Chapter 330 The False Sword Immortal Under Fire

"Sister Wu, you have to lend me your torch order."

Randy finished the phone call with a strange expression on his face. He packed his bags and adjusted his cape, and was about to set off.

Wu Mengsha did not hesitate to take out the torch token and hand it over, and Randy has already taken out the advanced directional teleportation talisman.

Yoko looked up at Randy, "Can we go with you?"

"This—the person to be saved is in New Frank, and it's on a wild battlefield, far away from any teleportation array."

"Then after you pass by, locate the city return ticket, at least pull me over. Senior Jia has more than one avatar."

The girl was extroverted, and Yoko sold Lao Jia without hesitation.

"When I need it, I will definitely ask for help."

Randy's figure was gradually blurred by the dining table, and the last thing he heard was a voice, "You are my forehead, I won't allow you to get hurt again."

The phone provided approximate latitude and longitude, but Randy didn't target the exact location.

There was a fierce battlefield over there, and during the directional teleportation process, there was a ten-second freeze.

At this time, it became the target of bullets. Maybe Randy had already been sieved after teleportation.

Randy veered to the west, locating directly into the Atlantic Ocean.

Randy is more experienced in directional teleportation now, and when the white light in front of him fades, before he can see things clearly, he holds the holy fire token in one hand, and first calls out the Yitian sword.

When Randy stepped on Yitianjian's body and sank, almost falling into the Atlantic Ocean, Yitianjian's flying sword function had been activated, and it floated back into the air all of a sudden.

The test was successful, and Randy snapped his fingers.

With the Holy Fire Order and Yitian Sword, they will be sent later, and the embarrassing situation of falling into the water will no longer occur when saving the passengers of the Titanic and saving Erjin in Jiangxia.

As for the Torch Token is not my own, this, I borrowed it based on my ability, I can always borrow it, this is a skill that Randy learned from Senior Jiu Sword Immortal.

Standing on the flying sword, Randy looked around. He was in a bay with the vast Atlantic Ocean to the west. The strong wind was blowing from the ocean, and Randy couldn't feel it at all.

He was enclosed in the mini-dimensional space of the artifact Yitian Sword, and was half separated from the outside world.

To the east is the estuary of the Somme River, where gunshots are dense and shells roar from time to time, which is exactly where Randy is going.

Randy is not afraid, he controls the flying sword and flies to the battlefield where the bullets are flying.

It's not that Randy is stupid or dying to save someone.

Randy didn't dare to teleport into the battlefield, but once he stepped on the flying sword and entered the dimensional space attached to the artifact, it would be fine.

Unless there is a demigod like Jiu Jianxian who can violently snatch the Yitian sword, it is absolutely safe to hide in the dimension space.

There are only three demigods that Randy knows, two are in the east, and one is walking the stars in the universe, and they will never appear on this western battlefield.

Of course, the fake sword fairy in this kind of turtle shell flying sword can only investigate and can't hit others, so the real sword fairy can't look down on the "broken sword" Yitianjian.

The broken sword in Jiu Jianxian's eyes is an absolute treasure to Randy.

False sword fairy Randy stepped on the flying sword and flew above the battlefield. Below was an army of more than 150 divisions, fighting desperately.

Randy first flew east along the Somme River, and found that the beachhead of the demon army was below, and the fierce battlefield was to the south.

As a soldier, it was rare for him to observe such a large-scale modern war up close. Randy turned his flying sword and ran to the south where the battle was fiercest.

Anyway, the person who was calling for help was also in the middle of the battlefield to the south, and happened to be on the way.

Randy passed through the Demon Race's position, and felt the strongest fluctuation of spiritual power below, but it was at the master level.

When they reached the top of the line of fire, there was a faint sense of holy pressure coming from the south, and the strength of the elves in the south seemed to be much larger.

Generally speaking, the elves should have the upper hand.

However, what Randy saw was the elves charging in dense formation with Lee Enfield rifles in their hands.

The demon army in the north was lying in the trenches, Maxim was spitting out flames, and the elf soldiers were harvested and knocked down by machine guns in rows, and the ones behind rushed forward one after another.

With such a massacre of firepower, wouldn't tens of thousands of people die in one attack?Randy shook his head and sighed, the holy commanders of the elf soldiers were simply butchers.

Although Randy doesn't know formation techniques, he also knows that the three-three skirmisher tactic invented by his brother Lan Zuo when he was promoted to an intermediate formation master is a good way to deal with machine guns. Obviously these elves don't know this trick yet.

It seems that the larger the scale of the war, the smaller the role that individual ability can play.

On the battlefield where tens of thousands of people die at any time, the role of the holy level, which can defeat thousands of people, has been basically ignored.

Someone flew over in the sky, and the commanders of both sides below knew that they were not their own, and immediately ordered the soldiers to shoot at the "enemy holy class" in the sky.

However, the flying sword's speed was extremely fast, and it flew past very quickly, and it was impossible to catch it with a rifle.

Occasionally, the bullets of the gun master hit Randy's figure, but passed through the mini-dimensional space surrounding him, causing no damage at all.

Only the bullets that happened to hit the blade of the Yitian Sword would make Randy shake occasionally.

Finally, a place below where the elf army has the upper hand appeared, and a dozen huge steel chariots rushed to the demon camp in the north,

Not only was Randy seeing this kind of weapon like a giant steel monster for the first time, but also the demon army.The demons' machine guns couldn't break through the tank's defenses, so they panicked and retreated from the front line.

The elf soldiers who followed this chariot called a "jug" marched forward with cheers.

However, the commander of the Mozu was very calm. After the Mozu soldiers withdrew from the front line, a large number of shells roared over, and the chariots were immediately paralyzed one by one.

The elves only broke through a partial line of defense, and the demon soldiers immediately established another line of defense behind, the engineers began to dig trenches, and the firepower of the machine guns was established again.

The charge of elves is very effective, but it is a pity that it can only be played by industrially developed countries like the Federation of elves, and the number is a little small.

If it occurs on a large scale, I am afraid it will not be the result.

Randy is learning from observation, analyzing the pros and cons of both sides' weapons.Several propeller reconnaissance planes flew past Randy, both demons and elves.

This single-engine propeller aircraft can only be used for reconnaissance at present, without additional weapons.Pilots from both sides meet in the air and greet each other.

The pilots watched curiously this fellow in the air who dared to run to the center of the battlefield to investigate, and some waved to Randy.

Randy suddenly felt a lot of emotion.I am the only fake sword fairy in the world who relies on artifacts to fly, so I can fly for reconnaissance.Even if the genuine Sword Immortal came, he wouldn't dare to be shot here.

However, with the blessing of human technology, ordinary soldiers can go to the sky in large numbers after training and training, and play the same role as themselves.

If Daxia wants to revive, the progress of science and technology and industry is indispensable, and the role of a master like myself will become less and less.

The rise of Daxia is very long. Randy thought of the ancient nuclear fusion power station in the ruins of Haiyang.That may be Daxia's hope of overtaking on the curve, and it must be used as soon as possible.

The flying sword flew across the battlefield, and after 10 minutes, it was already near the target.Randy kept the magic phone on, and under the guidance of the other party, he quickly found the place.

This is not the main battlefield, it is on the side close to the elves.Randy Yujian fell from the sky and landed in the trench, and saw the target he wanted to rescue this time.

(End of this chapter)

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