I really want a good help

Chapter 8 Sleeping Exam Room

Chapter 8 Sleeping Exam Room
After Chen Mo finished speaking, he directly changed the title of the live broadcast room.

After all, he has already won the master promotion competition, so this title is meaningless.

"Next, I will not lose a game until I become the king, and if I lose a game, I will draw [-] cash!" "

Not to mention suicide, because it must not pass the review, it is too bloody.

And he didn't have any money, so if he could before he died, Chen Mo might take out a naked loan and draw the money before he died.

If it doesn't work, then I can only be sorry to everyone, people don't want naked loans from boys.

This title is really exciting.

In the live broadcast room, many people who were planning to leave after watching the show immediately chose to click to follow.

That good guy, who wouldn't want 1 yuan for nothing?
If you don't lose to the king in a game, you're fucking kidding me.

"The anchor has just been promoted to a master, and the winning rate is only 50.00%, which is not high, so I estimate the hidden points to win a round at about [-] points.

The current threshold for being a king is [-] win points, that is to say, the anchor needs to win [-] consecutive victories.

But if you keep winning, hidden points will be added. It is estimated that you can win in about [-] games. "

"Crazy! Kuang Xiaowu is not as crazy as you. If you don't lose to the king in a game, you really dare to say it."

"Grass, if you dare to play tricks, I will definitely flesh you out."

"This anchor, really wants to be popular or die. If you dare to take this kind of title, you can tell you. If you lose, if you don't draw 1 yuan, I will definitely scold you until you quit the Internet."

"Anchor domineering, first send a rocket to support, but if you lose, hey, my buddy is Shark Super Tube, I must ask him to block you."

"Did the anchor find professional support? If you dare to say this, the rank king Dark of the Langya platform has never done it. He is the king of 4 win rate in s75 solo queue!"

The attention in the live broadcast room is increasing again and again, and the audience in the anchor room, although usually chatting and blowing water, at this critical moment, the Eight Immortals are crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, and they are all talents.

Once he broke his promise, Chen Mo would really die.

What they didn't know was that Chen Mo could only queue solo.

But these are not important anymore.

I have to ride the wind and waves, turn cocoons into butterflies.

Obviously, his limit value of [-] and his normal operation value are far from enough to play professionally.

The system is obviously, to cultivate the world's number one ADC, this strength is far from enough.

And the top adcs can only prove their strength in the professional arena.

With the rank difficulty of the master round, you will definitely encounter a lot of super headwind rounds. In 10 minutes, only four teammates want to order rounds, not too many.

And at that time, only by raising my operation and consciousness to an incredible height, could I possibly win this super difficult game.

It's scary, but it's predictable that if you don't die, your ad operation limit value and normal value will definitely increase to an exaggerated height.

Chen Mo was originally thinking that if his limit operation value and hero operation value remained unchanged, the best support he could trigger would only have an operation value of about [-].

That level should be around Platinum.

Support near platinum is impossible to play professionally.

That is to say, I only need to increase the operating value and the limit operating value while pulling them closer.

Then there is no need to trigger the Lone Warrior buff, and the top support is the most cost-effective.

So, you have to work hard, Chen Mo must succeed, otherwise you won't be able to do many things, so go all out and use the trainer directly!
However, the live broadcast up to now is really coming to an end.

Shut it off first, lie down on the bed and sleep for a while.

It's just that when Chen Mo turned off the computer, he didn't notice that there was a friend's ID called Corpse Fairy!

Chen Mo closed the live broadcast, leaving countless viewers in the live broadcast room to discuss when the anchor will go bankrupt.

A guy who can't even pay the rent, actually draws [-], this is not a joke.

However, many bigwigs and water friends also let go of their harsh words. As long as they fail to do what they say, this force will definitely not be broadcast live.

At the same time, the boss has also proved his strength. There are all kinds of rocket gifts. If you can do it, take it well. If you can’t, you don’t even want to get a penny of the money.

One of the people who watched the live broadcast was the major shareholder of the Shark platform. He heard that someone died suddenly during the live broadcast, so he hurried over to watch it. He wanted to do something to prevent the valuation of the Shark platform from being affected.

After all, the live broadcast didn't force you to nine-nine-six, so you can't blame the platform for that.

But I didn't expect that after watching such an exciting live broadcast, I also saw the anchor speak wild words.

Then let me take a good look, how can you give me a game without losing until the king.

If you lose, your number will be gone, you know?
Watching the anchor shut down, Jiang Wuheng turned off the live broadcast, extinguished the cigar in his hand, and lay down on a small island in Southeast Asia, enjoying the sunbath.

In fact, the more money you have, the less you need to work. The value-added of assets has long exceeded the cost of living. It’s just that I’m too busy and have played everything, so I became interested when I saw some interesting live broadcasts.

The number of followers in Chen Mo's live broadcast room has exceeded [-], which means he has officially entered the ranks of mid-level anchors, and this number is still growing rapidly, but it may not be a good thing, many people are ready to watch the face.

This is [-] yuan, if any teammate plays you in the master game, you will be gone.

Sleep, right? Let's see how long you can sleep. You can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day!
Chen Mo finally officially fell asleep for the first time in three days. Although the time was tight, he sharpened his knife and chopped firewood well.

When you are full of sleep, you will be able to work energetically.

What Chen Mo didn't expect was that he had just fallen asleep.

I saw a bright light in front of my eyes, as if I had entered a classroom with bright lights and a vast expanse of white surrounding, only the table was black, and there was a white test paper on it.

"This is?" Chen Mo was a little confused just now.

"This is the sleep test room. Why are you in the mood to sleep now? Can you sleep well at your age? You have to do the questions for me when you sleep. Let's start. Do a test paper every hour in your dream. You need about six hours of sleep. Hours, so there are six test papers." A cute girl's voice came, but these words were too fierce.

"Didn't you train me to be the number one ADC in the world? How could there be exam questions? What is this exam for?" Chen Mo felt that the system was creating something out of nothing, and he was speechless and unreasonable.

When I picked up the paper and looked at it, I was suddenly dumbfounded.

Topic one!

The hero goes out for 500 yuan, and the first piece of equipment when he returns home is the storm sword. Ask, how many minions can be replenished in a few minutes and seconds without killing people? You can buy the storm sword at the moment you return to the city, and so on, how many times? In a few seconds can you buy a pickaxe, in a few seconds can you synthesize endless?

Note, in the s7 season, the hero's natural gold coin growth is 20.4 gold coins/10 seconds.

Topic two!
2 The opponent's magic resistance is 50 points, how much blood can this skill destroy the opponent.

Question 30, your attack power is [-] points, the blood-sucking attribute is [-]%, and you attack a hero with [-] points of armor, how much blood can you suck every time you level A?

Note: Each point of armor means that the opponent will need to deal 1% more attacks of your life to kill you.For example, when you have 100 armor, the opponent needs to cause 100% more physical damage to kill you.

By analogy, the questions went from easy to difficult, and Chen Mo was dizzy looking at them. Am I playing a game? I am studying!

Most of the questions here are related to mathematics, and they are all about various calculation methods.

Chen Mo's hand holding the pen trembled slightly. He didn't expect that if he didn't study in the third year of high school this year, he wouldn't be able to avoid the exam. This question is too difficult, and I don't know how to do it!

won't do it!
"Every time you finish a test, you will get as many minutes of life as you score, and if you don't finish the test, you won't be able to wake up."

When Chen Mo heard this, he suddenly felt that he would do it again.

In fact, Chen Mo's high school grades were very good, and he was almost recommended. If he didn't have an unreliable father and a sick mother, he should be able to enter a prestigious university.

The calculations here are not beyond the comprehension of high school students. As long as you are willing to calculate patiently and slowly, you can still do it. It is impossible to sleep in sleep, and it is impossible to sleep in this life. That’s good, at least you can sleep by yourself Sometimes, you won't feel like you wasted a few hours.

(End of this chapter)

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