Chapter 654 When Did He Said Such A Word?

After the Chen family's case was announced to the world, there were endless discussions on the streets of the capital.

"I really didn't expect that, people's hearts are so deep! For their own benefit, even their own father, brother V, and even their own grandfather can be cruelly poisoned to death!"

"Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, mice give birth to burrows, these words are not false at all! Aunt Hong has ruthlessly harmed her first wife, and her son can also ruthlessly harm relatives."

"Chen Shangshu is self-inflicted and he has suffered retribution. Whoever made him selfish, his relatives and granddaughters don't recognize him, but he still protects the enemy's daughter. As a result, the bamboo basket fetches water in vain, and he himself is finally stupid."

"Old Mrs. Chen is also a weirdo. It is obvious that they themselves did the evil, but they still want to put the blame on Ci'an Hall. How stupid!"

"It's not stupid, it's the selfishness engraved in the bones, the heart is not kind, like a father, like a son, he has such a character that he can teach such a son!"

"The Chen family deserves to be fined 10 taels of silver! This will give them a long memory!"

"I heard that the Chen family wanted to play tricks, and Mrs. Chen was completely shameless. He cried and said that the Chen family could not afford so much money. He also said that Miss Lingzhi is their junior. They came first before she was born. 10 taels of silver, she should be filial to them!"

"In the end, Dali Temple came forward and restricted the Chen Mansion to hand over the silver taels within three days, otherwise the Chen Mansion's mansion will be sealed."

"It is said that Ci'an Hall did not take any of the 10 taels of silver, and donated it all to the soldiers guarding the border."

"So, King Nanyue and Miss Lingzhi are the real benevolent people!"

"Their kindness is the greatest kindness in the world. They care about us common people and the safety of the Great Xia Dynasty."

"If I hear someone talking about Miss Lingzhi's rebelliousness again, saying that she doesn't even save her grandpa, and doesn't recognize her grandparents, don't blame me for slapping her!"

"Yes, me too. It's best not to let me hear it. People who can't tell the difference between good and evil, and want to talk nonsense everywhere, should be slapped!"

The case of the Chen family came to an end.

Gu Zheng and Yue Lingzhi delayed their trip for several days because of this.

The night before they were about to leave the capital, Yue Lingzhi and the others went to the General's Mansion for dinner.

General Ouyang was in a very good mood, drank a few glasses of wine, and his speech was obviously drunk.

"Ganoderma lucidum girl, are you fourteen this year?"

Yue Lingzhi corrected him: "It won't be fourteen until October."

General Ouyang was thoughtful: "Soon, it will be fifteen next year."

Yue Lingzhi nodded: "It will only be fifteen in October next year, what is this, uncle and grandpa?"

In fact, she knew well that her uncle wanted to urge her and Gu Zheng to get married quickly, so that Gu Ming could marry Ouyang Qing.

After all, Ouyang Qing is already 17 years old.

General Ouyang is a straight-tempered person, and he immediately said what he was about to say through the wine.

"Your marriage with King Nanyue is scheduled for October next year?"

Yue Lingzhi pursed her lips and smiled: "Gu Zheng said, don't worry, I won't think about getting married until I'm over 16."

General Ouyang looked at Gu Zheng: "Why do you have to wait until the Lingzhi girl is 16 years old?"

Gu Zheng is actually very innocent. When did he say such a thing?
Like General Ouyang, he wished she would get married as soon as she turned 15.

Recently, for unknown reasons, he always dreamed of sleeping with her in his arms. Once he woke up, he found himself hugging a pillow tightly. Now thinking of the scene in his dream, his face was still a little hot.

However, he will not object to any decision of Ganoderma lucidum.

(End of this chapter)

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