and mother-in-law are not asleep yet, go in and say hello to them."

This most basic issue of politeness and etiquette cannot be ignored.

Otherwise, the prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law may have opinions.

More than worth the loss!
Lu Jing pouted, and couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

After entering, Lu's father and Lu's mother had already come down from upstairs in their nightgowns:
"Why are you back at this time?" asked.

Before Lu Jing could answer, the man had already answered first:
"The situation at the hospital is fairly stable. Her physical condition is not suitable for staying up late. There is no one at home, and the hotel is not at ease."

No, the best way is to send it to the Lu family.

With parents and mothers taking care of her, what problems can there be?
For this reason, the old couple also agree:

"Oh, it's really hard work, you have to make such a trip when you're so busy, girl, if you still have this matter next time, you can call your dad and ask your dad to pick you up."

As the saying goes, when a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looks at her, the more satisfied she becomes.

Naturally, the mother-in-law will also feel sorry for her son-in-law.

What else can Lu Jing do?

Of course, he could only nod his head and agree, otherwise, what was waiting for him would be the nagging of his mother.

At this time, a call came from the hospital, and the call directly to Lu's father's cell phone was from Jiang's mother herself.

The main thing is to ask if the young couple has arrived home, and there are also some worries and exhortations.

In the end, I asked my son not to go back to the hospital for the time being. The old man's condition is still very stable. There are so many people here, so the son and daughter-in-law can have a good night's rest, right?

Mothers naturally feel sorry for their sons.

After hanging up the phone, Lu's father relayed Jiang's mother's words verbatim, and Jiang didn't refuse. From the bottom of his heart, he still wanted to spend more time with his wife.

Moreover, Jiang's mother called and said, which means that there is really no problem with the hospital.

Lu's father, Lu's mother, and the old couple didn't dare to ask any more questions. It's so late, it's better for the young couple to rest quickly.

"Jingjing, Xiaoye, hurry up and wash up, and then rest, it will be one o'clock soon."

It's really late at this point in time.

Lu Jing and Jiang also nodded tacitly:
"Got it, Dad, Mom, good night."

Jiang also followed his wife and said:

"Uncle and aunt, good night."

The old couple also nodded:
"Hurry up and go upstairs, hurry up." Urged.

Until, the young couple went upstairs, Lu's father and Lu's mother were still sitting downstairs.

Both of them sighed incessantly, with worried expressions on their faces.

In front of the young couple just now, I really didn't dare to show the slightest bit of worry and eagerness.

So now, they can only look at each other and sigh at each other.

As for Lu Jing and Jiang Ye, after going upstairs, they began to wash and shower.

The speed is very fast, after all, it is already very late.

When everything was finished, it was still nearly two o'clock.

Lu Jing had already yawned several times in succession, he really couldn't hold it anymore, so he didn't wait for the man to come out of the bathroom, just lay down and fell asleep.

And Jiang Ye came out about 5 minutes later.

As soon as I came out, I saw my daughter-in-law fell asleep, and for a while, my steps became much lighter.

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