Chapter 639 Sue the Chen Mansion
"I've already taken a lot of Ci An Tang's pills, and I'm still taking them. What should I do? Should I stop or continue taking them?"

People rushed to give him advice.

"Don't worry so much, the only thing that happened was the Anshen Pill, so you didn't just take the Anshen Pill, did you?"

"That's not it, it's Shiquan Dabu Wan."

"What are you worried about?"

"It's human nature to be worried. According to me, if there is a problem with one pill, others cannot be trusted!"

"Yes, if you can believe it, you can't believe it. If it's me, I won't eat it for now, and I'll talk about it after this turmoil."

"Yes, be careful with the Wannian Ship, it won't be worth it if you become a fool."

After this group of people dispersed, when they returned home or near their home, they couldn't help but secretly talk about it again when they met acquaintances.

So, one pass ten ten pass one hundred.

Even the last words of those two men were spread.

As a result, when everyone talks about this matter, they will warn each other to be careful of being captured by the Nanyue King's people.

People are so strange, the more they are told not to talk about something, the more they want to talk about it secretly.

That's how rumors spread.

The two men who sang the oboe were caught by the people of Longtang in the middle of the next point.

Because old Mrs. Chen was involved, he paid a lot of money to ask a Jianghu gang to help him with this matter.

There were quite a few men who were sent out to sing the oboe at the same time, so the person in charge of this task was completely useless.

Rumors quickly spread in the capital.

The people in Longtang also used relatively fast speed to arrest all those who spread rumors.

It turned out that they were members of a third-rate gang in Beijing, a rogue gang composed of three religions and nine ranks, who would do anything as long as someone gave them money.

People from Longtang went directly to their headquarters and arrested their leader.

Gang Leader Yang trembled in fright.

When accepting this order, he hesitated for a while, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of the high amount of money.

He warned the gang members who had been on missions to form a group of two people and spread it in up to three places, then leave the city immediately and hide in the suburbs for a few days before returning.

He thought it was safe, but he didn't expect that the people in Longtang had already guarded against Chen's move.

Most of the people were caught by Longtang's people when they spread lies at the second point.

Although the lies were spread, they were also exposed.

The trembling Gang Leader Yang didn't need Longtang to use tricks to greet him, and he honestly confessed everything.

Recruited Young Master Chen and Mr. Chen, and promised to testify in person.

At the same time, the Taoist priest was also arrested.

After threatening him a little, the Taoist priest collapsed, confessed all the facts, and even recruited the Chen family to ask him to suppress the soul of Yue Lingzhi's mother.

Originally it was his idea, but he insisted that it was Chen Fu's idea.

He also lied that he refused at the beginning, because Mrs. Chen threatened and lured him, so he couldn't agree.

Gu Zheng ordered all the criminals to be escorted to Dali Temple, together with all witnesses and evidence.

Then, Gu Zheng sued the Chen family with one piece of paper, maliciously distorting the facts, slandering Ms. Yue Lingzhi, and spreading rumors that there was something wrong with the pills in Ci'antang.

Regarding the matter of Young Master Chen's adultery with the guilty person, Gu Zheng did not send the evidence to Dali Temple.

This incident is not enough to kill Young Master Chen. Although he can be sent to a prison cell, Gu Zheng feels that it is cheaper for him.

Lingzhi said he wanted him to die, so he would definitely let him die.

(End of this chapter)

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