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Chapter 158 The Wife's Family 2 The Prince

Chapter 158

Jia Liu was his uncle, so Yongfu couldn't help denying it.

In terms of royal blood, Jia Liu's wife is the authentic Qing royal family.


Because the three Azig brothers are the true heirs of Emperor Taizu!
Huang Taiji colluded with Daishan, Mang Gurtai, and Amin to steal the great power, causing the emperor Taizu to die. This is a dirty and despicable act that has been recorded in history.

In the future, the country of the Qing Dynasty was also brought down by the three brothers of Jia Liu’s wife’s ancestors, and it’s nothing to do with you, Huang Taiji.

Even the throne of Shunzhi, if you really look at it carefully, was also given up by Dorgon, Jia Liu's uncle and father-in-law.

No matter why he gave up, hey, he just gave up, you can't do it if you don't admit it.

Could it be that the title of Emperor Chengzong of the Qing Dynasty was fake?
You are the descendants of the emperor, and we are also the descendants of the emperor, who is afraid of whom?

To get to the bottom of the matter, the Xinjun Prince's Mansion is really a remarkable existence, and it can even advance Jia Liu's wife Ruxiu's succession to the throne by [-] yuan, directly ranking in the top [-].

Of course, Jia Liu didn't bother to break up with Yongfu, a younger generation, after all, it was all over, but the truth in front of him had to be broken with this kid.

Late for work, that's true, right?

It is true that I am your uncle, right?
Uncle got married, Qi Liangdong and the others knew how to make a contribution, but your kid didn't show it at all, is it true?

Do you know that your uncle's memory is not very good, so those who give gifts may not remember, but those who don't give gifts must remember clearly.

Still watching?

What's the matter, you, Lord Belle, want the royal seal of Batulu, the uncle who admires the beauty of the eyes, to please you?
Jia Liu has never spoiled anyone. How many live Batulus are there in the Qianlong Dynasty?How many people wear double-eyed feathers?

Is there anyone who is Ba Tulu and admires the eyes and feathers?

Sorry, he's the only one so far.

Therefore, Yongfu, the county prince's mansion derived from Prince Yi's mansion, is really not enough to look at in front of Jia Liu.

The atmosphere suddenly became delicate.

A group of second- and third-class guards did not dare to show their anger, and none of them jumped out to help Lord Baylor.

This is Aixinjueluo's family affair, and it's not their turn to talk.

What's more, in terms of grace, it is obvious that Mr. Jia Tulu is superior.

What about Yongfu?
It's true, it's not fake at all.

Why didn't he give Jia Liu some money that day? Wasn't it because this uncle was from the Han army and he didn't like it from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, there is also a bit of envy and jealousy. After all, the honor of conferring on Batulu and bestowing double-eyed feathers is envious of the ministers of military affairs, let alone the innocent Lord Baylor.

Young people, simple-minded, understandable.

After reacting, he chose to remain silent intelligently.

Apart from the fact that Uncle Jia Tulu's title is too bright, it is mainly due to the pressure from the Prince Xinjun's Mansion.

According to the elders in the family, the emperor seems to intend to restore the titles of Prince Rui and Prince Yu of Guochu. If the emperor really does this, the Xinjun Prince's Mansion will have two hat kings.

How many hat kings did the Qing Dynasty have in total?

One thing more is worse than one thing less, Yongfu chooses to shut up, but he is a little stubborn, but he can't call his uncle no matter what.

"Go to my house to play when you have time later, your aunt misses you."

Jia Liu is an adult, he can't get angry with the child, he throws his hands behind his back and leaves.

Leaving behind his nephew Yongfu who curled his lips, but had nothing to say to turn eighteen corners.

When I arrived at the Meridian Gate, I saw Yang Yuchun lying on the carriage and taking a nap.

After waiting for a while, Qi Liangdong waited for a group of guards to arrive. Jia Liu waved his hand and said that today is all his fault. The team marched mightily to Hengtai Building, the most famous restaurant in the outer city, and directly occupied the third floor.

No one was sent to the Jianrui camp to bring Mali and Liu De over, because these people's official positions were too low to drink with the imperial guards.

Don't think that these people are just guarding the Qianqing Gate, if you let them out, they will scare you to death.

Wen Fu formed an officer corps in Jinchuan based on the sixth-rank forward school, and the imperial guards were equivalent to a general school team formed on the basis of division and brigade cadres.

Madli and Liu De are at most battalion and company level, how can they compare?
Yang Yuchun was able to accompany the banquet, not for any reason, but because he is Lord Jia Tulu's confidant.

Jia Liu doesn't like to drink, but today he made an exception and drank two bowls with a group of junior guards.

She doesn't put on airs at all, she doesn't refuse anyone who comes with dirty jokes, drinking punches, etc., and tells two wonderful things from time to time, making the atmosphere like a party.

After finishing the work, pay the bill, ask the restaurant to call a few carriages directly, and drag everyone to the next entertainment place to continue.

What you want is to have fun, and it's nothing to spend some money.

Perhaps in the future, this group of people will be needed to help Jia Tulu open the gate of the Qing Dynasty and share wealth.

Therefore, the necessary investment cannot be saved at all.

The bustard came over to ask what the price was, Jia Liu said nothing, and directly threw two 500 taels silver notes to the bustard, on one condition, the brothers must be served properly.

The bustard was so happy that she smiled like a spring flower, and almost danced a song for Jia Liu to thank you.


Like a pack of wolves, a group of gorgeous girls dragged a group of drunken guards into their respective workplaces. They were all very enthusiastic, which made Jia Liu feel like he hadn't seen him for a long time.

A spring heart is also very rippling.

But he decided to leave.

Because, he is a married man and he has to obey his husband.

Yang Yuchun helped Mr. Jia, who had drunk too much wine, into the carriage. When the carriage disappeared into the alley, a woman by the window on the second floor sighed faintly.

"Sister Yu, this kid is not authentic. How many times did you let him play for nothing in the past? What's the matter, now that he's become an adult, he doesn't even come to see you? I really think I'm some kind of bastard son-in-law."

The sisters next to her were very angry, and it was really not worth it for Yu'er.

"Forget it, in my eyes he is still the innocent young man back then."

Da Yuer sighed softly and closed the window.

When Jia Liu returned home, his head was very dizzy, and he couldn't walk steadily. His daughter-in-law Ruxiu hurriedly asked her maid to bring ginger soup, and she helped induce vomiting and washed her face. bed.

The next day when Jia Liu woke up, his head still hurt a little, except that he remembered that he had invited the servants to be cool last night, he didn't remember much else, and he forgot how he got home.

I moved a small stool and sat next to Goudan to caress each other, but Goudan put his nose up and kept sniffing, looking very excited.

There is no need to go to work today, Jia Liu wondered if he should take Ruxiu and Goudan out of town, so he told his daughter-in-law about this idea.

However, Ruxiu said that she wanted to go back to the palace to be with her sister-in-law. Jia Liu believed that the palace was well-regulated and felt uncomfortable when she went back the last two times.

Seeing that her husband didn't go, Ruxiu didn't drag him by force, she asked Guanshi Song to prepare a carriage and go back to her mother's house.

Jia Liu didn't know what he was doing, so he went to see Shuanzhu, but this guy was lying on his stomach in the room and convicting him word for word.

Well, don't bother, and ask Yang Yuchun to accompany him to the Jianrui Camp.

Just as he was about to go out, someone came from the palace, saying that the emperor and the queen mother would return to Beijing from Chengde tomorrow, and asked Jia Liutong Ru Gege to enter the palace tomorrow morning to greet the queen mother.

Jia Liu was taken aback, didn't Qianlong come back next month, why did he suddenly come earlier?

Did Jinchuan start a fight?

(End of this chapter)

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