Sir, you have to pay more

Chapter 833 That's all, I'm the emperor

Chapter 833 That's all, I'm the emperor
The old cousin couldn't remember the sixteen words, and Jia Liu suddenly felt that the old cousin was a little bit extravagant, and he was a failure.

To put it simply, it is an uneducated old man.

Shame on Aixinjueluo!

With this level of education, God knows how he became a general!

This is no longer a problem of corrupt officials, but a big problem with the imperial court's employment of people.

Who is to blame?

Of course it was Chen Jialuo, the fourth devil.

Shaking his head secretly, he turned and asked Director A who was accompanying him: "What does my cousin mean by that just now?"

Director A is A Siha, the former minister of the Ministry of Officials. Since he was expelled and wanted by the puppet court of the fourth devil, he is now temporarily awarded the post of director of the Xingyuan Office by Jia Liu, and also serves as the governor of Prince Rui's residence.

Chief of Staff is a temporary position with no official rank.

According to the Qing system, Prince Rui's mansion chief Shi was classified as the third rank, so strictly speaking, Director A was downgraded from the second rank to the third rank.

However, Director A was not only not dissatisfied with his demotion, but was very happy, even ecstatic.

The reason is that although the post of Chang Shi is of a low rank, he is the No.1 in Prince Rui's residence, that is, the chief manager of Prince Rui's residence.

Belonging to the prince's private minister.

Since ancient times, the private ministers of Qiandi are naturally more trusted and reused than foreign ministers.

So if the lord is promoted one step further, his long history must be the minister of military aircraft!
And there is a [-]% chance to serve as the head military minister.

Furthermore, according to his recent research, all those who are called directors in Xingyuan have real power, and they are also people who are highly valued by the prince.

Such as Deputy Director Ji, Deputy Director Ding, Deputy Director Bao, Deputy Director Li, etc.

And he, the director, doesn't have an adverb!

Do you think there is a future?
With this status, Queenie can't compare with him even if he doesn't die.


However, Director A was caught off guard by the prince's sudden questioning, and then his expression became serious. He turned to the deputy director Ji Yun who was accompanying him and said, "Old Ji, the prince is asking you something, what are you doing in a daze."


Deputy Director Ji rolled his eyes, he was full of indescribable anger at Asiha, a Manchurian tartar who stole over him and became the head of the prince's office.

Because, he always thought that he was the best candidate for the director.

Who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would cut off his beard on the way, he was really furious.

However, the prince has been appointed, can he still fight against the prince?

I can only comfort myself who made Asha betray early.

Deliberately not answering, so as to embarrass Asha, and let the prince know that this guy is not only an incompetent waste, but also a big idiot!

But the look in Wang Ye's eyes eagerly looking for answers made him stop his other thoughts, and based on the principle of putting the overall situation first, he quietly explained to Wang Ye the meaning of his elder cousin's words.

"That is to say, your lord is now in great prestige, and you can be blessed by the gods at a glance. You are the proud son chosen by the heavens, so should you wear a yellow robe and aspire to the Central Plains?"

After the explanation, Deputy Director Ji's eyes became very charming, very fiery.

Without it, the words of the prince's old cousin have reached his heart!

Yes, the situation has progressed to this point, it's time for the prince to change his equipment!

He had waited half a year for this day!

For this day to come, how many shameful things he, Ji Xiaolan, has done behind the back of the court!
Sometimes when he thinks back carefully, he doesn't know how he got into the prince's boat step by step.

Everything is fate.

Now, he has published an article jointly with the governor of Zhili and the scum like Asiha, so there is no way out.

We can only move forward bravely, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, gods block and kill gods!

Jia Liuda was surprised by Lao Ji's explanation, and instinctively stood up and subconsciously put his hand towards the old cousin: "Cousin, how can you think like this? Brother, how can I dare to wear a yellow robe! If there is such a disunity in the future, the cousin Brother, don't mention it again, don't mention it again, don't mention it again!"

The three "tens of millions" fully express Jia Liu's inner fear and rejection of this matter.

"My lord, if you want to say something like this, I will be the first one to say no!"

Mr. Hao, the governor of Jiangxi who wrote the sixteen words to General Jiang Ning himself, jumped out impatiently, with a displeased expression on his face: "It's better for the prince to be the emperor than that traitor Chen Jialuo to be my emperor of the Qing Dynasty!"

"Yes, old cousin, listen to advice in everything"

Songchun's elder cousin also helped Hao Futai to speak, carelessly saying that all the heroes from all over the world will gather in Xiangyang soon, and there must be no big brother who takes the lead.

With the leading brother, everyone will have a leader and hope, so that they can think in one place and work hard in one place.

Otherwise, you have an idea, I have a way, you want to face east and I want to face west, how can you go north to crusade against the thief Chen Jialuo, and give the Qing Dynasty a bright future!
"The next official came this time, in addition to unconditionally supporting the prince in the crusade against the thieves, I also hope that the prince can shoulder a heavier burden for the Qing Dynasty."

Anhui Chief Envoy Lu Xiuqing and General Jia Zhongyi, who came with General Jiang Ning, also represented Anhui Governor Min Eyuan, and tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Anhui stepped forward to persuade them, hoping that Prince Rui could suffer more for the sake of the world. crime.

Depending on the situation, the Liangjiang delegation had already unified their thinking and voice before they came.

Looking at the sincere Liangjiang persuaded to join the group, Jia Liuyi hesitated for a while, and glanced at Hao Futai behind the old cousin with a complicated expression and slightly admiring eyes.

Lao Hao is a bit greedy, but he can't help being clever and politically sensitive, so he can still use it.

Adding a yellow robe is a dream!
He's still wearing yellow underwear right now.

A man who doesn't want to wear a yellow robe is a man!
However, he refused to agree to it.

"No, no, my king has little knowledge and poor morals."

In short, leading everyone to get to the bottom of the matter and crusade against the thief Chen Jialuo, there is absolutely no problem for him to love Xinjue Luo Shikai.

But if he takes this opportunity to add a yellow robe, conscience and morality will not allow him to do so.

In the future, if you really want to support a new monarch, you should choose someone of noble birth and noble character from the clan.

Deputy Director Ji immediately spoke decisively: "I think that in terms of family background, I am afraid that no king can compare to Prince Rui. I wonder if everyone is right?"


There was a sound of echoing in the house.

"The character of the prince is comparable to that of a saint. I heard that the prince ate and lived with the sergeant in Sichuan. In order to send a disabled veteran the warmth of the court, he carried half a pig and ran across half of Chongqing City. Everyone, that is Chongqing, a famous mountain city!"

Jia Liu wondered how Lao Ji knew about this, probably because the staff around him revealed his good deeds again.

"When the lord was framed and escorted to Beijing, the soldiers rushed to snatch the lord's clothes as souvenirs because they hated the lord. As a result, the lord's underwear was torn off by the soldiers."

Jia Liu's old face twitched involuntarily.

"To put down the religious chaos in Shandong, the prince took the lead and led the officers and soldiers to rush towards the canal bravely. In order to go ashore in time to fight with the bandits, the prince was the first to jump into the river before the boat stopped."

Jia Liu's old face didn't twitch, but turned red.

Fortunately, he recovered blood quickly.

His face turned pale again in an instant.

"When the palace was in chaos, the lord did not sleep for days and nights for the sake of the safety of the Qing Dynasty. Even when he slept, he would sleep with a knife in his arms."

Jia Liu was already numb.

"The prince took office as the governor of Zhili, rectified the administration of officials, vindicated unjust cases, encouraged farming, built roads and water conservancy, and created a sanitary city."

Speaking of this, Deputy Director Ji excitedly asked the Liangjiang officials present: "Do you know what the people of Zhili call the prince?"

The prince and his old cousin looked curious: "What's your name?"

"It's called Qingtian, Jia Qingtian!"

Deputy Director Ji turned around abruptly and knelt in front of Jia Liu with a "plop": "My lord, for Qing's sake, and for the sake of hundreds of millions of people, please take up the heavy burden for the future of Daqing!"

Director A looked bad, this should be his limelight!
Before he had time to complain about Ji Da's cigarette bag, he knelt down with a "plop" and said, "My lord is highly respected and comes from a noble family, so he should be the emperor!"

When the Liangjiang delegation saw it, they immediately knelt on the ground, expressing emotionally that if Prince Rui refused to shoulder the burden, they would.

"My cousin is the emperor, brother, I will support you!"

Songchun's cultural level is low, but the most important thing is to speak honestly and not have much water.

"You, you, alas,"

Jia Liu was angry and anxious, what do you call this.

He still refused to let go, chattering over and over, this won't work, that won't work, Deputy Director Ren Ji got a little impatient, and quietly tugged at the corner of his clothes: "Long live, it's almost done."


Old Jia Liu blushed and sighed, "You guys won't give up until I'm exhausted!"

(End of this chapter)

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