Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 1023 Stop it, everyone!

Chapter 1023 Stop it, everyone!

"One two one, one two one!"

In the early morning, the loud and clear sound of exercises broke the tranquility inside the Ningguta Senior Military and Political School, which covers an area of ​​1500 mu.

The school was built three years ago and is under the jurisdiction of the Zhili Internal Affairs Committee. It is the highest-level school in the reform government so far.

However, this school does not recruit students from outsiders, and its source of students is specific, that is, only officials of the fifth rank and above of the empire can become students of this school.

Below this level, you don't even want to enter even if you give gifts.

The school was established in Yangma Village in the northeast of Ningguta New Town, and was personally selected by the first principal and imperial minister Yang Zhi.

The overall style of the school is very tall, and it is a closed building complex with mainly three-story buildings.

This is like standing out from the crowd outside the customs where a lot of waste is waiting to be built, very conspicuous.

The original Manchurian palace complex in Shenyang City cannot be compared with this school.

After the school was completed, it began to accept students from all provinces across the country in accordance with the instructions of His Majesty the Emperor.

The first batch of trainees came from Henan.

It is the 68 Henan middle and senior officials headed by Henan governor Xu Yucheng, including all the first-level officials of Henan Province and [-]% of the first-level officials of the prefecture.

This led to the uprooting of the old Henan bureaucratic group headed by Xu Yu, thus laying a good social and legal foundation for the full implementation of the reform and the development of industry and commerce in Henan.

The root cause of the overthrow of Henan officialdom was the homicide case of Henan government servants.

After the case was heard by the joint investigation team of the imperial court, all six yamen servants who directly murdered were sentenced to death, and all 35 prefectural and county officials involved in concealment and cover-up were dismissed. Ning Guta.

Later, Wang Jie and Qian Feng took the officials involved in the case as a breakthrough point, and directly took down Henan Governor Xu Yucheng, wiped out all the "Xu Party" in Henan, and completely made Henan, a large province in the Central Plains, truly owned by the imperial court.

During this process, Xu Yucheng did not think of taking risks, but the civil officials were willing to respond, but the generals were collectively silent.

In the end, Xu Yucheng chose to let go of his hands and went to Xie Ning Guta Senior Military and Political School to train for three years.

Xu Yucheng's successor as the governor of Henan was Wang Jie, the imperial commissioner and Minister of Criminal Affairs.

This appointment is not so much the emperor's recognition of Wang Jie's ability to investigate cases as a reward, but rather a test of the emperor's ability to govern Wang Jie.

Jia Liu hoped that the number one scholar who always wanted to kill himself would have a good time doing practical work, truly governing people's livelihood and developing the economy, instead of catching and biting others like Qingliu in the past.

If Wang Jie can manage Henan in a smooth manner, the people are healthy, the economy is improved, and the society is clear, then Jia Liu does not mind letting Wang Jie go to a higher position to use his talents for the country and the people.

"Those who respect me may not be able to use it, and those who hate me may not be useable."

This is what Jia Liu wrote on the screen of Qianqing Palace to remind himself not to appoint officials based on personal likes and dislikes, let alone exclude any official based on past grievances.

Qian Feng was exceptionally promoted by Jia Liu to be the right deputy capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate because of his meritorious service in handling cases, and also served as the deputy minister of justice restructured from Dali Temple.

Soon, Qian Feng pointed the finger at Guotai, the governor of Shandong, and wrote a letter saying that Cathay embezzled millions of taels of vassal silver.

After receiving Qian Feng's memorial, Jia Liu was silent for a moment and sent a secret letter to Cathay Pacific.

There is only one sentence in the letter - "A Guo, I have been on the throne for so long, and you have already earned enough. It is time to stop."

Originally, I hoped that Cathay would accept it as soon as it was good. As long as he doesn't mess around in Shandong now, Jia Liuquan, who was greedy in the past, should treat it as a cake for Cathay and won't get it back.

However, Cathay Pacific relied on the fact that Shandong’s Sixth Army was built by itself, and it was the first investor who supported Guiziliu’s proclaiming emperor. Against the Six Emperors.

After receiving the secret report from the staff of the Internal Affairs Committee stationed in Shandong, although Jia Liu thought about Cathay Pacific’s support for him back then, but also thought about the suffering of thousands of people in Shandong, he resolutely ordered the Minister of Finance and the Gentleman and the Deputy Deputy of the Left to guard him. Shi Liuyong and Qian Feng went to Shandong to investigate Cathay Pacific.

"Damn it, he Gui Ziliu is serious with me!"

Cathay was furious at the governor's yamen after receiving the news, saying that without him, Cathay would not have had Devil Six today, and now that this kid is the emperor, he turns his face and refuses to recognize anyone. If I had known this, it would be better if the fourth devil was in power. .

This is completely confusing black and white, and the lard is blinded.

If it wasn't for Guizi Six, his Cathay Pacific would have been killed by Qianlong long ago!

Don't die from the law of the country, but also die from the thieves!
Yu Yijian was also very unconvinced, firstly he was at odds with Guiziliu, and secondly, his elder brother Yu Minzhong was murdered by Guiziliu.

When Hao Shuo, governor of Jiangsu, reported that Yu Minzhong was ill, Guiziliu asked the imperial doctor to bring medicines from the palace to visit. However, within a few days after the imperial doctor left, Yu Minzhong's condition worsened, and within two days he farted. .

After asking about it, I found out that Yu Minzhong's family had given him medicine from the palace.

Do you think this medicine has ghosts?
Under the new and old hatred, Yu Yijian bewitched Cathay to raise the flag against him, Devil Liu.

The reason is well thought out, that is, Guizi Liu wants to learn from Zhu Yuanzhang who killed the hero!

The facts are obvious, you Guiziliu didn't want to kill the hero, why did you take Xu Yucheng and then pointed the finger at Shandong.

Theoretically, it is feasible to use this matter to make a fuss and stir up a storm, because Guizi Liu's basic disk is actually only those few, and the other provinces are all the ones who have compromised with him on the surface and are at odds with each other.

As long as Cathay Pacific leads the Shandong army to raise their arms, I am afraid that the momentum of the nine-provincial coalition forces of Le Erjin, governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, can be reproduced a few years ago.

It made Cathay Pacific very tempted.

So Cathay Pacific called Hao Tu, the admiral of the Sixth Army stationed in Shandong and the former deputy commander of the Eight Banners stationed in Qingzhou, Yan Qing, the chief of staff, and others to discuss the matter secretly.

However, after the military generals arrived, without waiting for Cathay to speak, Hao Tu, the admiral of the Sixth Army, shook his head and said, "Master Futai told us to do anything, but there is one thing we can't do."

What can't be done?

It is determined not to be an enemy of the Six Emperors.


Cathay was stunned. Without the support of the army, he quickly adjusted his thinking and quickly borrowed a lot of silver from merchants to make up enough inventory to cover up the serious shortage of silver in the library.

Be fooled if you can, deal with it first.

Unexpectedly, all this has not been hidden from Qian Feng's eyes. Qian Feng unsealed and inspected Ku Yin, and found that Ku Yin was mostly variegated silver from merchants, which did not match the fine and bright money silver.

As a result, Cathay Pacific's crime of corrupting the law and causing a shortage of treasury was completely exposed.

For the sake of Cathay's kindness and contribution to him in the past, Jia Liunian specially ordered to follow Xu Yu's example and study for three years. Half of the family property will be confiscated, and the remaining half will return to his family.

Shandong officials who committed crimes also followed this example, and Heshen, Liu Yong, and Qian Feng were ordered not to kill anyone in Shandong.

This decree brought Jia Liu's reputation as Emperor Ren to a new level, and it also made officials in other provinces who watched the matter collectively breathe a sigh of relief. Everyone thought that if they could keep half of their family property, they would go to study outside the customs for a few years. Not unacceptable.

With the continuous development of industry and commerce, the continuous improvement of military construction, and the awareness of reform ideas in various places, Jia Liu's prestige as emperor can be said to have reached another peak in his life.

It is conservatively estimated that his status in the hearts of his subjects is no less than that of Qianlong at the age of 30 in the former Qing Dynasty.

A series of campaigns against official corruption and judicial darkness, such as the Two Cleanups and the Eight Anti-Eight Campaigns, were carried out vigorously, and the entire country was truly refreshed.

With the continuous development of the situation and the passage of time, as of now, the total number of students in the Ningguta Senior Military and Political Academy has reached 600.

These trainees include [-]% of the three cabinet officials, [-]% of the provincial officials, [-]% of the provincial officials, and [-]% of the state and county officials.

In other words, over the past few years, more than half of the elites of the Restoration Court have come to Ninggu Pagoda.

Only the emperor himself did not come.

(End of this chapter)

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