Chapter 255 The Plan Begins (Re-edited)

To Zhang Zihao, Mo Luobing's words had another meaning.

Undoubtedly, Mo Luobing also knew that after this incident, he would never have himself as a guest again.

He completely regarded himself as an ordinary borrower, and changed from collecting money normally to extorting money.

Holding his breath in his heart, Zhang Zihao said angrily:
"Master Bing, I, Zhang Zihao, have been in Macau for more than [-] years, and I can be regarded as half a native of Macau. I know quite a few friends. Master Bing really wants to do such a great job?"

"Whatever you do, you will never do it. Your words are serious."

Mo Luobing embraced his hands, cast a cold glance at Zhang Zihao, and said with disdain:
"Your Brother Hao owes me 300 million, plus today, the repayment days have passed, and it is still as long as six days."

"According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, if you take out the 400 million, it's not much less. I won't hold you accountable, and if you don't thank me for my generosity, you still dare to babble."

"Debt settlement, service fee, is it necessary to settle?"

"You say you are half a Macau native. Don't you know the rules of our Macau finance company?"

"If I really want to do my best, I don't need to charge you 400 million today. Do you want to try?"

In the last sentence, Mo Luobing was full of momentum, and he didn't pay attention to a little Zhang Zihao at all, thinking that he was sure of him.


Zhang Zihao knew that Mo Luobing was talking nonsense and was taking advantage of the power to bully him, but if he really thought about it, he really couldn't break the situation.

Don't look at Zhang Zihao who is so bold as to kidnap Li Jiaju, but he really has no reputation in the world.

Not only does he have no reputation, but he also has no influence. With so few younger brothers under his command, they can't even compare with ordinary street bosses.

Mo Luobing wanted to pinch him and bully him, but he had no choice but to resist.

This is the so-called "wealth and status" mismatch, which in turn causes adverse reactions.

A rich man like Li Bancheng is famous, rich and famous. Everyone knows that he is rich.But with Mo Luobing's courage, he didn't dare to run to blackmail, and he would definitely accompany others with a smile when he met.

Zhang Zihao was different, even if he was successfully kidnapped and became a rich man, he would still be oppressed when he met someone like Mo Luobing in the future.

I understand my own situation in my heart, and this period is special, and I have to be busy with "big things".

Zhang Zihao suppressed his anger again and again, his voice became extremely low, and he said:
"Okay, Lord Bing, how much hard work do you think is appropriate?"

Hearing this, Mo Luobing had a smile on his face again, and it was a big laugh:
"Hahaha, okay, brother Hao did not choose the wrong name, he is bold and straightforward enough."

"200 million! As long as Brother Hao pays another 200 million, I will offer Brother Hao's IOU with both hands, and immediately withdraw the redemption order."

"Oh, 200 million."

Hearing this number, Zhang Zihao's face contorted, and he couldn't control it.

In fact, I only borrowed 200 million, and I agreed to pay back 300 million. Now I have paid 100 million more in interest, and I still need 200 million.

In less than a month, it has doubled. This is no longer a normal loan, and it can be regarded as extortion.

To be honest, Zhang Zihao wanted to go home and copy the guy at this moment, and fight with that bastard Mo Luobing.

But fortunately, Zhang Zihao still got the upper hand because of reason:
"In two days, I will be a multi-billionaire. There is no need to compete with this kind of street bastard for one or two million."

Thinking this way in his heart, Zhang Zihao gritted his teeth and agreed:
"Okay, just 200 million, Master Bing will give me 10 minutes."

After saying that, Zhang Zihao turned around and left. It was obvious that he was going to withdraw money from the bank.

Mo Luobing didn't stop him, and watched Zhang Zihao leave. After he had disappeared, he hurriedly turned around, trotted to the door of the office, and knocked on the door lightly.

"Come in!"

In the office, a calm male voice came out, and Mo Luobing pushed the door open and entered.

On the main seat of the office, a gentlemanly man was sitting proudly, with two attendants standing behind him, very extraordinary.

Facing the man, Mo Luobing stood respectfully and said with a smile on his face:
"Boss, it's done."

"Well, well done."

When the man praised him casually, Mo Luobing was like a child who got sugar, and his smile was even brighter.

But in Macau, he went to Mo Luobing Company and took the lead.

The number of Mo Luobing who can still be treated like this can only be counted on one hand.

As for why the tycoon came here in person?
In fact, Li Jiaju's kidnapping has already spread in a small area.

The news came from Lei Yaoyang, and Lei Yaoyang informed the eldest lady, and hinted that the eldest lady should work harder this time. If the matter is completed, he will mention the help of all parties in front of Li Jiaju afterwards, and he will definitely There are great benefits.

The eldest lady should have come to Mo Luobing by herself, but she was still in the Hong Kong comprehensive market, accompanying the doctor who was about to return to Taiguo.

The matter was very important, and it was inconvenient for the eldest lady to let others do the work, so she simply called his father.

How shrewd is the tycoon, when he heard that the matter was related to the richest man in the Hong Kong comprehensive market, he knew that this was an excellent opportunity to sell favors, so he did not hesitate to personally go out and go to Mo Luobing's side to sit in charge.

Especially after receiving the news from Mo Luobing that Zhang Zihao would come to pay back the money in person, the tycoon was overjoyed and had already arranged everything outside.

At this moment, Zhang Zihao was secretly being followed by at least dozens of He family elites.

Although the elite He family didn't touch him at all, it wasn't because he didn't dare, but because he didn't want to.

They will follow Zhang Zihao back to the Hong Kong comprehensive market, find out where Li Jiaju is, and then study the next move.

Mo Luobing didn't know anything about these things, and he was extremely curious:
"He really can't figure out what qualifications a mere Zhang Zihao and a gambler have to let the tycoon face him personally."

Out of curiosity, Mo Luobing did not hide anything, and said:
"Tiger, did Zhang Zihao offend you? If there is anything I need to do, please don't be polite."

"To make him disappear, I can do it right away."

"No need."

The tycoon raised his right hand, looked at Mo Luobing, and said earnestly:
"Xiao Bing, you have cooperated with us He's for almost 20 years."

"Yes, I can have what I am today, all thanks to the support of the tycoon."

Mo Luobing nodded again and again, keeping his posture extremely low.

The tycoon smiled slightly and said:
"Even if I flatter you, you have to be able to bear it. Twenty years is not too short a time."

"Then, Xiao Bing, I know you must be wondering why I dealt with Zhang Zihao."

"I'm not going to hide it from you. That kid Zhang Zihao offended someone. He offended a person who even I dare not easily offend, Li Bancheng, the richest man in the comprehensive city of Hong Kong."

"Li Bancheng's eldest son is still in the hands of that Zhang Zihao."

Hearing this, Mo Luobing gasped and was dumbfounded.

He really didn't see that Zhang Zihao, who was bullied by him and didn't dare to resist at all, was so courageous.

Although the tycoon didn't make it too clear, the idiot has already heard what it means to be in the hands of Zhang Zihao, isn't it just kidnapping.

Damn, this kid is crazy.

The tycoon's words continued:
"I asked you to hit him casually. This is to prevent him from having the slightest doubt about Xuanhong's search for him. This is why, when he returns to the Hong Kong comprehensive market this time, he should disappear forever."

"A person who is destined to disappear, take as much benefit as he can get from him. I congratulate someone, and I never block my own people from getting rich."

Suddenly, Mo Luobing felt a warm current flowing in his heart.

As a man, the Macau tycoon has always been able to convince both black and white. This is a skill.

If someone else was to handle this matter, I'm afraid Mo Luobing would hurry up and finish collecting the debt. It doesn't matter if he doesn't collect it, as long as he lures Zhang Zihao out and the people he sends can keep up.

As for the tycoon, on the contrary, he let you die, as if he could give up other things in order to win benefits for you.

In fact, the latter's approach is not suspicious, and the knowledge is quite profound!

On the road in Tai Po District, New Territories, Hong Kong Comprehensive City.

A small car was running fast. In the car, Zhang Zihao was holding the steering wheel, his face extremely gloomy.

During the trip to Macau, he was beaten and bullied by Mo Luobing, who asked him to give 600 million, and then he paid back his IOU and let him go back to Hong Kong.

Such a boring loss made Zhang Zihao feel indigestion and panicked.

Back all the way, Zhang Zihao had greeted the eighteen generations of Mo Luobing's ancestors in his heart, wishing he could pick up a knife and cut off Mo Luobing's flesh piece by piece.

It seems that only in this way can I solve my "hate in my heart".

"Bastard, you'd better pray that you'll be the boss all your life. If you're unlucky, then..."

Zhang Zihao, who was depressed and thinking about it, his cell phone rang suddenly.


"Brother Hao, good news. Now there is news on the Tao that your matter is just a misunderstanding, and no one is looking for you anymore."

"Grass, I'll know if you don't tell me."

Hearing the younger brother's joyful words, Zhang Zihao was so angry that he shouted:
"I gave him 600 million, a full 600 million, of course it will be fine."

After venting with a word, Zhang Zihao calmed down and said:
"How is the house, has anything happened?"

"everything is normal!"

The younger brother on the other end of the phone also put away his excitement and replied.

"That's good. I'm already in Tai Po. I'll be back soon. Be careful."

After Zhang Zihao finished speaking, he hung up the phone, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car to the fastest speed.

Due to the grief, anger and depression in his heart, Zhang Zihao's vigilance dropped a lot, and he didn't realize that, in fact, four cars were following him alternately behind him.

The four cars were all from the He family in Macau. After they came out of Mo Luobing's place in Macau, they followed Zhang Zihao all the way to the Hong Kong comprehensive market.

At this time, above the head car, a man in a suit and leather shoes, about 30 years old, was holding a mobile phone and reporting back:
"Miss, that kid has already entered Tai Po District, Hong Kong Comprehensive City."

"Well, I understand, don't worry, miss, we will definitely not lose you."

About an hour later, on Victoria Peak Road, Li's Villas, Villa No. [-].

Lei Yaoyang, who had been staying at Li Bancheng's house, received a call from the eldest lady.

After talking about it, Lei Yaoyang was overjoyed, looked at the Li family sitting in the living room, and said:
"Mr. Li, everyone, we have found out where Jia Ju is being held."


"It's great, it's great."

"Mr. Lei, are you serious?"

Hearing such news, the Li family members were all "overjoyed", and several of them stood up excitedly.

Especially the young master of the Li family, who was eager to try, as if he was going to save his elder brother himself.

Li Bancheng, who was the calmest, couldn't hold back anymore, and said excitedly:
"Mr. Lei, is the news accurate?"

"It is absolutely certain that this news was reported by my apprentice himself. If the news is not certain, my apprentice will not say it."

Lei Yaoyang explained briefly, in fact, since Zhang Zihao appeared in Macau, the news has been passed to Lei Yaoyang.

Then, Lei Yaoyang informed the Li family, so everyone heard that they didn't ask too many questions, so they confirmed that the news was true and reliable.

"Okay, this time our Li family owes Mr. Lei a big favor, and I will visit the tycoon's house in person afterwards."

Li Bancheng was very clear about what he should express. After a promise, he got back to business and asked for advice:
"Mr. Lei, what shall we do now?"

Although Li Bancheng is the richest man, he actually has no idea when facing the "Desperadoes".

In this case, of course, it would be safe to consult a professional like Lei Yaoyang.

Lei Yaoyang was also polite, and immediately began to arrange:
"First, Mr. Li is going to prepare the money with great fanfare. It is best to make some noise. Our people are now watching the kidnappers, but there is no guarantee that there will be someone on the kidnappers' side who has been watching Mr. Li's movements."

"It's understandable that there's been no movement for several hours. Mr. Li called the fundraising channel at home.

"But there is no movement for too long, which will inevitably arouse the other party's suspicion."

"If they are really watched, they will feel relieved when they see Mr. Li raising money everywhere. This way, it will be more beneficial for us to rescue Jiaju."

"Not bad!"

Li Bancheng nodded, deeply convinced, and immediately expressed his opinion:
"I'll take the car back to the company in a while."

Saying so, he instructed the young master of the Li family:
"Jiakai, drive to our company's sales offices to get cash, don't hide it, if anyone objects, ask him to call me."

"Okay, Dad."

Li Jiakai nodded, very happy that he was also useful.

Seeing this, Li Bancheng was still a little worried, and then ordered:
"Bring a few more people to follow you, I don't want anything to happen to you."

Hearing these words, Lei Yaoyang responded in good time:
"Mr. Li, my wife has many gold-medal bodyguards under her command. Even our Hong Kong Comprehensive City Flying Tigers may not be their opponents."

"How many people should I arrange to come over to protect Mr. Li?"

Li Bancheng wanted to refuse reflexively, but when he thought that he really didn't have any powerful bodyguards, he nodded and said:
"Okay, then trouble Mr. Lei."

In his heart, Li Bancheng secretly decided that after this time, the security of his home had to be strengthened.

Seeing that Li Bancheng agreed, Lei Yaoyang immediately told Zhan Mi:
"Call Ajie and Gao Fei over.

"Yes, brother Yaoyang."

Zhan Mizai agreed, picked up his phone and went to the side.

Without delay, Lei Yaoyang continued:
"Temporarily stabilize the kidnappers and prevent them from becoming suspicious. The next step is the rescue operation."

"Mr. Li, I have a question that I shouldn't ask, but I have to."

Li Bancheng straightened his face and said sincerely:
"Mr. Lei is Jiaju's good friend, good brother, and the most honored guest of my Li family. There is no question that Mr. Lei can't ask!"

"If Mr. Lei wants to know anything, you can just say it!"

"Okay, sorry for the offense."

Lei Yaoyang nodded, and said in a deep voice:
"Does Mr. Li want the kidnappers to disappear forever, or send them to jail?"


As soon as this question came out, Li Bancheng was stunned, and other Li family members were also a little stunned.

Only the little son Li Jiakai, with stars in his eyes, looked at Lei Yaoyang adoringly.

These words are too awesome, they are no longer hints, Lei Yaoyang is expressly expressing:
"If you want to die, you still want to live; if you want darkness, you still want light."

There was a long silence, honestly speaking, Li Bancheng could not wait to answer immediately, "disappear forever".

But he knew better, with such an answer, he was giving Lei Yaoyang a "big handle".

Although he was overwhelmed with gratitude to Lei Yaoyang at this time, the dignified richest man would still not be willing to give such a big deal to someone who "doesn't know the basics".

Thinking quickly, Li Bancheng asked back:

"Mr. Lei thinks, what should I do best?"

(End of this chapter)

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