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Chapter 1017 Guizi 6 Private Visits

Chapter 1017 Guizi Six Private Visits
What Jia Liu said was the truth.

If he didn't praise Le Erjin, Lao Le's IQ would have been hammered to death in the latrine long ago.

He has to have that IQ, and he won't be sent to look like a grandson by his chief minister Wang Danwang just for 3000 taels.

Not to mention the unlucky reminder that Qianlong had his head chopped off because of this incident.

"Since you have already bribed the people around me, why don't you kill me directly, what are you doing all this time!"

It is impossible for Lao Le to let go of the anger in his heart, especially when he was hit by Guizi Liu with a stick just now, his ears were almost deafened.

What the hell!
Really think that we Manchurians are bloodless!

If you dare to hit me with a stick again, I'll show you my mother's death!
"Doesn't this lead the snake out of the hole?"

As a successful person, of course Jia Liu would not care about the losers. He not only ignored the golden stars that kept popping out of Lao Le's eyes, but also handed him a cigarette, "If you don't take the lead, I don't know who is supporting me and who is the leader." Against me?"


Lao Le didn't pick up the cigarette, looked at the embarrassing forehead standing not far away, and the guards who looked at him indifferently, knowing that his situation was over, no need to ask, Ge Biao who led the troops out of Tongguan Most of them, including Le Bao who stayed in Xi'an, also betrayed him. They were really imprisoned before they got out of the school. In desperation, they asked him sullenly what his new job was.

I'm not afraid that Guizi Liu will kill him, because according to reliable sources, Guizi Liu didn't even kill Qianlong, his son, and Prince An, so there is no reason to kill him.

To say that Guizi Liu is all bad, but there is one good thing, that is, the boy does not kill people in political struggles.

High or low is a Renzong.

So, look forward to his new job.

Although he, Leer, took the lead in opposing Guizi Liu, so far the two sides have only stayed at the stage of verbal battles, and have not fought with real swords and guns. Moreover, Guizi Liu still needs to send electricity to him to build momentum for him, so Leer would like to think that Guizi Liu is very It is possible that he will be appointed as an official in the capital. If he cooperates, it is not impossible for him to be appointed as an official.

In short, if the power is gone, there will still be glory.

Unexpectedly, Guizi Liu actually asked him to be the president of some music association.

Quyi is considered to be half of Manchuria's basic market. Now that there is a Poetry Association, it is a matter of course to set up a Quyi Association. It is very suitable for Lao Le to be the president of this association.

Jia Liu is still worried about letting others do it.

"What, you asked me to be the troupe leader?!"

Lao Le was angry, the folk art he understood was singing!
His heart was burnt to pieces. He used to be the governor and the president anyway. If Guizi Liu made him the president of Quyi, he might as well kill him!

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!"

Lao Le's eyes widened with anger, his true energy circulated, and he wanted to burst his clothes to pieces to show his determination, but his skill was not enough, and he only tore through the armpit of his robe.

"Then kill you?"

Jia Liu blamed him for not wanting to part with it. With Lao Le's level, if he really wanted to talk about cross talk, he might become a master, so it would be a pity to kill him like this.

But if the other party is really unwilling to enrich the entertainment life for the common people, he can only bear the pain and tear Ma Su down.


Lao Le was stunned for a moment, and asked sullenly: "How high is this president?"

This is about treatment.

Generally asking about treatment means that there is not much resistance to organizational arrangements.

Jia Liu was also open about it, saying that the president is the sixth rank, that is, the treatment at the division level.

Compared with the fourth devil, this treatment is much better.

After all, the vice president of the Poetry Association, the fourth devil, was from the sixth rank at the beginning, and now he is transferred to the Beggars' Gang as a temporary post, without even a rank.

From the governor of the second rank to the president of the king of no rank, and then to the chairman of the sixth rank, Lao Le's life trajectory has undoubtedly undergone a major change.

Kind of straight down.

Ordinary people will definitely not be able to stand it.

Lao Le sighed but complied, knowing that he had no choice.

He is not afraid of death, and he is also bloody, but the problem is that he is afraid of pain.

And I was worried that if I resisted to the end, I might implicate my relatives.

"Quyi industry is a new industry. It is an industry that everyone likes, and I like it too. Quyi is singing operas, Quyi is talking about storytelling, Quyi is singing drums, and Quyi is dancing. In short, Quyi has the dual nature of entertainment and art. Yes, you can enrich the cultural life of the people in the direction of entertainment, and you can become a master in terms of the nature of art. If you do a good job in folk art, you are not only a hero for the people, but also a great hero for me."

While talking, Jia Liu stuffed a playbook into Le Erjin's hands, and entrusted him expectantly: "The most important thing for your Quyi Troupe this year is this play. I have arranged all the personnel and funds. In the second half of the year, you My only job is to line up this play, and next year it will be performed as a celebration of the first anniversary of my ascension to the throne."

""Private Interview with the Restoration Emperor"?"

Lao Le was stunned, what kind of show is this?

"It's a new play, and it's mainly based on a few cases I handled when I was the governor of Zhili. Of course, there are some artistic processing, but it's basically based on real events. I wrote all the script lines and the soundtrack. Everything is made up by me, you just need to line up the tricks. By the way, find a good-looking character to play me, and you can also play the villain in it.”

If you want to impress your emperor deeply among the people, you must not only firmly grasp the handle of the knife and pen, but also be well versed in the art of publicity.

Jia Liu's "joking about Qianlong" in his previous life was the first of the Qing court dramas, so that in the next 30 to [-] years, braid dramas ran rampant and cleaned up the Qing Dynasty. The emperors are Kangxi and Qianlong.
Such phenomenal propaganda, of course Jia Liu had to use it.

There are no TV movies these days, theater troupes and storytellers are the most powerful propaganda tools, and the effect may be even better than TV movies.

Because there is no other entertainment.

"Private Interview with the Restoration Emperor" is his first whitewashing drama, and he will launch several private visits and kill corrupt officials later, so that the Emperor Restoration can quickly occupy the market of ignorant villagers and squeeze the market share of the opposition.

More importantly, this drama can make his image of the emperor more friendly and close to the people, and no longer the image of being superior before.

"Arrange well, and I will remember you as a great achievement after the arrangement."

Glancing at E Bao who was still kneeling there, Jia Liu shook his head slightly. The governor of Shanxi is very immature politically, and Mr. Futai can't do it anymore. He turned around and asked Lao Fu if he wanted it.

He also gave Se Leng'e and Qian Anzhi a few words of forgiveness, mainly to praise them for their good work, and then asked them to lead the team well and cooperate with the Shanxi authorities to properly handle the incident.

"The governor of Shanxi is temporarily held by Funihan, and I will leave for Xi'an tomorrow,"

Jia Liu was ready to go to Qixian County as he said that, but Leer didn't know if he was angry or unwilling. Seeing his happy face, he stretched out his legs and "plopped" in a daze, tripping the Sixth Emperor.


The admiral who was eager to show off froze in front of Lao Le, slapped Lao Le with a bang, and then controlled him.

Some personal guards came forward to help His Majesty the Emperor to get up, but His Majesty stood up by himself, looking at Lao Le who was both satisfied and frightened, Jia Liu shook his head helplessly, patted the dust on his face, and patted his buttocks, After looking at Lao Le for a long time, he said leisurely: "Unfortunately, you are not my uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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