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Chapter 129 I'm Dead, What Do You Do?

Chapter 129 I'm Dead, What Do You Do?
At dawn, Jia Liu woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Huagouxiong staring at him, and there were a few bamboo shoots with mud on the ground.

Look at Shuanzhu again, good guy, sleeping soundly with a rotten piece of wood between his legs.

The skin of the rotten wood was almost bald.

"My lord, you are awake!"

Yang Yuchun rubbed his eyes. The half-grown child didn't sleep much all night, not because he was cold, but because he was worried that the enemy would touch it, so he was on duty all the time holding the iron rod.

It's really hard for this kid.

"Woke up!"

Jia Liu angrily kicked his servant Yang Zhi's ass, and the latter jumped up in shock: "My own, don't shoot!"


Speechless Jia Liu really didn't know how his father thought that with Shuan Zhu around, his son would not be able to die.

Scratching Hua Gouxiong's chin, he told Shuan Zhu to quickly cut the bamboo shoots and share them with everyone.He also called the captain of the Sauron army, Madeli, and asked him to take people to dig some bamboo shoots nearby.

Right now, the team of hundreds of people has nothing to eat, just some bamboo shoots.

A meal is a meal.

After going to see the situation of Lao Chang and the wounded, Jia Liu picked out one of the most tender bamboo shoots and sent it to Mr. Bo himself.

What happened last night was really shocking, causing Mr. Bo to wake up in a significantly worse state than before.

When Jia Liu came over, President Li, who had just woken up, was comforting Mr. Bo, saying that no one would think about unexpected things, but what should we do if it happened?Drinking water can choke people to death, and going to the latrine can drown people, and the king of Hades ordered people to die in the third watch, can they delay until the fifth watch?

Therefore, this is fate, Master Bo, please don't take it too seriously.

Mr. Bo leaned against an old pine tree that was probably hundreds of years old, staring blankly at the withered grass under his feet, without saying a word.

Seeing Jia Liu approaching, President Li suddenly became energetic, mainly because he saw the bamboo shoots in Jia Liu's hands.

The past two days have happened to be very angry, and it is most suitable to eat something light.

"My lord, have something to eat,"

Jia Liu relayed his persuasion.

What he can say is nothing more than that Mr. Bo, the deputy of Manchuria, is the backbone of the big guy. A large group of people are waiting for Mr. Bo to lead them out. If Mr. Bo falls, what will happen to so many people.

There was no mention of the fact that 35 officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners, including a third-class bodyguard in front of the imperial court, died collectively last night because Mr. Bo was too brave.

"Yes, yes, adults can't fall, once you fall, you will lose your heart."

President Li snatched the bamboo shoots from Jia Liu's hand and began to peel them. After peeling, he broke off the most tender part and handed the salt to Mr. Bo, while he ate the rest.

It may be that Jia Liu's youthful vitality awakened Mr. Bo's withered heart, and he actually spoke.

"I'm not hungry, you can eat."

Mr. Bo pushed back the bamboo shoot that President Li handed over to him.

"My lord, people are iron, rice is steel, if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry"

Jia Liu couldn't let Bo Qing'er sink and degenerate, and he pointed at the other party to rush forward to cover himself.

It was another burst of earnest persuasion, but it had no effect.

I got a little impatient in my heart, and when I was wondering if I would give the old boy a blow in the head to let him see the situation clearly, that guy Zu Yingyuan came over with a bunch of braids.

Some of the braids are still bloody.

Jia Liu was taken aback, and asked Zu Yingyuan whose braids belonged to them.

Zu replied, it was the soldier who was killed by mistake last night.He also explained that he was going to take out the braids of these fallen soldiers and give them to their families, so that people would have a thought at home.

After finishing speaking, he pretended nothing happened and gave Jia Liu a blank look.

Jia Liu's eyelids twitched, Zu Yingyuan is too hurtful.

"My lord, this one belongs to the royal guard Kongo lord,"

Zu Yingyuan deliberately picked out a braid and showed it to Vice President Bo.

Master Bo reacted. After looking at the dozens of braids in a daze, he suddenly got up and stood up, and then slammed into a big tree not far away under the shocked eyes of the three.

No way!
Jia Liu was stunned, and instinctively wanted to pull, but he was still a step too late.

He saw Mr. Bo's chubby figure flashing past his eyes like an arrow flying from the string.

President Li didn't expect Mr. Bo to be such a staunch person, and the bamboo shoots that hadn't been chewed in his mouth fell to the ground in shock.

Zu Yingyuan stretched out his hand to grab it, but it felt lonely.

What can Jia Liu, who has no time to stop, wait for the body to be collected.

However, after two or three breaths, the "plop" sound of hitting the tree was not heard.

In front of the big tree, Master Bo stopped abruptly, his body still bent forward, his head was about two palms away from the tree, and his right foot slid out a mud print about four or five feet long on the ground.


Master Bo, who punched the tree, suddenly turned around and rushed to Zu Yingyuan, snatching his saber from the other side's stunned gaze.

It turned out that Mr. Bo was worried that he would not kill himself and make these people laugh, so he wanted to end his sinful life in a more drastic way.


Mr. Bo, who was pulling the knife vigorously, leaned back due to inertia, like a beautiful arc.

With a "plop", it landed heavily.

When he landed, his right hand was holding a handle without a blade.

Jia Liu was dumbfounded, and President Li was dumbfounded.

Zu Yingyuan looked at the scabbard hanging on his waist, and twitched his cheeks several times: "My knife broke when it rolled down the slope yesterday."

"My lord, you can't do this!"

President Li rushed forward with a stride, and helped up Mr. Bo, who was hurting from the fall.

"Why, why don't you have a knife in your sheath!"

"I'm sorry for the soldiers, I might as well die!"

"Let me die!"

"I am ashamed of the emperor, I am ashamed of the Qing Dynasty!"


Bo Qing'er was emotional, struggling desperately to break free from President Li's shackles.

He really doesn't want to live anymore.

He felt that he was simply a joke of the Eight Banners, a disgrace to the court!

After three months in Jinchuan, he didn't kill a bandit, but killed 35 soldiers of the Eight Banners. How could he have the face to meet the emperor!

"What are you still doing in a daze, come and hug your lord!"

"Ah? Ah!"

Zu Yingyuan hurried forward to help President Li "control" Mr. Bo.

"let me die, let me die"

Mr. Bo burst into tears, his eyes were red, his breathing was short of breath, and he looked like he had no love in his life.

Jia Liu was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He didn't expect there to be such a strong man in the Manchu Banners, so he had to reflect on whether he had underestimated the heroes of the Banners.

If everyone in the Eight Banners was as staunch as Bo Qing'e, it would be really difficult for him to improve.

Forget it, since he was determined to seek death, Jia Liu had nothing to say, and all dirty thoughts were completely dispelled.

He is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he respects heroes who respect death as home.

Gritting his teeth, he pulled out the saber that he had never seen blood with a "boom", walked to Bo Qing'er who was struggling desperately with heavy steps, and handed the saber up respectfully.

"Sir, please!"

President Li was stunned, and Zu Yingyuan was stunned. There was only one thought in their minds: This vice president is gone?

Jia Liu shook his head slightly, and told the two with clear eyes: think of other ways.

Chairman Li let go, and Zu Yingyuan also let go.

Master Bo was stunned, but turned his head away somehow.

is north.

It is also my hometown.

After seven or eight breaths, Master Bo turned his head back again, but sighed lightly, and said: "You are right, I am dead, what do you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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