Chapter 671 Still Underestimated

Before Yue Lingzhi could answer, Aqima smiled: "Daughter-in-law, you don't need to comfort me, and you don't need Dr. Yue to make up lies, I know my illness myself..."

"I admit that drinking holy water is my only hope, and I also hope that drinking holy water can really cure me, so I will sell a shop desperately..."

Now hope was dashed, and he was dying.

"I only hope that before I die, I can completely expose the conspiracy of those people, so that no one will be deceived again."

"So, daughter-in-law, please don't stop me..."

"After posting the big-character poster, I will be the first to stand up and expose the fake holy water in public! Even if I will end up... the same fate as Adom..."

Aqima struggled to say so many words.

His daughter-in-law promised him with tears in her eyes: "Okay, stop talking now, I will definitely support you..."

The husband and wife revealed their true feelings, and Yue Lingzhi was a little moved.

Let her make an exception to save his life.

"You are suffering from liver disease. There is a tumor in the liver area that will grow bigger and bigger. This tumor will suck your flesh and blood and interfere with the normal operation of your organs."

Aqima smiled bitterly: "It turns out that's the case. The doctor I saw before also said that there was something growing in my stomach, and I could feel a hard lump."

"It's okay, I know that life and death are destined, and there is no way for gods to cure my disease..."

Yue Lingzhi said: "But if you trust me, don't worry let me cure you, I can cure you."


Except for Gu Zheng, everyone asked in surprise.

Aqima's daughter-in-law fell to her knees with a snap, kowtowing to Yue Lingzhi repeatedly.

"If you can cure my man's illness, you will be the reincarnation of the living Buddha, and the gods will come down to earth!"

"We will definitely let you treat it with confidence!"

"Father, don't you think so?"

Aqima has calmed down. This doctor Xiaoyue in front of him is so young and has studied medicine for many years. Can he really save him?

Wouldn't it be to boast first, but actually try him out?

These two people from other places are very kind-hearted, willing to contribute money and effort.

Anyway, he is also dying, so give him a try.

Thinking of this, Aqima said: "I can completely trust you, but after exposing those people's conspiracy, if I can still live, I will let you cure me, no matter what method you use, I will agree."

When he said this, Yue Lingzhi immediately guessed what he was thinking.

Hehe, I was still underestimated by him.

But she doesn't blame him. At such a young age, it is impossible for anyone to trust her.

But she also admired him for being able to say what he said just now.

She didn't explain much, but happily said: "Okay, it's a deal."

At this time, Aqima's abdomen began to hurt again, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

At this time, he most longed to drink a bowl of holy water...

But he is determined not to drink!
Soon, the pain in the liver area, coupled with the drug addiction, besides the cold sweat, tears and snot were also streaming down his nose...

" all go out!"

He didn't want to be surrounded by so many people at such a moment of embarrassment.

Yue Lingzhi took out a bottle of analgesic pills.

"I have the painkiller pills from Ci'antang, would you like to take a painkiller first?"

Archie nodded.

After taking painkiller pills, his abdominal pain stopped.

However, the drug addiction has not disappeared, and the tears and snot are still coming out continuously after they can't be wiped clean.

Yue Lingzhi wanted to give him a glass of spiritual spring water to alleviate his drug addiction, but he was also worried that he would be misunderstood that the spiritual spring water was those "holy waters".

(End of this chapter)

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