Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 829 Good six, stop making trouble, okay?

Chapter 829 Good six, stop making trouble, okay?
What does down field mean?
What does dwelling mean?
What made the ministers even more puzzled than the joint telegram from the governors of the four provinces calling for the emperor to step down was the words "go down to the wild" and "dwell".

Because, unheard of.

Qianlong also didn't understand the meaning of the four bastards.

He Shen guessed that the so-called "going down the field" meant letting the emperor abdicate and leave the capital.

As for "dwelling", it is really a bit unclear, but it probably means confinement.

An emperor who was forced to abdicate by his courtiers, just left the capital to be imprisoned somewhere, seems to be a very dignified end.

The joint power-up of the governors of the four provinces made the time in the hall stagnate again, and the emperor, important ministers, and servants all solidified at the same time.

Suddenly, Yuan Shoutong, Minister of the Han Army, quietly poked Liang Guozhi, who was dazed beside him, and said in a low voice, "Old Liang, why do I feel that our investment may have been in vain."

Liang Guozhi didn't expect that Yuan Shoutong was thinking about investing in the Baolong Project even after he was in this position. He was so angry that he really wanted to slap this colleague. After a long time, he said in a muffled voice: "Investment is risky, and you must be cautious when entering the market. Did they tell you three times before you bought it?"

"It seems that I have said three times that this will be troublesome. I don't know if there will be a refund. It's not like you don't know. I haven't earned much after being an official for so many years. I really want to lose it all. What will I eat and drink when I retire? What."

Master Yuan's heart was cut like a knife, but at the same time, he was also in a state of confusion.

The four provinces of Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, and Shaanxi are the core provinces around Gyeonggi. Now they have all announced that they will follow Zhili to rebel against the emperor.
I couldn't help but regret that I shouldn't have listened to the old man Suo's bewitchment back then, had fallen under his spell, and followed him like Xu Youzhen to carry out restoration.

In the end, the restoration was successful, but there was another problem with the damn emperor's household registration book!

If this is true, as Zhili has declared, the emperor is not the son of the late emperor at all, and the "first emperor" who tested his relatives with blood at the beginning was actually the old Chen Ge who was dug up by stealing, so how can the emperor have any legitimacy and righteousness in the eyes of the people of the world? Word!

The righteous legal system is lost, and the armed forces defending the capital are far from others, how can this be played?
It's better to respond to the electrification and go to the wild as soon as possible, so as not to be strangled to death!

Thinking of this, Yuan Zhongtang's eyes flashed a fierce light, and he stared at Qianlong not far away, who was watching the governors of the four provinces electrify.

Back then, he and Liang Guozhi and Suo Lin made Fu Zhongtang bored, but today he might not be able to make Qianlong as well.

To make atonement like this, and then get together some money to hand over the crime, Prince Rui should give him a face no matter what.

Fu Zhongtang in prison didn't want to.

He knew that Fu Zhongtang and Prince Rui did not deal with each other, and it was Fu Zhongtang who exposed Prince Rui's crimes back then!
Although Prince An had doubts about Prince Rui's life experience, he was still a cousin and nephew, so they could still shake hands and make peace.

Therefore, according to the development of this situation, the future sun of the Qing Dynasty must be the young and promising Prince Rui.

Betrayal is addictive, if you do it once, you want to do it a second time.

Yuan Zhongtang was ready to move.

But soon calmed down again.

Because there are many people in the hall, including the servants who wait in the corner, and several imperial guards who were loyal to Qianlong.

It wasn't the cabinet office where only the four of them were there.

Liang Guozhi stared blankly at Yuan Shoutong who suddenly took a step forward and then took two steps back suddenly, wondering what kind of nerve the old boy was.

At this time, I saw Zhu Luna, the minister of the guards led by Xiangbai Banner not far away, suddenly "thumped" and knelt down like a concubine and howled like a concubine: "Your Majesty, the four thieves Cathay, E Bao, Xu Yucheng, and Bi Yuan have wronged the country, the people, and the people." Your Majesty, you have also missed my Qing Dynasty's Jiangshan Sheji, my Qing Dynasty."

Before he finished howling, Qianlong kicked him far away and cursed: "Crying for your mother, I haven't gone to Meishan yet! I'm not dead yet, and my Qing Dynasty is not dead yet!"

"Emperor calm down!"

All the ministers knelt down in fear, all of them were too shocked to raise their heads.

Zhu Luna, who was kicked far away, hurriedly got up from the ground, but lost his center of gravity when he stood unsteadily, hit his head on the pillar with an "ow", and passed out on the spot.

Qianlong became more and more angry, and threw the joint telegraph of the governors of the four provinces in front of Suo Lin, the chief minister of military aircraft: "The military aircraft department immediately drafted a document to remove the four thieves from the post of governor, and let the local loyal people capture the four thieves and release them from Beijing for questioning." !"

"The minister leads the order!"

Suo Lin agreed, but knew that this was just a superficial article, and it would not constitute any real harm to the four thieves at all.

The four thieves dared to openly respond to Zhili's rebellious party by telegraphing, which shows that the four thieves had colluded with Yang thief, and even were Jia thief Shikai's henchmen, otherwise they would not have dared to do such a bold thing.

I just hate that Quini refused to confess and made the court miss the opportunity, otherwise how could the four thieves make a sudden attack on the court and make everyone panic!

Qianlong called Heshen here.

He Shen hurriedly stepped forward and responded: "The servant is here!"

"Come with me."

The dark-faced Qianlong brought Heshen to the Nuan Pavilion. Heshen was about to take off the emperor's shoes when Qianlong suddenly sighed and said, "Heshen, can you talk to him."

He Shen was stunned for a moment, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Your Majesty, you have also seen Fu Zhongtang's attitude."

Qianlong interrupted him before he finished speaking, shook his head and said, "It's not Fu Lehun."

"That is?"

He Shen was stunned.

Qianlong's face was full of hardship, and finally he said the person he hated the most.

It's Devil Six who is far away in Hubei!

The shock on He Shen's face was not hidden at all, because he never expected that the emperor would want to negotiate with Guizi Liu.

"Don't look at me with such eyes. I have no choice. If Cathay Pacific and the others didn't turn against me, I would never talk to him. But now, I have to talk to him."

Qianlong frowned deeply, the situation was not a small disadvantage to him, but a big one.

Cathay and others not only said that Qianlong was a Han Chinese and should not be the lord of the Qing Dynasty, but also said that he would form a rebellion army with the Zhili side of the first uprising.

If Qianlong hadn't abdicated and resigned to Tianjin as an apartment, the so-called rebellious army would have to punish him, a thief of the country, on behalf of the Han army and people under the banner of the world.

In the words of the rich thief Lehun, the street lamp was hung.

Seeing the emperor so haggard, with such a heavy expression, He Shen couldn't help feeling sore, and the corners of his eyes were red.

"You are kind to him, you go to Hubei to have a good talk with him on my behalf, and say that everything was my fault before, tell him to stop making trouble, and let him be the regent."

After a pause, Qianlong gritted his teeth and said, "If it doesn't work, I will give Twelve the Zen seat, and I will go down to the field and not care about world affairs."

This condition is really sincere.

He Shen thought that if he tried to persuade him, the virtuous brother of Dongge would not necessarily put the emperor to death, so he nodded in agreement, and asked worriedly: "Where is the fourth elder brother?"

Qianlong smiled wryly: "Everyone has been telegraphed against me in several provinces. If Yongxuan can come back alive, I will have nothing else to ask for."

(End of this chapter)

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