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Chapter 827 Your Majesty, Let's Make It Together

Chapter 827 Your Majesty, Let's Make It Together
Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

Under the West Lake Tower, a press conference is about to be held.

The sponsor is the Governor's Yamen of Zhejiang, and the co-organizers are the Yamen of the Governor of Zhejiang Province and the Yamen of the Prefect of Hangzhou.

The main content of the press conference was to inform Hangzhou officials and gentry about a bizarre tomb robbery case that happened in Haining, Jiaxing recently.

Tomb robbery is an ordinary case, so why is it so bizarre?
There are two reasons.

First, the owner of the tomb was the late Chen Gelao, a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion and Minister of Rites.

Second, after on-site excavation and inventory by the government officials and the Chen family, it was found that the tomb robbers only stole the remains of Chen Ge in the coffin, and the rest of the funeral gold, silver and jade were not taken away.

Since ancient times, tomb robbers have only taken pictures of the treasures in the tomb. Why do they only steal corpses instead of gold and silver today?
Coupled with the identity of the owner of the tomb, this tomb robbery case immediately became the No. [-] major case of the Zhejiang Procuratorate and was reported to the governor's office.

After receiving the report of the case, Zhejiang Governor Wang Danwang attached great importance to it, and personally approved a document and ordered the relevant units to thoroughly investigate the case.

Why did Wang Futai attach importance to it?
The reason is that there have been rumors among the people that Mr. Chen Ge and the current emperor are actually father and son, and this rumor also led to a major change in the capital two years ago, which in turn triggered a series of repetitions in the political situation of the subsequent court.

Although the emperor went to Tailing to clarify the rumors with a blood test, there are still many ignorant and ignorant people who believe in the rumors.

As the initiator of the Mutual Aid Association, Wang Futai also went to the capital to attend the meeting of princes, princes and ministers. The information he learned through various channels shows that the emperor's visit to the mausoleum was by no means as simple as what was later stated in the imperial court newspaper.

Therefore, if the theft of Chen Ge's old tomb is used by someone with a heart, it will definitely cause irreversible consequences to the court and the emperor, and may even trigger a new round of chaos and cause huge losses to the country.

In view of this, Wang Futai immediately suppressed the case and did not report it immediately.

However, the case has spread throughout Zhejiang province. Even though the province suppressed the case and refused to report it to the capital, the people have already sparked a nationwide discussion about the emperor's life experience.

Public opinion even spread to surrounding provinces, and many officials in Zhejiang official circles privately believed that the theft of Chen Ge's old tomb was not accidental, but inevitable.

Where must it be?
I know what I know, and I can't express it in words.

Faced with such a situation, what Wang Futai, the new official, can do is to solve the case quickly under pressure, so as to minimize the impact of the case.

After the incident, in addition to Haining's local area quickly intervening, Jiaxing also sent a capable working group to Haining, and the procuratorial envoy Si Yamen in the provincial capital Hangzhou also sent people to Haining overnight to investigate.

It is said that Cheng De, the general of the Eight Banners stationed in Hangzhou, also secretly sent people to Haining.

It can be seen from this that Haining's tomb robbery case really touched the heartstrings of everyone in Zhejiang's official circles.

However, after several months of investigation, there was no progress.

This made the case the number one unsolved case in Zhejiang this year.

In addition to the ongoing discussions among the people, the official level has deliberately downplayed the case and gradually withdrawn from the officials' sight.

However, just a few days ago, an official document from the governor's yamen surprised officials such as Zhejiang chief minister Qing Ge and inspector Bai Weixin.

It turned out that the governor, who had been trying to suppress the case before, suddenly changed his attitude, saying that since the theft of Chen Ge's old tomb has attracted a lot of attention in Zhejiang, it is necessary for the government to hold a press conference to inform the gentry and the people in detail .

In this way, people's wild guesses can be minimized and a powerful counterattack can be made against related rumors.

As the highest military and political officer in a province, the governor can do whatever he wants.

So, according to the governor's request, the inspector Bai Weixin began to prepare for the so-called press conference.

This matter has once again set off a big discussion on the theft of Chen Ge's old tomb. The officials, gentry and common people in Hangzhou can be said to be waiting for the press conference with their heads up.

In anticipation, the press conference was held as scheduled, at the edge of the Fengta in West Lake.

This place is equivalent to the landmark of Hangzhou.

Due to the large number of officials, gentry and common people who came, the Yamen of the prefect of Hangzhou had to dispatch battalions to maintain order.

But those who can really enter the press conference are the famous officials and gentry in Hangzhou, and most of the common people are outside to watch the fun.

There is still a while before the press conference.

The governor who was drinking tea in the front tower looked at the Hangzhou officials and gentry who were already sitting outside, and couldn't help nodding slightly, and said to the accompanying chief envoy Qingge: "Inform the officials and the people of the imperial government's major policies, local policies, Regarding the circumstances of the case, it is actually an innovation of our Zhejiang, and it is also a reform of the old customs by our Zhejiang officials and gentry. It can be said that this time our Zhejiang is at the forefront of the whole country."

What the Chief Minister can say, he can only continue to echo and praise the wisdom of the Master Futai.

Master Futai said a few more points about the precautions for the press conference. At this time, a staff member came to ask for instructions, saying that the officials and gentry are almost here, and everything is ready ahead, whether the press conference can be held.

"open it."

Lord Futai got up together with Lord Chief Executive and went outside the tower. Not far away, Lord Bai Weixin of the Procuratorate was reviewing the manuscript with the staff.

Because he, the head of the procuratorate, will be in charge of reporting the case later.

The arrival of the governor and the chief executive made the officials and gentry at the venue stand up at the same time.

Mr. Futai greeted the officials and gentry tirelessly, and he could even tell who this was and who that was, which made the officials and gentry feel very cordial.

Little did they know that Mr. Futai knew exactly how much money they had.

The press conference officially started. Lord Futai and Lord Chief Executive took their seats on the stage, and Lord Bai came to the stage feeling a little uncomfortable, and read the manuscript prepared by the staff in front of everyone.

Since Mr. Bai is from Guangxi, his accent is very awkward, which makes the officials and gentry below very interesting.

Soon, Lord Bai's briefing on the case was over, but the officials and gentry below all frowned, and many people were whispering, because according to the official briefing from Lord Inspectorate, there was nothing they cared about.

That is, who stole Chen Gel's body and where it was stolen, and what connection does this case have with the capital thousands of miles away.

However, if the government doesn't say these questions, who would dare to ask them?
At this time, I saw a 30-year-old Juren boldly stand up, and asked Mr. Bai who was sorting out the report: "My lord, when was the tomb of the late Grand Scholar Chen Gelao stolen?"

"Huh? This question. Huh."

Master Bai was stunned, and subconsciously turned over the manuscript in his hand, as if he was looking at something, but he didn't reply for a long time.

The Lord Governor next to him couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw this, he took a pen and wrote a line of small characters and ordered the staff to pass it to Lord Bai.

It read: "Just tell the truth."

Seeing the approval note from the Governor, Lord Bai coughed lightly and answered the Juren: "According to the on-site inspection, as well as the confessions of the Chen family and local villagers, it is preliminarily determined that the theft of Chen Ge's old tomb occurred during the period from the end of the 39th year of Qianlong to the beginning of the 40th year of Qianlong's reign." time."

After hearing this, the officials and gentry in the audience were in an uproar. It turned out that the tomb was stolen two years ago.

The Juren was very strange and said: "Since Chen Ge's old tomb has been stolen for more than two years, why hasn't anyone discovered it for so long?"

"This matter is not something I can answer."

Master Bai's answer is not in an official tone, but in fact the responsibility for this matter lies with the Chen family.

If the people don't raise it, the officials don't investigate.

Your Chen family didn't find out until a year after the tomb was stolen, and then reported it to the government. The responsibility can never be attributed to the government.

The Juren also seemed to understand this joint, so he asked instead what was lost in the tomb besides the theft of Grand Master Chen's remains?
"As far as I know, there shouldn't be any."

Master Bai answered in the affirmative.

After hearing this, the Juren couldn't help being puzzled: "That is to say, the tomb robbers only stole the body of Master Chen?"

Lord Bai hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "You can say that."

Unexpectedly, the Juren asked immediately: "My lord, there are rumors among the people that the current emperor is the son of Mr. Chen Ge. The emperor went to visit the Tailing tomb of the former emperor to clarify the rumors. If the student remembers correctly, the time when the emperor visited Tailing is exactly Not long after Chen Ge’s old tomb was stolen, in this way, can it be said that there is a relationship between the two?.”

As soon as these words came out, the entire venue exploded, and everyone changed their colors.

Master Bai was also shocked, and asked the Juren, "Which unit are you from!"

Without waiting for someone to reply, he told the staff: "This person disturbed the venue, his words and deeds were presumptuous, expel him immediately!"


Several staff members of the Procuratorate hurried forward and forcibly dragged the Juren out.

Juren was still dissatisfied, and struggled to shout: "Since the Yamen holds a public press conference, the people of course have the right to know and the right to ask questions. I am a judge, you can't treat me like this."

Just like that, in front of hundreds of officials and gentry, that child was forcibly dragged away, everyone present was stunned, and then everyone's heart was filled with huge waves.

Is the emperor really the son of old Chen Ge? !

Some even thought that the current emperor might be the one who stole Chen Ge's remains, because the emperor would never let the world know that he was not the son of the former emperor.

Then it is speculated that there may be other people in the underground palace of the Tailing Mausoleum
Seeing that the officials and gentry were full of doubts, the chief envoy Qing Ge was afraid that someone would ask that treacherous question again, so he quickly got up and said, "Everyone, this is the end of today's press conference. If you have any questions, you can follow the procedure to ask the chief envoy. , According to the posts submitted by the Procuratorate, the staff will reply to you within seven days."

The press conference ended hastily.

However, there was a trace of strangeness in the eyes of the Governor. After the crowd had disappeared, the Governor saw the Juren who dared to ask questions in front of the tower again.

"grown ups!"

Song An hurriedly wanted to salute Futai, but was stopped by Master Futai. He looked him up and down carefully, showed a satisfied expression, nodded and said: "Dongyang county magistrate has suffered a stroke, and the post of county magistrate is now vacant. I recommend you."

"Thank you sir!"

Song An was overjoyed, and was quietly taken out by the staff with a thousand thanks to Master Futai.

Another person flashed over from the cubicle, and it was Master Futai's confidant, Deputy General Wan Hui of Zhejiang Lvying.

After glancing at Deputy General Wan, Wang Futai's eyes flashed a gloomy look: "You immediately send people to closely monitor Mancheng, and I will know every move of Chengde as soon as possible."


Wan Hui clasped his fists and came out in response.

Inside the pagoda, Master Futai overlooks the extremely calm West Lake under the spring breeze.

The capital, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Yuan Shoutong, the minister of military aircraft with a sad face, bit the bullet and said to the livid emperor: "I have led people to search inside and outside the House of Internal Affairs several times, but they have not found the whole map. There is really no way for someone to draw a map based on their impressions." , Your Majesty, please use it together."

(End of this chapter)

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