Chapter 212 Give You Ten Thousand Odds

In Mong Kok, Hong Kong, the mahjong parlor opened by the eldest lady herself.

Recently, the mahjong parlor has been more prosperous than when it was the best business in the past.

Every day from morning to night, the guests who come to play mahjong are almost incessant, and all the seats are full.

Even the doorway was full of dark heads, and there was a lot of noise, shouting and shouting never stopped.

The people at the door were dressed in all kinds of clothes, and most of them had fancy hair. They were standing, squatting, or wandering around with cigarettes in their mouths. Everyone looked like they were hanging.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that these people are not good people, they are all young and Dangerous.

They blocked the door, not because they came to play mahjong, but because they regarded this mahjong parlor as a
"Horse Club"

At the betting office, the street is talking about betting issues:
"Hey, Yaowanzi, who did you buy?"

"Who else is there? Of course I support our Brother Feihong in Changle. I'm bankrupt this time. I bought Brother Feihong for 1 yuan and entered the top three."

"Damn, you're just throwing money away, why don't you invite me to HI. I didn't read the magazine, Brother Feihong was only ranked at the bottom of the list of fierce people, barely on the list. If you don't buy it when there are so many big hits, you buy it." he?"

"What do you know, brother Feihong just stays in Ciyun Mountain and rarely goes out, and his reputation is not obvious. As far as the achievements in the magazines are concerned, they haven't written one-tenth of brother Feihong's."

"Are you serious?"

"Hahaha, Feihong, a small character, do you believe such words?"

"That's right, he rarely goes out. I don't think he dares to go out of Tsz Wan Shan at all. Come to Kwai Tsing to try it out. Brother Crow can beat him to death if you let him punch him."

"Crow, huh, the last time our brother Han Bing didn't make a move, he was so scared that he ran away. As for being so timid, the Fireworks Association will not play."

"You poor Hong Xingzi, last time you Hong Xing Han Bin didn't follow the rules and used firearms in matters of the Tao. You took a full ten micro punches out, so you're ashamed to mention this matter. This time it's different, The Fireworks Association stipulates that the use of weapons is not allowed, not to mention firearms, even knives and sticks are not allowed, you Han Bin, if you dare to play, you will die."

"What did you say? Who is dead? Say it again if you have the guts."

"Why, do you still want to do something? Are you with someone? Look at you, you are not from our Mong Kok side. Come on, hit me in the face. The police station is on the next street. Give it a try. "

"Dong Xingzai is a coward, find a note!"

"Shengfan, please don't say a few words. You don't know that you are not from this side. Lord Lei has something to say first. In the next period of time, whoever dares to make trouble here will not give face."

"Master Lei, who is such a dick?"

Among the crowd, there are quite a few familiar faces, Hongxing Shisanmei's younger brother, Chen Haonan, the Pheasant Five, and Han Bin's younger brother can all be seen.

Dongxing Crow's younger brother and Smiling Tiger's younger brother are also among them.

And other associations, such as Hongle, Hongying, Hongtai, Yifeng, Changle, Santiao, etc., all have members.

Some of them already had betting tickets in their hands, while some were still hesitating, and noisy movements broke out from time to time.

Fortunately, everyone is very restrained, knowing that the police are not joking, they have already explained, if you make trouble again, you will be in big trouble.

The point is that it's okay to be caught, who can guarantee that you won't enter the police station if you're a young and Dangerous boy.

I'm afraid Lei Ye will get angry, arrest them and lock them up until the end of the fireworks show, and they are not allowed to release on bail. That would be a tragedy.

The fireworks festival held every five years, many young and Dangerous youngsters are "gearing up" and preparing to show their faces.

The street has become so lively, and the inside of the mahjong parlor has also been remodeled.

More than half of the big room is still a mahjong table, the guests are clapping the mahjong, the smell of nicotine spreads in the air, and the smoke is lingering.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you come in and stay for a minute, you will have to change your clothes when you go home.

The remaining half, seven or eight tall and thick men, stood against the wall with their arms around each other, maintaining order.

A beautiful girl in her twenties was sitting behind a large desk with bills piled high, writing and drawing.

In front of him, young and Dangerous boys one by one excitedly handed over cash and blurted out who they wanted to bet on.

At the corner, there was a huge sack, from time to time, girls would gather around a hundred thousand and throw them into it.

At this time, the sack was opened, and the various banknotes were extremely dazzling.

"Brother Liao, another 1000 million is enough!"

A boy of Beng Yaju, seeing that the sacks were almost filled, went forward to count them, and said.

Brother Liao, nicknamed Xiao Liao, is 30 years old, with short hair and flat head, thick eyebrows and big eyes, mature and handsome.

He is a confidant of Beng Yaju's cronies, and he has been fooling around with Beng Yaju in Macau since he was a teenager.

He was also present when lottery tickets were sold on passenger ships.

He also developed step by step following Beng Yaju. At this time, he was wearing a famous brand suit, sitting next to the sack, leisurely and leisurely.

"If you have enough money, go save it, carry the money, copy the guy, let's go!"

As the person in charge here, Xiao Liao is very familiar with the business, so he got up immediately and gave orders after listening to something.

"Brother Liao, do you want to inform Brother Ju?"

A younger brother immediately walked to the side, without any hesitation about the young and Dangerous young people in the Hong Kong comprehensive market, took out the micro-charger, put it in his arms, and asked for instructions.

"No, Master Lei is here, chatting with Brother Ju inside, it's nothing serious, let's not disturb!"

Xiao Liao's words were full of respect.

Beng Yaju has always trusted Xiao Liao and regarded him as a think tank. Beng Yaju even told him about the hand-turning meeting.

So Xiao Liao knew very well who the real backer of his family was, so he had to greet him and not offend him.

The backyard of the mahjong parlor is the place where the eldest lady and the pretty mother learned how to play.

At this time, there were two reclining chairs and a small table. Beng Yaju and Lei Yaoyang each occupied one, and they were sitting comfortably.

However, the body is very comfortable, but now Beng Yaju is very uncomfortable, and his face is also very bad. He sits on the reclining chair, does not lie down, and says indignantly:
"Brother Yaoyang, why don't you just let the eldest miss chase that bastard out of Majiaowen. This bastard dares to steal our business, he is completely impatient."

"Brother Yaoyang, if it's not convenient for the eldest lady to take action, I can also handle this matter."

"In Macau, my team is absolutely no less than that of Macjiao Wen. Although he debuted a few years earlier than me, I am absolutely confident that I can beat him."

Undoubtedly, Beng Yaju had already learned the news from Lei Yaoyang that the business was being snapped up.

Hearing that the person was Jiaowen Ma, Beng Yaju was really pissed off.

To be honest, Beng Yaju was respectful in front of Lei Yaoyang and the eldest lady, and seemed easy to get along with.

In fact, he is rebellious and domineering outside, and he is notoriously a drag.

Besides, when people do business, they all want to bleach themselves.

Even the gangsters, when they have money, will develop righteous behaviors and put themselves in a completely legal position.

Beng Yaju is different. He started selling lottery tickets in Macau as a dealer, which was actually a legitimate business. To put it more seriously, it was nothing more than "opportunistic".

And after he was appreciated by Lei Yaoyang, he was taken care of by the eldest lady. When the God of Gamblers competition ended, he opened a small licensed casino in Macau directly.

However, he is developing well, and he seems to feel that he is not powerful enough. In the past few years, he has played his life to recruit younger brothers, and he is even more powerful and domineering. He uses various means to annex and attack small casinos other than He's, and wants to use the fastest way to expand himself. gambling kingdom.

For this reason, he even bought a lot of arms from the doctor and hoarded them all in Macau.

When Beng Yaju didn't start a family, he often heard about Jiaowen Ma, and he was quite envious of him.

But ever since he developed, he felt that Ma Jiaowen's old-fashioned, slow-developing guy couldn't compare to him at all.

Although he seems to be very good at gambling, so what?
If he was upset, he would send someone to assassinate him at any time.

No matter how good the technology is, it's useless when people are dead.

It's a good thing now, a person who he doesn't like, knows that the business is from the He family, or he went to the Hong Kong comprehensive market to get the injection, he still dares to rush to do it.

This is slapping him in the face, Beng Yaju felt that he had been greatly insulted and couldn't bear it at all!
"Don't be so angry. I talked to Matthew on the phone. Judging from what he said, he seems to be completely unaware of this. From what I know of him, Matthew is a complete gambling man. people."

"Such a person would rather earn less than break the rules."

"Plagiarizing other people's ideas, that person is Macau He Daheng, he should not dare to do so."

Lei Yaoyang sat on the chair, feeling very comfortable, and said:
"And now his gambling boat has been detained by us, wait and see how he will explain it then, and we will study whether we want to deal with him."

Beng Yaju seemed to disagree with this opinion, and hurriedly said:
"Brother Yaoyang, don't be fooled by him. The gambling boat belongs to Majiaowen, and it's not the first day he came out to mess around. Does anyone under his command dare to play tricks behind his back?"

"I think he was the one who did it, and he didn't admit it after he did it. We can't just let it go like this."

"Not necessarily!" Lei Yaoyang waved his hands.

Since meeting Ah King not long ago, Lei Yaoyang recalled many memories from his previous life, and said:
"As far as I know, the bald-headed Jingjing under Ma Jiaowen has a lot of ambitions. His younger brother Chimney came to Hong Kong to bring the bets back to Macau. Obviously, Chimney was definitely involved in this matter. .”

"Chimney, I don't tell you, you should know that he is arrogant, arrogant, and not a careful person at all. If the handicap is really ordered by Majiawen, he should let Shengjing come to Hong Kong to collect money. That's right, why let the chimney come over!"

"According to my estimation, it is really possible that Jiaowen's subordinates did this behind his back, and that person is probably Ding Jing."

Seeing Lei Yaoyang's analysis like this, Beng Yaju felt inconvenient and lost face, and said a little discouraged:
"Brother Yaoyang, what do you think we should do? Don't do anything?"

"Of course not doing nothing!"

Lei Yaoyang shook his head and said seriously.

Beng Yaju liked to hear this, so he cheered up and said quickly:
"What to do, brother Yaoyang, just tell me!"

"Over there in Macau, let's wait for the explanation from the Macaroon. Of course, wait and see. I also said that I will wait for his explanation before deciding what to do, but that is my statement, not yours. As this congratulations You are the executor of the gambling game, you should do something."

The corners of Lei Yaoyang's mouth turned up, and he said sinisterly:
"For example, it is necessary to send someone to hit him in a few places to show your attitude. It can also be regarded as pressure on MC, let him give me an answer as soon as possible!"

Beng Yaju frowned upon hearing this, and immediately said happily:
"Understood, I will order someone to do it."

"The gambling boat was impounded. If the casino is smashed again, all the business in Majiabu will be paralyzed, so he can't help but be in a hurry."

Lei Yaoyang nodded and pointed to Jiang Shan:
"He is nothing to worry about, but now it is the Hong Kong comprehensive market, which makes me very unhappy!"

"Brother Yaoyang, what's the matter?"

Beng Yaju's expression froze, and he asked carefully.

"It's still the same thing."

Lei Yaoyang's face darkened slightly, and he said coldly:
"In Macau, even if Jiaowen Ma personally ordered the gambling, I'm actually not that angry. When he started the gambling, he didn't give He Daheng any face, not me."

"But here in the Hong Kong comprehensive market, some people dare to join Macquarie and fight against me!"


Having said that, Lei Yaoyang smiled coldly:
"It seems that I, Lei Yaoyang, have been too successful as a person. Everyone thinks that I am easy to talk to. I personally stand on the platform for you and announce the opening, but I still can't make everyone obey. It's really great."

"If the participants let them live freely in Hong Kong's comprehensive market this time, I'm afraid there will be more people who will not give me Lei Yaoyang face in the future."

Beng Yaju understood as soon as he heard it, and immediately asked for his life:
"Brother Yaoyang, I'll make a call right away and transfer my brothers from Macau!"

Lei Yaoyang waved his hand and said:
"There is no need to bother. Recently, the law and order in Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Yau Ma Tei is very good. The crime rate has dropped. However, the detection rate in my police station has also dropped. After all, there are no cases to handle."

"It's good now. Someone sent me a case. If I don't suppress them, I'm sorry for their painstaking efforts!"

As Lei Yaoyang chatted with Beng Yaju, time passed by.

ding ding ding......

Not long after, Lei Yaoyang's cell phone rang. In the mid-80s, electronic technology had made great progress, and the caller ID was already available.

Lei Yaoyang took a look and saw that it was Ma Jiaowen's call.

"Majiaowen is fast enough to handle affairs, here is the news!"

Lei Yaoyang raised his phone, Beng Yaju consciously kept silent.

After picking up the phone, Lei Yaoyang said casually:
"Hey, Ma Sheng, what do you say?"

"Mr. Lei, I have already checked everything out. Yes, my gambling boat did receive bets, and there was indeed an opening fireworks show. What Mr. Lei said is right."

"However, Mr. Lei, please believe me about this matter. I didn't know it beforehand. It was all done behind my back by my subordinates."

Matthew's voice was very sincere, and his attitude was extremely low.

"Who made it, I don't intend to know. The person Mr. Ma wants to make amends is not me, but Mr. He."

Lei Yaoyang spoke freely and said:
"What I want to know is, what is the final result of Mr. Ma's handling?"

"He Daheng's side, I will naturally come to the door to make amends, but this time I have lost face for Mr. Lei, and I have to say something. I will go to the Hong Kong General Market tonight, confess my mistake to Mr. Lei, and execute the traitor. As for the bets on the fireworks event, I personally doubled it as an apology and handed it over to Beng Yaju who was betting on the Hong Kong comprehensive market on behalf of the He family."

"I will also hand over the book, odds, and punters to Beng Yaju. After he has read it, if he thinks there is no problem, he can take it right away."

"In addition, I promise that there will never be any handicap about the fireworks show in my venue."

It has to be said that the Jiaowen Machael gave such an explanation, which gave Lei Yaoyang and the Macau He family enough face.

Apology, apology, additional compensation, and confession of murder, one is more powerful than the other, and one is more cowardly than the other.

It can be said that MC has been able to do this with full sincerity.

Lei Yaoyang was quite satisfied with what he heard, he couldn't even think of embarrassing words and nodded and said:
"Okay, then I'll be waiting for Mr. Ma at Hong Kong City tonight."

After talking, the people on both ends of the phone didn't say a word, and hung up almost at the same time.

"Brother Yaoyang, what about the one named Ma?"

Seeing Lei Yaoyang put down the phone, Beng Yaju immediately asked.

Lei Yaoyang did not hide anything, and repeated the explanation given by the Jiaowen Ma, and Beng Yaju also nodded when he heard it:
"According to that kid's knowledge, twice the compensation, according to estimates, I'm afraid it's more than [-] million?"

"Should be more or less, MCMC is indeed sincere enough."

Lei Yaoyang nodded and commented:
"After all, he is a person in the gambling world, and he understands the way to choose."

"If his gambling boat is detained by us for one more day, he will lose one more day and offend us even more. Settle this matter as soon as possible and reopen the business. Even if it is not easy to earn [-] million, it is worth it."

"Aju, you have to learn a lot from Ma Jiaowen on this point. Sometimes when you bow your head, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, so you must bow your head decisively. For the sake of the so-called face, it is the most stupid thing to fight with others when you know you can't fight. gone."

"When a person dies, he loses all face!"

"Brother Yaoyang, I know!"

The most grateful and convinced person in Beng Yaju's life is Lei Yaoyang. Hearing what he said, although he didn't quite agree with it in his heart, he nodded quickly to show that he was educated.

At this moment, a strong man hurried in.

Beng Yaju frowned and reprimanded:
"Didn't I tell Master Lei and I to have a good chat, and no one is allowed to disturb you? What are you doing here? Let Xiao Liao make the decision!"

The strong man replied cautiously:
"Boss, the betting money has exceeded ten million. Brother Liao took his brothers to save money and heard that Xiao Liao went to save money!"

Only then did Beng Yaju smile excitedly and said:
"Okay, I didn't expect that Hong Kong comprehensive market would be so rich, and it would exceed ten million so quickly."

Immediately, Beng Yaju asked:
"What's the matter, tell me!"

"There are people out there who bet and want to buy themselves to win."

Only then did the strong man return the words.

"Then accept it, is it too much money? Didn't I tell you that no matter how big the bet is, we can afford it."

Beng Yaju waved his hand nonchalantly and said arrogantly.

"Boss, it's not about betting, that person just wants to bet 2000 yuan."

The strong man shook his head and said.

Hearing that it was only 2000 yuan, Beng Yaju frowned, a little upset:
"What's the problem then?"

From Beng Yaju's point of view, for such a trivial matter as 2000 yuan, he ran in to report it to himself, and Lei Yaoyang was still sitting beside him!
This way of doing things, wouldn't it make Lei Yaoyang feel that his little brother is a piece of rubbish, and he can't even handle the 2000 yuan problem.

The strong man quickly explained without ambiguity:
"The boss has nothing to do with how much money you have. The key point is that we don't have that person's handicap at all, but that person insists on betting on us."

"There is no handicap remand, isn't he making trouble? You are all dead, follow me on the first day? This kind of person, just beat me up and give him his hand."

Beng Yaju has a bad temper. In the gambling world, this kind of behavior can indeed be understood as trouble. After all, the market has not opened yet. If you insist on betting against others, this is not trouble!
"and many more!"

The strong man took the order and turned his head to take action. Lei Yaoyang hurriedly stopped, looked at Beng Yaju and said:
"We open the door to do business, peace is the most important thing, everything is easy to discuss, don't fight and kill at every turn, and cut off your limbs!"

"Brother Yaoyang, but this rule?"

Beng Yaju hesitated.

"I know the rules, and you know the rules. People who believe in Macau, let alone young and Dangerous, even ordinary people know it. But this is the Hong Kong comprehensive market, and those young and Dangerous are very pure. They are genuine young and Dangerous, different For you in Macau, everyone who comes out to play can be regarded as half a person in the gambling circle."

"People in the Hong Kong comprehensive market don't know the rules, it's understandable!"

Lei Yaoyang explained a bit, and ordered the strong man:
"Go out and explain it to him, and say that there is no handicap, and we don't accept betting!"

Hearing this, the strong man did not leave immediately, but hesitantly glanced at Beng Yaju.

Beng Yaju got angry when he saw him, and immediately said:
"Brother Yaoyang can do whatever he asks. As I said earlier, Brother Yaoyang is my elder brother. You can't tell who is older and who is younger. Why don't you hurry up and explain to the guests."

"Yes, boss."

The strong man agreed and ran out of the courtyard.

"Come on, brother Yaoyang, let's drink tea. This small one is a new one I got, it's not very useful."

Beng Yaju was afraid that Lei Yaoyang would think that he was not doing well, so he poured a cup of tea and changed the subject.

Lei Yaoyang smiled slightly, and said:
"I think it's very good. When facing problems, don't make up your own mind. Come in and report to you, the boss, who knows how to measure. You are different from my orders. He didn't choose anyone's order to do things. He stood there and waited. This is knowing how to advance and retreat. .”

"You have a good vision. This kind of little brother is worth accepting."

Hearing that Lei Yaoyang praised his younger brother, and indirectly praised him for his good vision, Beng Yaju was very happy, and said modestly on the surface:
"Brother Yaoyang has won the award, the newcomer is not very sensible, and needs more education."

The two were chatting about their younger brother, but they never thought that the strong man who just left the house would come back soon.

"Boss, the customer didn't listen to our explanation, and insisted on placing a bet, saying that since we opened the market, we should allow everything. The customers outside are all making noise, and now it's noisy, and the brothers can't hold back the field."

The strong man reported eagerly.

"Grass, isn't this causing trouble!"

Hearing this, Beng Yaju jumped up from his chair and cursed:
"What I usually teach you, no matter who dares to make trouble in our place, call me."

For the reward from the strong man, Lei Yaoyang was a little angry at this moment.

In the beginning, you had to bet on yourself, or you didn't know the rules, but now that everyone has explained it, you still don't let it go, it really seems to be causing trouble.

However, compared to Beng Yaju, Lei Yaoyang was much calmer, and asked:
"Who is it? He wants to buy himself into the top three so much, so he is very confident?"

"Master Lei, I've asked, I'm afraid it's really here to make trouble."

The strong man replied cautiously:
"That person doesn't even have a society. He calls himself a greyhound. He is short in stature and half black, just like a Filipino maid."

"Also, I think that person is very young, only eighteen or nineteen years old."

"Depend on!"

Before Lei Yaoyang could speak, Beng Yaju cursed and spoke again:
"Then you don't need to think about it. There must be trouble. He can't participate without a club. He must be a mastermind at the age of eighteen or nineteen. He deliberately sent this kid here, thinking that we dare not touch him."

"Go, abolish him for me."

"and many more!"

Lei Yaoyang stopped again, and under Beng Yaju's suspicious eyes, he said:
"It's okay anyway, let's go out and have a look together. Greyhound is a good name, hahaha..."

Self-proclaimed "dog", isn't that a good name?

Beng Yaju was puzzled, but since Lei Yaoyang was interested in taking a look, of course he would not disappoint, and immediately followed, saying:
"Since Brother Yaoyang is interested, let's watch."

Immediately, the strong man led the way, followed by Lei Yaoyang and Chen Yaoqing, the three left the courtyard and came to the mahjong parlor.

As soon as I stepped into the mahjong hall, the noise like a vegetable market filled my ears.

Brother Beng Yaju is really not talking nonsense, this place is already a bit chaotic, noisy, as if the table may be thrown at any time.

"Since he wants to buy himself, let him buy it. Don't you all accept bets, why, don't you dare now?"

"That's right, I don't dare to admit what I said, and I'm still the He family in Macau, what a coward."

"I also think it's unreasonable. My Lantian Four Eyes is also famous. By then, the Fireworks Club will definitely be in the top ten. I want to bet on myself, why not?"

"Fuck, why don't you open a bet if you don't dare to take bets, are Macau boys so courageous?"

"That is, let you come out in charge."

"Refund the ticket, why don't I stop playing?"

A group of young and Dangerous youngsters in the Hong Kong comprehensive market, either because they are envious of the good business here, or because they are idle and bored, or even gloating, harming others and benefiting themselves, shouted one after another.

In front of the little girl who received the injection, there were two people standing at this moment.

One is short in stature, exactly as described by Beng Yaju's younger brother. He looks like a Filipino, with dark skin and a mohawk-blond hair. age.

The other is also short, a four-eyed boy, who is pulling the former, as if he doesn't want to make trouble at all, and wants him to leave quickly.

Seeing this situation, Lei Yaoyang said loudly:
"Since you dare to accept bets at the opening, of course you will accept any bets. The reason why some bets are not accepted is because some odds have not yet been announced. If you are sincerely betting, I believe Ah Ju will definitely welcome you here."

"Of course, if you are looking for trouble on purpose, I'm afraid you came to the wrong place."

Lei Yaoyang's voice was calm and powerful, and his voice was so loud that it covered everyone at once.

Everyone looked for the sound and immediately found Lei Yaoyang.

Immediately, the gangsters who had been yelling just now didn't dare to open their mouths. They were all full of panic, and some even backed away again and again, as if they wanted to get away.

Lei Yaoyang looked around, but he was quite satisfied, because most of the troublemakers were young and Dangerous from Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Yau Ma Tei, even if there were one or two of them, they were also marginal figures, and he didn't know them at all.

Obviously, the bosses of the three places have ordered the younger brother to save face, and they will not intentionally come here to make trouble.

Satisfied, Lei Yaoyang stepped forward and walked towards the Four Eyes who had just had the most fun.

Those four-eyed blonde hair, wearing a pair of glasses, and having wicked eyebrows, saw Lei Yaoyang approaching, and immediately felt tremendous pressure, visible to the naked eye, the whole body was trembling.

Lei Yaoyang was disdainful in his heart, but he didn't make things difficult for him. He stretched out his big hand and patted him on the shoulder.

Those four eyes mistakenly thought that Lei Yaoyang was going to beat him up, so frightened he slumped down on the ground with a bang, with a terrified expression on his face.

Lei Yaoyang looked down at these four eyes from a high position, and said calmly:
"Brother Lantian Four Eyes, right? You said you would enter the top ten of the Fireworks Festival, so you have to place a big bet on yourself. Okay, I will make the decision for Ah Ju, and I will make your offer, and you will pay [-] for each one. Brother Four Eyes, you are ready to buy how much?"

This four-eyed boy is actually just a little bully in Lantian District, belonging to the peripheral people of Changle.

Usually in the rural area of ​​Lantian, it is easy to bully ordinary people, but on the road, they are afraid of everyone.

The loud shouting before was just playing tricks, wanting to show off and make a name for himself.

How could he have imagined that the famous Lei Ye was actually in the mahjong parlor and heard his words.

But he is a little clever, he hurriedly stood up to cover up:
"The ground is too slippery, I can't stand firmly."

Immediately, he fumbled around his body with both hands, taking out bits and pieces, took out a handful of money, counted it, and awkwardly handed it over:
"Master Lei, I'll bet 300 yuan."

"This is your heavy bet?"

Lei Yaoyang's tone was flat, but his eagle eyes were sharp, and he looked straight into the four eyes.

The mahjong parlor was "silent like a cicada", and the four eyes only felt that the heartbeat was accelerating and it was difficult to control. Suddenly, he fell to his knees:
"Master Lei, I, I didn't know you were here all the time, please forgive me this time!"

Lei Yaoyang said indifferently:
"What are you kneeling for? Others don't know. They thought I, Lei Yaoyang, was bullying you. You are a guest. Since you are here to bet, you must be welcome here!"

"Aju, the customer bet 300 yuan, buy yourself into the top ten, you will pay [-] yuan, and you will invoice him personally!"


With a happy smile on his face, Beng Yaju immediately walked to the back of the desk, took the pen and paper from the younger sister, and personally wrote out the receipt and stuffed it into the hands of the four eyes, playing with taste:
"Hold it, boy, you are lucky enough, Brother Yaoyang will give you ten thousand times the odds. I grew up in Macau, and I have never seen such high odds."

"Hua Pao will work hard, maybe you really win, it will be both fame and fortune! 300 million, I'm afraid you have never seen it in your life, hahaha."

First, he was intimidated by Lei Yaoyang's aura and knelt down directly, and then the other party offered ten thousand times the odds, coupled with Beng Yaju's merciless sarcastic words, this Lantian Four Eyes is considered famous in the Tao today.

Of course, this reputation will definitely not be good, and the odds of [-] times may become a novelty in the arena in the future. However, everyone will definitely not consider it lucky, but laugh at it.

In the future, as long as the "[-]-fold odds" is mentioned again, Lan Tian's four eyes will definitely be mentioned, and that face will be thrown to the ground.

In such a situation, how could Siyan still have the face to stay for a long time, took the receipt handed over by Beng Yaju, and immediately left in despair.


Beng Yaju laughed heartily, and thought that he had learned another trick from Master Lei, this trick was really more soothing than beating those troublemakers.

Lei Yaoyang was still serious, he looked around with eagle eyes, and said word by word:
"Who else wants to bet on yourself? I will make the decision for Aju, and I will give you the odds on the spot. Let's talk, whether you want to bet on yourself or someone who doesn't have a handicap, as long as you report your name, this place will definitely take over .”


The young and Dangerous boys who were still "making trouble" heard this, they all fell silent and dared not make a sound.

Although the young and Dangerous boys here are not of high status, they are not stupid. They never thought about buying themselves, and they didn't have the confidence to get any ranking. They just followed suit and made a fuss.

Now if they really dared to sign up, Lei Yaoyang would offer another "[-] compensation" on the spot, wouldn't that mean that Lei Yaoyang would say that they were worthless at all, and it was impossible for them to win.

With Lei Yaoyang's current status in the arena, if you give you a "good for nothing" evaluation and pass it back to your own club, I am afraid that you will really have no chance to make it in the future.

But these young and Dangerous boys didn't sign up, and there was really one person who seemed to want to sign up.

I saw the dark-skinned, short and childish man in front of the desk, with a look of emotion on his face, he jumped towards Lei Yaoyang.

However, the same short four-eyed boy next to him was holding him tightly, almost being dragged by him, and he finally failed to let him succeed.

Regarding this situation, Lei Yaoyang could see clearly, and immediately walked towards the short duo.

Seeing this, the other young and Dangerous boys saw their fear dissipate, just like the riots before, and the expression of "gloating and watching a good show" hung in their eyes again.

This is also a common problem of the young and Dangerous at the bottom, watching the excitement is never a big deal.

"Are you a greyhound?"

As he approached, Lei Yaoyang asked this short man who looked like a Filipino.

"I buy myself, I have 2000 yuan."

The short man didn't answer Lei Yaoyang's question, he just spoke like this.

He spoke in a very pure Hong Kong accent, which couldn't be more authentic. Matching his appearance, it gave people a great sense of disobedience.

The short man beside him looked a little anxious, and interrupted to explain:
"Master Lei, my friend is not very smart. His name is Li Zhijiu, but others do call him Greyhound."

The brain is not bright, the real name is Li Zhijiu, and the nickname is Greyhound, this is a perfect match.

Lei Yaoyang was secretly pleased when he heard that, because Lei Yaoyang was very familiar with Greyhound from his past life memories.

This is a character. Among Young and Dangerous Boys, he has made great achievements for Hong Xing. He even defeated Prince Hong Xing in the arena with points.

Especially the sentence: "Brother Nan, don't be afraid, the paparazzi is here!"

It directly broke the hearts of countless ancient fans.

Brother Beng Yaju said earlier that this person is a person without associations, in other words, he has not yet joined Hongxing.

Thinking quickly in his heart, Lei Yaoyang didn't speak for a while.

This attitude frightened the four-eyed boy who claimed to be a Greyhound friend.

The four-eyed boy danced and explained again:
"Master Lei, my friend doesn't mean to make a fuss, he just heard that you can buy peripherals here, so he wants to bet."

"He has a bad mind and doesn't understand the rules of betting. He has absolutely no other intentions. I will take him away and we will leave immediately."

As he said that, Four Eyes Boy dragged the Greyhound out of the door.

and many more!

Lei Yaoyang stretched out his big hand, stopped the two of them, looked at Siyanzi and said kindly:
"It can be seen that you are really good to your friend. In this case, you don't run away by yourself, but take him with you."

"Just based on this, I admire you, what's your name, little brother?"

Ah, when Lei Yaoyang personally stopped the two of them, the thugs who were watching thought there was a good show to watch, but never thought that the style of painting would change suddenly, how could it become admiration?
The four-eyed boy was also a little flattered, nodded and bowed and said:
"Master Lei, my name is Jia Zheng, and the boss is Hong Xing Jiahui."

I remember that in the original book, the boss of Greyhound Baimen seems to be Jiahui. Could it be that the four-eyed boy in front of me introduced him?

Lei Yaoyang was careful in his work. Although he had basically confirmed his identity as a Greyhound, he still asked cautiously:
"Jiazheng, what a good name. Why is your friend called Greyhound? When you come out to play, the name is very important. Dragons, dragons, tigers and tigers are common, but it is rare to call yourself a "dog."

Jiazheng didn't know that Lei Yaoyang knew Greyhound, and he felt very honored to be questioned by him at this time, like drinking a bowl of ecstasy soup, without hiding anything, and preached in front of everyone:
"Zhijiu didn't get this name himself. Zhijiu was an orphan. He begged on the street since he was a child. He often had nothing to eat or drink. He could only compete with stray dogs for food. Those people outside saw him, and saw that he was so handsome. Black, so I called him Greyhound."

"I thought it was some great person, but I wanted to bet on myself, but I turned out to be a beggar~~!"

"That's right, it's a joke for a beggar to want to participate in the fireworks show."

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, grabbing food with dogs, is there such a person?"

"Choose, stinky beggar, go away, 2000 yuan, I'm afraid you saved it with great difficulty. Save it well, save it, and marry a beggar woman in the future, wouldn't it be better! Hahaha"

Following Jiazheng's explanation, in the mahjong parlor, the sound of ridicule was ear-piercing.

Undoubtedly, the punks present turned around. They stood with Greyhound before, just looking for trouble and taking the opportunity to show off.

Seeing Lei Yaoyang appearing now, of course he knew where to stand.

They completely misunderstood Lei Yaoyang's meaning, and they thought they were helping Lei Yaoyang to win his favor, so each of their words was worse than the other.

Looking at the family again, he also realized that he had said something wrong, his eyes turned red, and he lowered his head slightly.

Greyhound's performance was unexpected, and his eyes were red, but that wasn't cowardice, it was a prelude before the storm broke out.

Standing closer to Greyhound, Lei Yaoyang, who was very sensitive to murderous aura, even felt bursts of murderous intent from this kid, like a wild beast, ready to tear apart the enemy in front of him at any time.


Fully confirming that Greyhound is the person in his mind, Lei Yaoyang shouted loudly, his face sank like water, and he said loudly:
"Even if you are really a beggar, so what? In history, there are not many people who achieved great things through humbleness in our ancestors?"

"Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty was a little beggar before he became emperor."

"No matter what age, as long as you are courageous and capable, you will definitely be able to stand out."

"He came from a humble background and dared to bet on himself. Even if I stood up, he would still bet. Which of you would dare? Stand up and let me see."

Lei Yaoyang's words showed his attitude, he was not annoyed at the short man's behavior of breaking the rules and insisting on placing bets, on the contrary, he appreciated it very much.

All the gangsters who wanted to gain favor with Lei Yaoyang, but now mocked Greyhound, were all dumbfounded.

There are also some young and Dangerous boys watching the excitement, who did not speak from the beginning to the end, feeling in their hearts:
"As expected of Master Lei, few people in Hong Kong have such a heart."

Although Greyhound's mind is not good, people are not stupid, and they know who is mocking themselves and who is speaking for them.

Seeing the tall figure in front of him, Greyhound was stunned.

Lei Yaoyang stopped the gangsters present, then looked at Greyhound, and said kindly:
"Little brother, your name is Greyhound, right? You are courageous. Just based on this, I am optimistic about you."

"You want to bet on yourself, okay, I'll take your bet personally, the first three in the fireworks show, one pays five, what do you think?"

Ah Hearing this, Greyhound's four-eyed friend was trembling with excitement.

Although Lei Yaoyang didn't say these words to him, he felt very honored to be with Greyhound.

Lei Yaoyang offered the ludicrous odds of "[-] for every one" for the four-eyed Lantian earlier, and any fool could see that it was Lei Yaoyang's contempt for him, to the bone.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible to win if he is sure that he is a waste.

Greyhound was different, Lei Yaoyang directly offered [-] to [-] for [-].

This is completely the odds of the famous people, only a few people in the world have such odds.

Not to mention Four-Eyed Boy was excited, the other gangsters were even more unbelievable, including Beng Yaju, who couldn't help but carefully scrutinized Greyhound.

Beng Yaju knows that Lei Yaoyang is the God of Gamblers, among other things, his vision is absolutely top-notch.For him to give such horrible odds, it is definitely not a joke, but he is sincerely optimistic about this unattractive little dwarf.

But what's so good about this little guy that Lei Yaoyang should be optimistic about?

Just because he is brave enough?

Beng Yaju didn't understand at all.

And Greyhound's incompetence in his mind was also fully displayed at this moment.

Facing the odds offered by Lei Yaoyang, Greyhound asked stupidly:
"Why did that person pay [-] for one before, and I only pay [-] for [-]? Are you afraid that I have bought enough, so you are afraid that there will be no money to pay?"

"Zhijiu, don't talk nonsense!"

Four-eyed Boy's face changed drastically, he never expected Greyhound to say such a few words.

"It doesn't matter."

Lei Yaoyang is very approachable, since he intends to accept Greyhound, of course he can tolerate some of his flaws, looked at Greyhound and explained in detail:
"The higher the odds, the less favored that person is. No matter how high the odds are, no one will buy it. Because even if you buy it, it means you will lose. Throwing money in vain, ten yuan is too much .”

"The lower the odds, it means that this person is very favored by others, especially the bankers, who are very optimistic about him, so they dare not offer too high odds, for fear that they will lose money."

"As for whether I have any money to pay, you can ask your friend, do you understand?"


Greyhound is actually not stupid, he just wandered around since he was a child and rarely interacts with people, and he only met the bespectacled boy around him in the last year.

At this time, he still knows how to bet and gamble, and it is already his friend who taught him well.

If it were him a year ago, he would not even understand what "one pays five" means.

Now after listening to Lei Yaoyang's patient explanation, Greyhound also felt the sincerity in the other party's words, and was stunned again.

And the four-eyed boy next to him winked, and hurriedly whispered:
"Zhijiu, what Lei Ye said is true, Lei Ye is a gambler, no matter how much money he has, he won more than one billion in one night in Macau, he is not afraid of losing money, he really thinks highly of you. "

"You think highly of me?"

Greyhound understood this sentence, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he stared straight at Lei Yaoyang.

"Yes, I like you very much."

Lei Yaoyang smiled sincerely, stretched out his big hand, and patted Greyhound on the shoulder.

I don't know why, since I was a child, I have forgotten what it means to be a moving greyhound. At this moment, I really have a feeling of wanting to cry.

Greyhound is indeed miserable. His mother had an affair with a Nanyang man of unknown nationality and gave birth to him.

But not long after he was born, his mother died tragically in a traffic accident.

Then Greyhound was sent to an orphanage.

God did not take care of this poor child with many changes of fate. After he entered the orphanage, his life was not easy. Because of his skin color, he was squeezed out, and he was bullied by pure Hong Kong children in the orphanage every day.

The staff of the orphanage never gave him a second look and let him go.

When Greyhound was five years old, he couldn't stand the bullying, so he escaped from the orphanage and started a life of wandering on the streets.

Every day, the greyhounds rummage through the rubbish dumps, beg, steal, and even compete with wild dogs for food.

Until he was 17 years old, last year.

Greyhound has lived on the streets for many years, and he is as talented as Goofy, allowing him to figure out street skills.

It was then that he met Four-eyed Zai Jiazheng.

What is the material of the home?
In fact, he is a Hong Xing gangster, and his boss is Hong Xing Jiahui.

He became acquainted with Greyhound, and once he saw Greyhound fighting with people on the street, one against three, and he beat his opponent to the ground in an instant.

Jiazheng thinks that Greyhound is very suitable for mixing young and confused people, and recommending such an entry-level game will be beneficial in the future, so he started to mix with Greyhound.

Until recently, Jiazheng planned to take the opportunity of the Fireworks Fair to report to his boss and formally accept Greyhound as an apprentice.

I never thought that before Greyhound joined Hong Xing, what happened today happened first.

At this time, Lei Yaoyang looked at Greyhound who was thinking something and said kindly:
"Little brother, if you bet on yourself, you have to participate in the fireworks show. In the Hong Kong comprehensive market, if you want to participate in the fireworks show, you must have a group. Private individuals are not allowed to participate."

"Well, if you want, I recommend you to join Ding Yao in Saigon. Although Ding Yao is not a member of the club, it is easy to recommend you to participate in the fireworks festival."


As soon as this remark came out, the entire mahjong hall was in an uproar.

Who is Ding Yao? Everyone in the Hong Kong comprehensive market knows who he is.

She is not only Lei Yaoyang's woman, but the key point is that she is very powerful, and she is also an emergency rescuer in the world, sending countless people from the world to leave Hong Kong every year.

Even if Lei Yaoyang's face is not used, Ding Yao's face, the leaders of every first-class society will have to sell.

What's even more frightening is that Ding Yao is not a member of the club at all, and has never taken any younger brothers.

Now if Lei Yaoyang wants this dwarf in front of him to join Ding Yao's sect, he will become Ding Yao's number one younger brother. This dwarf simply "reached the sky in one step".

The Greyhound hadn't responded yet, the optician was already trembling, his whole face was flushed and he said cautiously:
"Master Lei, are you serious?"

"I, Lei Yaoyang, always say what I say, and what I say is what I say."

Lei Yaoyang nodded, looked at Greyhound again and said:
"Little brother, how are you doing?"

"Zhijiu, what are you still doing in a daze, Lord Lei introduced you to Miss Ding's family, quickly agree!"

Seeing that Lei Yaoyang emphasized again, the four-eyed family had already reacted, pulled Greyhound past him, and said eagerly.

Greyhound could actually feel Lei Yaoyang's sincerity, as well as his kindness and optimism towards him, so he wanted to agree very much.

But the loyalty of friends did not let Greyhound decide immediately.Lowering his voice, Greyhound sillyly said to the family:
"Didn't you say you wanted to introduce me to Hong Xing?"

Jiazheng also lowered his voice, and hurriedly said:
"Zhijiu, I won't harm you. Being under Miss Ding's sect is more promising than being under our Hongxing leader's sect. Listen to me, promise Lei Ye quickly, if Lei Ye invites me instead of you , I am willing to sentence the door.”

Although the two spoke in a low voice, with Lei Yaoyang's ears, they could actually hear them very clearly.

Lei Yaoyang is very satisfied with Siyan Zai's understanding, and looking at Greyhound, it seems that Siyan Zai is very friendly with him and can persuade him.

Since this is the case, Lei Yaoyang spoke again, saying:
"Isn't this little brother called Jia? I think you two have a deep brotherhood and it's hard to separate. In this case, are you interested in moving to Saigon to work? I will still be with your brother Greyhound in the future."

I was envious and jealous, never thought that good luck would come to me immediately, the four-eyed family reacted very quickly, and replied excitedly almost instantly:
"Okay, of course I'd like to go."

But after saying this, maybe he felt that his performance was too poor, and he was easily underestimated by others, so he twitched and said:
"But I'm from Hung Hing, Brother Ka Fai has always been nice to me!"

"I'll talk to him personally, as long as you say yes."

Lei Yaoyang raised his right hand, so Hong Xing Jiahui is just a third-rate boss under Hong Xing's subordinates, he can just tell his beautiful mother, and everything will be taken care of.

The four-eyed family was in ecstasy, pulled the gray dog ​​and said:
"Then we brothers will all be taken care of by Lord Lei from now on."

"You are very sensible!"

Lei Yaoyang boasted with a satisfied smile, and then said in front of everyone:

"Brother Yaoyang, what's the matter?"

Beng Yaju looked at Lei Yaoyang accepting him in bewilderment, completely failing to understand what makes these two dwarfs so outstanding.

"You open the door to do business, open and aboveboard, and welcome visitors from all over the world. Mr. He also entrusted me to take care of your side. Today I will speak in front of everyone. Who dares to make trouble here in the future and come here for nothing. You let your people do it, I won't arrest people."

"But whoever dares to fight back, I will not only pull him, but also find his boss, the hall where he is, and ask for an explanation."


During Lei Yaoyang's words, he looked around at the many punks, looking majestic and majestic.

Of course Beng Yaju understood that this was Lei Yaoyang standing up for him, so that today's events would not happen one after another.

Beng Yaju quickly nodded and smiled:
"Don't worry, brother Yaoyang, I understand, no matter which comrade comes to take care of my business, even if it's too much, I will definitely welcome you warmly."

"It doesn't matter if there is no handicap. Although my Beng Yaju's vision is not as good as Brother Yaoyang's, I still have a little bit of confidence. I will also learn from Brother Yaoyang and open a special market for him on the spot, not counting He Daheng Handicap, I can also bet against him personally, hahaha."

The punks in the mahjong parlor all had ugly faces when they heard this.

What kind of on-site opening is this, they have gained knowledge today.

With the odds of [-] to [-], if someone else makes this kind of offer to you, it would be better to say that they are riding on your neck to "shit and pee", and they still have the reason, and you have nothing to do.

Forget it, just watch the excitement if you have nothing to do, or don't try to show off here.

Otherwise, if you get caught, you will have to face the opening of the market and be dealt with by Lord Lei, which is really miserable.

"Okay, as long as you understand, I will take these two little brothers to visit the door first, and call them."

Lei Yaoyang nodded in satisfaction, made a gesture of making a phone call, walked out of the mahjong parlor with his feet.

Beng Yaju hurriedly sent it off in person, while Siyan Jiazheng and Greyhound were also unambiguous, following each step with excitement.

Lei Yaoyang picked up the car on the side of the street, took Jiazheng and Greyhound, and went straight to Saigon.

In the car, Lei Yaoyang held the steering wheel with one hand, took out the phone with the other and threw it to the back row:
"Jiazheng, you should know the phone number of your elder brother Jiahui. Call him and tell him that you want to transfer."

"Yes, Lord Lei, I'll call right away."

Jiazheng was very excited. If it was just lip service before, now it is real.

Perhaps in the near future, he will be able to become Miss Saigon Ding's subordinate.

Everyone knows that Ms. Ding is different from those big bosses in the club, and the younger brothers don't benefit much by messing around every day.

Ms. Ding's family has a lot of decent companies, and they work with her and get paid.

As far as the family knows, any one of Ms. Saigon Ding's employees may be a local snake in Saigon a few years ago, with a very high status in the world, no less than his boss, Dahui, holding a managerial position and leading a white-collar worker Salary, delicious food and spicy food every day.

Thinking that he would live such a good life soon, his fingers were trembling as he was pressing the number.Soon, the call was connected.

"Hey, boss? It's me, Jiazheng!"

"Yes, I do have something to tell you, boss, uh, this, I want to pass the time."

"No, boss, I'm not trying to betray."

"Boss, listen to me, it's not Dongxing, it's Saigon, Miss Ding Yao's subordinates in Saigon."

"Really, boss, I didn't trick you!"

Jiazheng was very embarrassed on the phone, begging almost the whole time, Lei Yaoyang, who was driving in front, couldn't stand it anymore and frowned:
"Call me."

Jiazheng heard it, and hurriedly said over the phone:
"Boss, Lord Lei is with me now, and he wants to say a few words to you."

Lei Yaoyang took the phone and said simply and directly:
"I'm Lei Yaoyang!"

On the other end of the phone, the voice was very rough, but the tone was full of suspicion:
"Master Lei?"

"In Hong Kong Comprehensive City, no one would dare to impersonate me, Lei Yaoyang!"

Lei Yaoyang understands the other party's doubts, after all, Jiazheng's small four eyes, no matter how you look at it, he is not an elite, now he tells his boss that Lei Yaoyang personally invited him to transfer to Saigon, no one will believe it.

"I won't talk too much nonsense, Jiazheng is a guy who fits my fancy, so I'm going to let him develop in Saigon. According to the rules of the Tao, the younger brother's transfer fee is [-], the leader's transfer fee is [-], and the boss is negotiable. "

"I, Lei Yaoyang, don't bully people. Give me your address, and I'll send you money later. The price is 50 yuan!"

Hearing such a strong tone, the other party seemed to believe it. After all, the family is looking for someone to pretend to be Lei Yaoyang, saying that they want to transfer, which is not good for him.

At this moment, when Jia heard that Lei Yaoyang was willing to offer 50 to redeem him, he was so excited that he almost cried.

He is just a low-level gangster, and compared to Greyhound, he has a better family, and he didn't suffer as a child.But since he dropped out of junior high school and joined the club, due to his size, he was inferior to others in fighting and fighting. He was very discriminated against in Hongxing, a place where he was called a "beater".

Even if someone used 1 yuan to redeem the house, he would still feel like a dream, let alone 50 yuan. In his opinion, this is already a sky-high price, and it is money that he will never earn in his life.

What is called "the kindness of knowing you" and what is called "the scholar dies for his confidant", I have heard of it before, but I always think it is nonsense.

But today, he felt it thoroughly.Just as Lei Yaoyang hung up the phone, Jiazheng's eyes were red, and he immediately said:
"Master Lei, I'm just a bad guy on the street, not worth 50 yuan. Brother Jiahui often says I'm a waste, as long as Master Lei says a word, he will definitely not ask for any conditions."

"It's really not possible. If you don't call him, I can still do things for Miss Ding."

"Just because Greyhound doesn't understand anything now, he values ​​your opinion very much, and you are worth the price."

Thinking like this in his heart, on the surface Lei Yaoyang waved his big hand to win people's hearts and said:
"People are priceless, a mere 50 yuan is just a transfer fee, not your selling money."

"In my opinion, as long as you are a person, you can't use the price to estimate it. Don't underestimate yourself. The potential of a person is unlimited. If you don't develop today, maybe it's just that the opportunity hasn't come. Go to Saigon and do a good job. , and soon you will be able to rise to the top."

"At that time, when you look back, you may feel that the price I offered today has taken advantage of everything!"

"Master Lei, I must do my best."

Jiazheng was very moved and immediately decided to express his opinion.

Deep in his heart, he secretly swore that since Lei Yaoyang was so optimistic about him, he would not let Lei Yaoyang down no matter what.

The Greyhound in the back saw the whole incident from beginning to end, and their affection for Lei Yaoyang was also rising.

Although it can't be said that there is any loyalty now, but the initial agreement and anticipation of joining the Saigon organization that Lei Yaoyang said is getting higher and higher.

Soon the car came to Saigon smoothly under the control of Lei Yaoyang.

This time, Lei Yaoyang didn't go to Sizhen Restaurant, because it was only afternoon, and there was no one designated for Sizhen Restaurant.

The car went straight to the Saigon container terminal, where Ding Yao's company opened.

A hundred meters away from the container terminal, Lei Yaoyang casually parked the car on the side of the road, and then asked the two to get off.


As soon as Greyhound and Jiazheng got out of the car, they were shocked by the majestic momentum of the container terminal.

This place is really huge, with a visual estimate of hundreds of thousands of square feet.

Numerous containers are neatly arranged, and many advanced machinery, trailers, cranes, etc. are under construction. Workers are also busy, sweating profusely. Some are carrying goods, and some are directing with loudspeakers. It is a lively scene.

The Greyhound stood stupidly, but Jiazheng looked at them carefully. First of all, he looked at the workers. They were all tall and big, with bulging muscles, and they were dressed neatly. On this November day, they were still wearing shorts and shorts.

With this kind of quality, it is absolutely no problem to pull out one casually, dare not say "one picks ten", and one beats up four or five street gangsters.

What's more, Jiazheng usually hangs out in the urban area, and those bosses have two or three bars, and they are already very proud, thinking that they are very amazing and invincible.

Looking at this place now, the terrain is so spacious that it explodes, and the huge ships docking on the seaside are even more magnificent.

Swallowing, Jiazheng asked:
"Master Lei, are these all Miss Ding's?"

"Yes, this is her shipping company. It's just a small business. Let's go, the company is inside. I'll take you in to report and get to know each other first."

Lei Yaoyang nodded, and replied casually, after saying that, he took the lead to go in, Jiazheng and Greyhound hurriedly followed.

"Master Lei!"

"Master Lei, why don't you leave work so early today?"

"Master Lei, come to pick up Miss Ding from get off work? She happens to be in the company."

Everyone at the container terminal seemed to know Lei Yaoyang, but Lei Yaoyang had just shown up, and many people greeted him warmly.

A guy in his thirties, wearing a shirt and trousers, with a very distinctive appearance and a shark-like face, trotted over, followed by a strong man number seven or eight, and bowed respectfully:
"Master Lei!"

Seeing the person who came, Lei Yaoyang smiled, stretched out his big hand, patted his shoulder and said:
"Sharkhead, are you coming back from the Philippines?"

"Yes, Lord Lei, I just came back last night. Didn't I hear that the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market is going to hold a fireworks show, so I asked my eldest sister for leave so I can come back and watch the excitement?"

The man smiled brightly and replied.

"Do you want to participate in the fireworks show?"

Lei Yaoyang nodded, and asked casually.

"I didn't plan to participate at first, but I heard that Ajie is going to play. We are all Saigon brothers. I should also play to support it."

Sharkhead shook his head and nodded, honestly.

Sharkhead's words are indeed true.

I remember that when Ding Yao did not come to Saigon, Shatou was already a local snake in Saigon, occupying people and boats, and doing business at sea, it was also regarded as an aspect.

Later, Ding Yao gained a foothold in Saigon and spent a huge price to win over the local people in Saigon.

Shatou is very smart, and he was one of the first people to join Ding Yao's subordinates.

Since then, Shatou has been in full swing, and the "smuggling ship" has transformed into a legal transport ship. As long as Yu Ding Yao is ordered every day, the shipping will be "impressive".

Ding Yao has never treated the first batch of old people badly. Not only did he license Shatou's private fleet to join the company, but he only took [-]% of Shatou's fee, which is kind of mean.

Moreover, the shipping company also gave the shark head a [-]% bonus.

Over the past few years, Shatou has been loyal and loyal, starting from a local snake and developing into a business tycoon.

Let’s just say that this time Ding Yao opened up the shipping business and went to the Philippines to buy docks and get containers.

In terms of force, Xiao Zhuang and Long Wu led the team.

In terms of intelligence and operation, Sharkhead has full authority.

Shatou did not disappoint Ding Yao. According to Lei Yaoyang's knowledge, in just a few months, the container terminal in the Philippines has been preliminarily developed by Shatou, and it has also signed contracts with many merchants to be self-sufficient.

Such a person, let him go back and go to the ancient and confused world to fight life and death, he is really unwilling.

But, Ajie is Ding Yao's ace bodyguard, and has a very good relationship with everyone in Saigon.

This time everyone knew that Ajie was ordered by Lei Yaoyang, and he was determined, saying more than once that he would fight for the lead to get it back.

Under such circumstances, of course everyone in Saigon would not watch. Including Sharkhead, there were already seven or eight snakeheads who had decided to play.

"it is good!"

Lei Yaoyang smiled appreciatively and boasted:
"Sure enough, you are loyal enough. After all these years, you haven't changed at all. It's good. Don't worry, I will be there on the day of the fireworks show to ensure that our people are safe and sound."

"Also, I remember that your iron chain and harpoon are good. How about your boxing skills? Is there any play?"

Lei Yaoyang has never seen this shark head's punching and kicking skills, but he has seen him play it a few times at sea, each time he used local materials, the various tools on the fishing boat were played by him so beautifully.

"Master Lei, there are so many masters at the fireworks show, what can I do!"

Sharkhead smiled bitterly and said:
"A few years ago, maybe I could take a chance and grab a three-shot, four-shot or something. In the past few years, Lord Lei also knows. The eldest sister has explained many times that when brothers go to sea to do business, safety is the first. They are all used by guys. .”

Lei Yaoyang laughed out loud and said:
"It doesn't matter, anyway, let's go through the motions, the most important thing is Ajie. At that time, you just need to do your best, and have an explanation to Ajie and the brotherhood in your heart. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

Hearing this, Shatou nodded again and again, agreeing:
"What Lei Ye said is true, I thought so too."

The conversation between the two is simple, but actually contains a lot of things.

Behind Lei Yaoyang, Greyhound couldn't understand what he heard, but Four Eyes was really excited!
From the words of the shark head in front of him, he can fully hear the wealth and unity of Saigon:
Those who come out to hang out, wish to have a place to participate in the fireworks show, so that they can show their skills and make a limelight.

What did the shark head say?

I don't want to go at all.

Why is he unwilling to go?

Just looking at his famous brand shirt and the big gold watch on his wrist, everyone knew that he was too good, rich and powerful, and even went to the fireworks festival to fight, this is not a joke.

But it was just such a person, because they had brothers from Saigon, they decided to go even if they didn’t want to go.

what is this?
This is the performance of loyalty!
Listening to the conversation again, it is easy to hear that Miss Ding loves her subordinates.

The shark head said, Miss Ding emphasized more than once that the most important thing for big guys to go out to do business is safety, and let everyone take the guy with them.

The skills have deteriorated, and the two key words are linked together. Do you need to explain clearly what a guy is?

That designated firearms ah!
The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and Jiazheng felt brighter about his future, so he couldn't help whispering in Greyhound's ear:
"Zhijiu, Lord Lei will take us to see Miss Ding later, be polite and behave better, don't talk nonsense, you know?"


Greyhound nodded, expressing his understanding.

And at this moment, Shatou also noticed the two young boys behind Lei Yaoyang, curiously said:
"Master Lei, who are they?"

"The younger brother I found for A Yao."

Lei Yaoyang turned around and called the two of them to introduce:
"Don't underestimate them, it's not easy, especially this kid, don't look at his poor health, but his skills are extraordinary, and he is going to participate in the fireworks show!"

Jiazheng and Greyhound heard it, but they didn't know that Lei Yaoyang knew Greyhound, they thought it was Lei Yaoyang who made them look up again, grateful in their hearts, they all raised their chests and looked up.

Shatou was very surprised by this answer, but he knew that Lei Yaoyang would not make such a joke.

After taking a closer look at Greyhound and Jiazheng, he stretched out his hand and said loudly:
"Two little brothers, since Lord Lei personally brought you here to pay homage to the door, then we will be our own people from now on. Let me introduce myself, my name is Shatou!"

"Hi brother Shatou, just call me Jiazheng, he is a Greyhound."

Four Eyes was smiling, and immediately held Shark Tou's hand, shaking it enthusiastically.


After Shatou was polite, he didn't say much, looked at Lei Yaoyang again, raised his hand and said:
"Master Lei, the elder sister is inside, let me take you in."

"it is good."

Lei Yaoyang nodded, and under the leadership of Shatou, everyone walked into the inner room of the container terminal.

Ding Yao's company is located next to the container terminal. Unlike the high-rise buildings of the Central Company, it is only a five-story self-built building.

Compared with the high-rise buildings in Central, this place feels more grand and magnificent!
In the center of the doorway, there is a plaque "Sizhen Shipping Group" written in brush characters, hanging there carelessly.

Pushing the door open, the lobby is surprisingly large, let alone Central, it is difficult to find such a lobby in the entire Hong Kong comprehensive market.

The lobby is basically the reconstruction of the former dock warehouse, and it has been resplendently decorated, just like some luxury hotel.

There are people coming and going here, everyone is wearing a neat work uniform, holding a receipt or a phone in their hand, busy.

"Brother Sharkhead!"

"Master Lei, you are here."

When many people saw Lei Yaoyang and Shatou, they all stopped to say hello.

The two of them ignored it, and after signaling with a smile, they walked directly into the elevator, while Shatou's younger brother consciously stood at the door of the elevator and did not follow.

Jiazheng looked strange, but he was not familiar with the place, so he was embarrassed to ask questions.

Lei Yaoyang noticed his expression, and after entering the elevator, he said:
"Sharkhead, some iron rules of the company, introduce them to the two of them."

"Yes, Lord Lei!"

The shark head nodded, and immediately acted as an explanation, speaking:
"Two little brothers, the rules are very simple when doing things here. First, you can't disclose company secrets. What we do, the two little brothers should know something about it. There are many things that are inconvenient to tell in the open. , so after finishing the work, take the money and go home happily, except that you can’t talk about some company secrets to the outside world, you can do anything.”

"Of course, of course, we know this even if Brother Sharkhead doesn't tell you."

The four-eyed family was acting as a representative, nodding and bowing while listening attentively.

He is not a fool, Saigon Dingyao, the overlord of the sea, already has the meaning of "female ship queen".

To be able to achieve this point, if everything is reasonable and legal, it is obviously impossible to rely solely on commercial means, and many people may be killed at sea.

Talking about this kind of thing outside is courting death.I'm afraid there is no need for Ding Yao to speak, colleagues from other companies can kill you.

"Secondly, our company is divided into levels. If you don't have enough levels, you must not go up to the fifth floor without being ordered. Those who work on the fifth floor are all at the top of our company and have a lot of secrets, so my younger brothers didn't go upstairs with us. .”

"Of course, you were brought by Lord Lei, and you will directly join the eldest sister's family and become the top management of our company. If you want to abide by this rule, you have to ask the eldest sister what she means."

A hint of envy flashed in Shark's eyes as he spoke.

Even he did not join Ding Yao's sect, and Ding Yao never opened an altar to accept anyone.

These two boys, who did not know what kind of luck they had, were valued by Lord Lei, so they soared into the sky.

In Saigon, as long as they report the name of Ding Yao's younger brother, who would dare not give face?

"Yes, yes, yes, we must obey the rules."

Jiazheng also knew that he and Greyhound had stepped on shit, and he smiled happily and nodded again.

"The third and last one is to be loyal to Big Sister, Loyal to Lei Ye, and loyal to the company."

When Sharkhead said this, his face was serious, and he looked at Greyhound and Jiazheng.

"Brother Sharkhead, you don't need to talk about this one. Greyhound and I have nothing else to say, but we are patted on ourselves with loyalty, looking like a son and daughter of loyalty. But halfway through the conversation, I can't help but think that I am still from Hongxing now. I just switched gears and used it faithfully on myself, it seems that there is..."

Jiazheng took a sneak peek at Lei Yaoyang, seeing that Lei Yaoyang didn't seem to care and added:
"From now on, we brothers will do whatever Eldest Sister and Master Lei tell us to do. Even if it's killing someone, we'll do it!"

"Greyhound, don't you think so?"

"Acknowledge your elder brother, and you will listen to him in the future. You have said it many times."

Greyhound nodded and responded.

This made Jiazheng a little embarrassed.

Indeed, the former family wanted to introduce Greyhound to join Hong Xing, to join his elder brother's command, and often instilled the concept of loyalty in Greyhound.

Compared with him, Greyhound probably understands the eight words "obedience to orders, loyalty and loyalty".

Hahaha Lei Yaoyang saw it, he laughed heartily, and the laughter echoed in the elevator for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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