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Chapter 1019 The Situation Is Much Better

Chapter 1019 The Situation Is Much Better
The president is already eating noodle dishes, what can Bi Yuan do?
Combining the current situation and persuasion by Mr. Lin and others, Bi Futai decisively adopted a policy of non-resistance, announcing that the whole province of Shaanxi warmly supported the Restoration Emperor, and welcomed His Majesty the Emperor to visit Xi'an to inspect the work.

During this process, a small group of anti-reformists were suppressed by Bi Yuan's order, and 29 officials from Ji Manchu and Han Dynasty were identified as republican traitors and arrested and imprisoned.

Two newly established newspapers in Xi'an City that advocated the republic were investigated and dealt with. Several scholars who had previously slandered the Sixth Emperor of the Restoration as domestic slaves of the three surnames were also expelled from the newspapers. From top to bottom, from the official to the private sector All with the same caliber, all sang to praise the six emperors who endured humiliation and endured hardships and sacrificed their courage. The whole public opinion was greatly suppressed, and at the same time, it was also the Qing Dynasty, a scene of prosperity.

In addition, Bi Yuan ordered all the city to hang the sun and moon flag, no matter the whole city or the outer city, and enshrined the tablets of Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and below Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang in the governor's yamen, and personally wrote a sacrificial text for Ming Chongzhen Emperor, which is called "Jiashen 130 Years Sacrifice", In this way, he expressed his high support for the Sixth Emperor Zhu of the Restoration.

He even led Manchu and Han officials and thousands of soldiers to hold a braid-cutting ceremony on the campus of Dongda University. At the ceremony, he expressed impassionedly to the soldiers and civilians in Xi'an: "In the past, the Aixinjueluo puppet family used a few knives to let us all stay The era of braids will never come back!"

At the same time, the whole country is electrified, warning those traitors who still want to resist the reform, if they don't abandon the dark and turn to the light early, they will be cast aside by the people of the world and become sinners of history!
In order to express his loyalty to the six emperors, he even submitted an article to the "Daqing Daily" titled "China can't live without emperors for a day", denouncing the so-called republic with fierce words. An imperial system is the future of China and the future of the world.

Bi Yuan's awakening not only allowed him to return to the embrace of reform officials, but also saved Xi'an, a thousand-year-old capital, from being destroyed by the flames of war.

On the seventh day of April, the Sixth Emperor Luanjia arrived in Xi'an.

Bi Yuan led hundreds of Chinese soldiers and gentry out of the city to kneel down to welcome the Six Emperors, and at the same time mobilized tens of thousands of people to warmly welcome the reformation army into the city.

The ceremony was very lively, with people walking on stilts, beating gongs and drums, playing suona, and juggling
The scene was very festive and completely met the needs of the Six Emperors.

"Have you served?"


"Do you dare in the future?"

"Don't dare."

A few words from the monarch and his ministers set the tone for the peaceful liberation of the Northwest.

Afterwards, Jia Liu was not without emotion and said to the staff around him: "Bi Yuan has flaws in his morals, and he has minor faults, but he also has minor merits."

This is to determine the nature of Bi Yuan's stay as the governor of Shaanxi, but there is no room for improvement.

There is a high probability that after the stability of the Northwest, Bi Futai will either go to Beijing to serve as a member of the Senate, or retire early.

The important ministers of the reform have nothing to do with him.

In fact, although Bi Yuan was corrupt, he still had talent, and he did a lot of practical things during the governance of Shaanxi.For example, the Yellow River, Luoshui River, and Weihe River often flooded, and Bi Yuan often opened warehouses to help, saving several lives.He also recruited people to reclaim wasteland and dredged canals to irrigate the fields. Although there were no major political achievements, they were not useless.

Proper training can still be of great help.

The problem is that Bi Yuan's personal life style is very problematic, especially the chaotic relationship between men and men, and what Jia Liu hates most in his life is his personal life style, so Bi Yuan's career can only end here.

If Bi Yuan still has political ambitions, he will have to distribute Siberian potatoes.

Governor of Gansu Wang Tingzan heard that Leer was going anyway in Shanxi, and Bi Yuan surrendered in Xi'an. After hesitating for a moment, he ordered Gansu to change its flag and pledge allegiance to the Restoration Emperor from now on.

This move is extremely wise, because the green battalion soldiers in Gansu are simply unable to fight against the army of the Restoration Dynasty.

So far, following the restoration of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu have successively announced their abandonment of independence and joined the big family of reformation.

Due to the fact that there were many Manchu soldiers stationed in various parts of the Northwest, Jia Liu ordered Baoning, the admiral of the First Army and a Manchurian origin, to serve as the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu. There is no exclusion, and there is no way to talk about the so-called anti-Manchurian revolution.

This personnel appointment greatly appeased the Northwest Eight Banners Army, and the Northwest Garrison Banner Army, which was mainly expanded by the Xi'an Mancheng Banner Army, also moved to the naturalization and Suiyuan areas under the leadership of Admiral Se Leng'e.

The army was officially reorganized into the No. 18 Army of the Reformation, which belonged to Yingyuan, the ancestor of the economic strategy outside the customs, and was used for the military campaign against Zhasak and the expulsion of the Russian Far East military forces.

Half a month ago, Zu Yingyuan was ordered to send envoys to the Russian Governor-General Irkutsk, etc. who were entrenched in Qiertu, to inform the former Qing Dynasty and Russia of the "Nerchinsk Treaty" and "Chakhtu Treaty" through official procedures. Both the Treaty of Brensky and the Treaty of Brensky were unequal treaties, so the Restoration Court refused to recognize them and demanded that Russia withdraw from the occupied Chinese land. Otherwise, the Restoration Government would take decisive measures to maintain the integrity of the country's territory and sovereignty.

The cabinet was puzzled and perplexed by the emperor's unilateral announcement of the abolition of the treaty to Russia, and believed that such an approach might cause China and Russia to go to war again. land, but the logistics are far from being able to afford a big battle.

The cabinet's suggestion to those outside the customs is the twelve-character strategy of "rest and recuperate, multiply the population, and then plan for the future".

Prime Minister Bo Qing'er believes that even if the treaty signed between the Qing Dynasty and Russia loses power and humiliates the country, the current reform government should maintain the status quo due to lack of strength, rather than go to war with the Russians outside the customs before the country is unified.

The Battle of Yaksa that year had shown that it was difficult for the court to fight a sustained war with the Russians when the population outside the pass was extremely scarce.

Therefore, the Russians really want to mobilize military forces to invade Heilongjiang and even Zaksa. With the existing roads and transportation conditions, it may be difficult for the reformation army to achieve great results.

In this regard, Jia Liu wrote back to the cabinet, saying: "My court is unable to fight, and the Russians are also unable to fight against our court."

And hand over the information about Russia obtained by the original sticky pole from the Guangzhou treaty port to the cabinet.

In fact, Jia Liu knows that the current Russian Empress is Catherine II. She is a very remarkable woman. During her reign, Russia focused on Poland, Sweden, and Ottoman Turkey. Therefore, the Russian army should be fighting with Turkey and Poland right now. Therefore, it is impossible for the main force of the Russian army to travel all the way from Europe to the Far East.

From a military point of view, Jia Liu’s troops outside the customs are far superior to Russia in terms of strength and equipment, but both sides face the same problem, that is, small-scale battles can be tolerated, and large-scale wars cannot be fought. .

That being the case, there is of course no need for Jia Liu to continue to show weakness to Russia just because he is afraid of a large-scale war.

The abolition of the three treaties signed with Russia is only a tough attitude released to the military and civilians throughout the country in terms of theory and law.

Since ancient times, a tough imperial court has always won the strong support of most of the soldiers and civilians in the country, and even a tough emperor will also win the natural support and closeness of the people.

This point, Jia Liumen is clear.

However, although his tough attitude towards the outside world is just a political illusion, he is still prepared for the worst.

In order to prevent the female tsar of Russia from sending a large army to the Far East, Jia Liu ordered Zu Yingyuan to speed up the control of Outer Mongolia.

In terms of military affairs, one army was left in Heilongjiang to contain the Russian bandit gangs based on hundreds, and the other army was stationed in Outer Mongolia. At the same time, the newly reorganized No.18 Army was stationed in Monan Mongolia, and advanced to Outer Mongolia after completing adaptation. , strengthen the garrison of the reform government in Mobei, and improve the court's effective governance of foreign Zhasak princes and ministers.

Once Moscow sends troops to the east, the two armies that entered the Outer Mongolia region will go north from Tangnusu Lianghai, cutting off any connection between Moscow and the Far East.

The Russian map seems huge, but its strategic level is actually similar to that of Vietnam in the south.

As long as it is cut off, Moscow will not be able to take into account the Far East with millions of square kilometers of land.

The Russian armed forces in the Far East cannot play any role in threatening China at all, because their population in the Far East is smaller than that of China.

A powerful Russia is by no means a friend of China, but will only be China's greatest enemy, because this nation is aggressive by nature, and history has proven this countless times.

Therefore, Jia Liu must cut off the black hands of the Russians extending to the east for the nation in advance, and turn them from a big country that collapsed Eurasia into a European country.

He can do this.

It is much easier than going on an expedition to the old cousins ​​in England and inciting the people in the old French districts to make revolution.

Even, a battle of [-] people can achieve this goal.

For this reason, he invested countless times more resources outside the customs and Outer Mongolia than the Qing court.

Most importantly, he has Jatling.

After the city entry ceremony, Jia Liu stayed in Xi'an for at least a month to settle Xining, Kulun, Yili and other places, so as to complete the real unification of the northwest region.

There is no doubt that the unification of the northwest is bound to lead to a peaceful settlement in the southeast and southwest.

If nothing else happened, his eldest cousin He Shuo, Prince Zheng, would soon announce his resignation and return to Beijing.

Jiangsu governor Hao Shuomizuo took measures to assassinate Prince Zheng, but Jia Liu disagreed, because he valued family affection, and the old cousin of the National People's Congress would help him wave the flag to support him, how could he kill the donkey.

So Hao Shuo is only asked to solve the old cousin instead of killing the old cousin.

The residence that Bi Yuan arranged for His Majesty the Emperor was Huaqing Pool where Kangxi once lived.

Backed by the mountain and facing the Wei, this place was built against the Lishan Mountain. It was called Hot Spring Palace in Han Dynasty and Huaqing Palace in Tang Dynasty.Although this place was destroyed during the Anshi Rebellion, it has been built in successive dynasties. The current Huaqing Palace was built during Kangxi's west tour, and now Bi Yuan borrowed flowers to present Buddha and became the western palace of the six reforming emperors.

Leerjin's telegram has been sent to all parts of the country, and Jialiu's orders have also been sent to Yili, Kulun, Xining and other places. It is nothing more than asking the ministers in these places to give up their illusions and give up their attempts to fight against the reform with arms.

In line with these intentions, an army of [-] marched from Xi'an to Gansu.

During the days of living in Huaqing Pool, apart from listening to the progress reports from relevant departments, Jia Liu gave feasible suggestions on the long-term stability of Northwest China and a series of personnel appointments, he also approved the "Reformation General Officer Rank Evaluation System" drafted by the Ministry of War.

Thus ending the disadvantages of chaotic military management, unclear military system, and complicated command system since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Fast forward to July.

Within two months, the north and south of the river have undergone earth-shaking changes.

In Jia Liu's words to the staff around him, the situation is very good, very good.

How good is it, the kind that is devastating.

(End of this chapter)

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