Chapter 472 Xiaomei Returns
"Send you to Baihuazhou, sleep alone in the painting building for a long night.

The leaves of the sycamore trees are falling, and the autumn is deep, and the cold moon is clear and the light is infinitely sad.

Sending you off to the Baihua Pavilion, I am silent and speechless.

It is hard to let go of the birds singing and the fragrance of flowers, and it is extremely hard to let go of a lover. "

This is a new song composed by Yan Hua, a genius in the magic city.It turned out that Yan Hua and Zhou Xuan were destined to be separated by Osman, a talented local tyrant.

It is said that talented people will become more talented after going through hardships. I don't know if this is true or not, but it has been verified by Yan Hua.

Watching her sweetheart have other arms, Yan Hua's enthusiasm for writing was awakened, and a large number of new songs that were lingering and sentimental were born.

Now it is not Zhou Xuan who is singing this song, but Yoko.The location is not a flashy magic city, but the shore of the desolate Aral Sea.

There is no lighting effect, no saxophone, Yoko dances lightly, and sings a song that has the flavor of Daxia's classical sadness.

In the Western Regions where there is no Jianqiu Garden and the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, it is very uncoordinated.

Randy has released a private portable teleportation array here, and only his own people know the coordinates.

In Xinkangfu, foreigners who entered the teleportation array in Xinjingye City, the name of the private teleportation array marked as "Randy" could not be seen at all in the list of the teleportation array's target network.

Randy released a teleportation array on the shore of the Aral Sea, with the purpose of teleporting two regiments of Alaska soldiers to guard Coco's dowry, the land of the New Sogdia Alliance.

Unexpectedly, after the soldiers left, an unexpected person, Yoko, appeared from the teleportation array.

The last time Randy and Yoko met in real life was half a year ago, on the eve of the Hongdu uprising and the creation of the Dragon Army.

At that time, Randy invited Yoko to perform for the officers of the Third Army who stayed behind in Hongdu.

After Randy joined the army for half a year, Yoko had returned to Fusang and continued to be her head of Qingqiu.

Yoko's appearance at this time broke the tacit understanding between Randy and the maids.

For a long time, as long as Ke Ke came to Daxia, the maids would take the initiative to back down and not appear in front of Randy and Ke Ke.

Now that Yoko arrives unexpectedly, Randy doesn't blame her.

Yoko is almost the most sensible of Randy's women in Eden, breaking the rules to see her at this time must have some unavoidable difficulties.

Yoko's clothes fluttered, and after she danced and sang for Randy, she threw herself into Randy's arms, her shoulders shrugged, and she cried like pear blossoms and rain.

"Master, the old Hu Nu Jia sent me a voice transmission. His chance came and he became a fairy. Now he has gone to the fairy world and doesn't plan to come back.

Woohoo, he didn't even meet me before he left, and just left me without a sound.

Our Qingqiu family has been blessed by the elder Jia for 5000 years.

Now that Old Master Jia is gone, we vixens have no one to rely on, only you, Randy, can protect us from the wind and rain, woo woo. "

Randy stroked Yoko's black hair, "Don't be sad, Old Master Jia has become a fairy, not dead.

Didn't he say that I have a bright future and I will definitely be able to take you to the fairy world?Then we will have a chance to meet each other.

Don't worry, with me here, Qingqiu and his family will not be bullied. "

Old Jia Touxian is gone, there is one demigod missing in this world, and Randy's title of "Ruan Fan Liu Shuang Demi God Summoner" is no longer worthy of the name.

Lao Jia took Xiaomei away and replaced him with Yoko, Randy always felt that he was at a disadvantage.But in order to save Randy, the old man lost a demigod clone.

Now Lao Jia went away as a fairy, Xiaomei came back as an adult, and Yoko stayed behind.

After all, Lao Jiatou didn't owe Randy at all, but Randy owed this fox slave a lot of favor.

Only when I go to the Immortal Realm in the future to pay it back, I don’t know how many years will be in the future.

Randy has increased the responsibility of protecting the Qingqiu clan. In fact, Yoko has made a much greater contribution to Randy, and Randy has not needed to do anything so far.

What Randy can offer the vixen is nothing more than a broad shoulder and a guarantee of safety.

Now Randy is no longer a junior brother who just graduated. He knows that Yoko doesn't need to reason with himself now, but he suddenly lost his biggest support and needs comfort.

Yoko leaned on Randy's broad shoulders for a while, then smiled through her tears, entered the teleportation array, and went back to Edo.

Randy revisits his pet space.

Randy lamented, "I haven't had a pet for a long time."

In the Stonehenge of the Elven Kingdom, when Randy and the two super fighters from the Dark Continent fought against the Lich King, Ah Hua fell.

Although Ah Hua was later rescued by Jiu Jianxian, she was no longer Randy's pet.

Xiaomei has always been Randy's pet, and Randy can always see her information by looking inside the pet space.

However, Xiaomei has been in space for several years, and Randy has been a "dragon knight without a dragon" for a long time.

Xiaomei came back this time, she became an adult, she seemed to be a lot more shy, and she hid in the pet space as soon as she came back.

The actual reason is that the lonely and cold space is dark.

Xiaomei walked the starry sky under the supervision of the stern senior, Lao Jiatou, and suffered too much in order to become an adult.

I miss Randy's warm pet space very much, and I miss Randy's pet career with food and lodging included. Once I came back, I got into the pet space and didn't want to come out.

Randy was relieved to see Yoko off.

Just now, the way I put my arms around Yoko's shoulders to comfort him, if Ke Ke saw it, the ending would be disastrous.

In fact, although Yoko fully showed Randy what it means to be an excellent vixen in the dream of fairy tales and later in the Garden of Eden, in reality, the two have always been very respectful to each other, and they have never held hands.

Fortunately, Yoko was also very strong and left soon.Ke Ke is still resting in the thirsty stone, and will not come here until he has made arrangements here.

The relationship between Randy and Yoko is like that of netizens, so be careful now.

Looking inside Xiaomei's information, Xiaomei is now an adult and has reached the peak of a super monster.

The holy dragon has the ability of the holy level in the stage of super monsters. This is not a joke, it is really powerful.

Name: Xiaomei

Age: 1403
Pet Type: Divine Dragon (adult)
Intimacy: trust
Attack Power:*
Skills: manned flight
Innate spells: rain, control the sea clan
Attack Spells: Breathing Fire, Tossing Rivers and Seas
Not only has the attack power been enhanced to the point where it cannot be displayed, but he has also learned the spells of the fire and water systems at the same time, which has surpassed the ability of the fifth master of the holy golden dragon.

At the beginning, Erjin persuaded Randy to accept the dragon and Wuye not to let Xiaomei, saying that Randy could fight all over the world with a holy golden dragon.

With Henry's encouragement, Randy is optimistic about Xiaomei's future development space.

Now that three years have passed, Randy's choice has come to fruition.Randy is riding Xiaomei, and he is basically invincible.

Xiaomei just flashed in front of Randy, and then hid in the pet space.

But just like this, Randy has already seen that Xiaomei looks more beautiful and majestic, and her body has become bigger and longer. I, the dragon knight, finally deserves my name again!


On the Khiva border, Colonel Zaitsev is sitting on the GAZ 61 jeep. This is the latest product developed by the Su Federation and has not yet been mass-produced.

The colonel held a binoculars and looked at the chaotic [-] militiamen opposite him with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Admiral Fulongzhi is too cautious, what is the Sogdian Alliance? Isn't it just a thing for two small national newspaper groups to keep warm and scare people?
Although I have only 500 people under my command, I regard these [-] mobs as worthless.

Come on, prepare artillery fire, let them see the strength of our regular army!
——Uh, wait a minute! "

Mr. Colonel opened his eyes wide, and the situation on the opposite side suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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